Marilyn & Tohmas Twintreess
You can find out more about us on the AhhhhMuse About Us page. Please go there to familiarize yourself with who we are and what our intents are. This non-profit, Elementals of Life, was co-created with our Spirit Family to further activate and model and evolutionary way of being utilizing our genius brains and super hero selves. Join in as you wish. There is no separation in our lives between who we are, what we do, and how we manifest. The joy of constant communication with the Elementals as co-creators is such a huge beingness in our lives. It is a blessing to be able to hold space out front under the guise of this non-profit and use it to participate in the ongoing common denominator world by shifting process. Our outreach up to this point has mainly been the Festival(s) of the Little People adn the Peace Across the Planet project. More to come, for sure. Stay tuned...
We are, in our lives and practices, a full-out joyful response to conscious evolution. Enough humans have been embodying conscious evolution now which made the following Elemental equation possible: as of August 2008, one human choosing unconditional love with their open heart in the moment is more powerful than 200,000 humans choosing fear and violence(this is updated to our current space and time to over 400,000 humans). And this conscious evolution is increasing dramatically (as is fear also) and continually invites us to be aware with our choices and clear in our responses to manifestation. The divine flow of love that is happening exponentially now is ever stronger than any amount of fear chosen by those insisting upon holding onto what obviously no longer works for the vitality of all. We offer our full being to the daily practice of this divine flow of unconditional love and invite you to join us however it is most respectful for you. So here we are..
AND... Welcome to Lisa, your EoL and PxP contact person!!! She is lovingly available here, now, to quickly and efficiently respond to any and all of your questions and requests. Get to know her!
You can find out more about us on the AhhhhMuse About Us page. Please go there to familiarize yourself with who we are and what our intents are. This non-profit, Elementals of Life, was co-created with our Spirit Family to further activate and model and evolutionary way of being utilizing our genius brains and super hero selves. Join in as you wish. There is no separation in our lives between who we are, what we do, and how we manifest. The joy of constant communication with the Elementals as co-creators is such a huge beingness in our lives. It is a blessing to be able to hold space out front under the guise of this non-profit and use it to participate in the ongoing common denominator world by shifting process. Our outreach up to this point has mainly been the Festival(s) of the Little People adn the Peace Across the Planet project. More to come, for sure. Stay tuned...
We are, in our lives and practices, a full-out joyful response to conscious evolution. Enough humans have been embodying conscious evolution now which made the following Elemental equation possible: as of August 2008, one human choosing unconditional love with their open heart in the moment is more powerful than 200,000 humans choosing fear and violence(this is updated to our current space and time to over 400,000 humans). And this conscious evolution is increasing dramatically (as is fear also) and continually invites us to be aware with our choices and clear in our responses to manifestation. The divine flow of love that is happening exponentially now is ever stronger than any amount of fear chosen by those insisting upon holding onto what obviously no longer works for the vitality of all. We offer our full being to the daily practice of this divine flow of unconditional love and invite you to join us however it is most respectful for you. So here we are..
AND... Welcome to Lisa, your EoL and PxP contact person!!! She is lovingly available here, now, to quickly and efficiently respond to any and all of your questions and requests. Get to know her!