![]() WELCOME! to the AhhhMuse website and our magical Products & Services . You can go to a specific page from the Menu button on the top right, or click on a Picture below to go to that Page (they are in alphabetical order), then call or email us to order. *You can also use the Search button above. We look forward to serving you... Reminder: you cannot purchase anything on this website. We want to interact with you to better serve you and to be clear. Please call or email us! We love hearing from you! Call or email Marilyn to set up an appointment to shop at our AahhhMaze store in Silver City over Zoom!!! or come in person!!! and also NOW: at Merah Mudah across the street where there will also be an OrganicChocolate shop in the near future!! Please read this: We have noticed over time that some of our replies to you by email get put in your spam folder or somewhere where you don't realize we have responded. We are very good at getting back to you right away. If you don't hear from us, check your spam. Also please include your cell phone number with every communication as it is very easy for Marilyn then to text you to check on things and see if you have received her communication. Thanks!! It's our priority to be of quick and efficient service to you.
The AhhhMuse TUCSON Gem Show temple will be ready for you~ We have a love;y new rpom right next door to where you found us last year! More space, etc. We are so thrilled! Make sure to come early to see us! Motel 6, as usual. 1010 S. Freeway I-10 & 22nd St. Time to lovingly commune with Spirit, the Crystals and each other. We are evolving and we are here for that wonder with all our hearts. Join us! Blessings, joy, abundance, peace, Marilyn & Tohmas Twintreess PS If you can’t come to the Show in person (sigh), email us: [email protected] Virtual realities are here~ love................. Tell us what you dream of and we'll co-create sweet magic together, with the Deities. Best way to reach us: [email protected] 575-534-0410 Since just before life changed so dramatically planet-wide, our guides had us investing more and more in Stones and tools for Spirit, and we did. Of course we did. We have plenty to share. WAIT TILL YOU SEE THE HUGE NEW BALINESE GUARDIAN STATUES! No spoilers. You have to come and touch them to believe the truth of the splendor. Questions? Comments? [email protected] ever at the ready and so pleased to hear from you, to know from you, to work/play/love with you~ We are honored to know you, Marilyn & Tohmas and gang PS You are so welcome to join us on Instagram: AhhhMuseStonesAlive Will send teasers. Promise~ WE LOVE US!!! Marilyn & Tohmas and lots and lots of Crystals!!! NEW!!! You can now subscribe to our daily Listening with our Spirit family and the Elementals, linked to the Manifestation Deck and Guidebook. Call or email and we will send you out the details.
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