Listening to and acting upon the wisdom of our Spirits opens up many worlds to us. For instance, by listening to the Elementals (the Spirits of the Elements on the Earth that compose everything here: fire; earth; air; water and ethers) we know where the ley lines of the Earth lie. That allows us to build structures upon her that, from the core, breathe and live in harmony with the land and its creatures. It allows us to know the energy configurations, geometries, patterns, cycles of nature and to practice it continually in our lives.
Those of you who know us well will be laughing and nodding at the following statement: We are two Cancerian beings who could squirrel away in the backwoods, forever, quite contentedly. Actually, we were doing just that when the Earth Spirits began to speak with us. Their open hearts showed us clear paths that even imagination had not foreseen. On being presented with this, we expanded into the love and respect that connects us all and we completely dedicated our life force to practicing that love and respect every moment. At that point, we were asked by the Nature Beings who so willingly had given us their stories to share them, “If you share our words with others, they may recognize themselves as the co-creators and the miracles that they are. If just one person feels affirmed, all the Earth will change and more life force will be given to every being.” Of course, we said, “Yes.”
So, here we are, sometimes in the woods and sometimes in the city, according to what is asked of us. Just as we have been taught by every Earth Spirit, we offer ourselves, in love and respect. The gifts that have been showered upon us, we share with you, as you wish. On other pages of this web site, you already have witnessed the tools that Spirit has brought into our lives. Use them for yourselves; they will take you upon your own unimaginable journeys. If you want to go deeper, then call us. We will share our experiences and our hearts. Because we understand that it is the nature of abundance and life force, itself, we offer ourselves through various services that can tune into you and your own learning’s, choices and ways of life. Together we can find ways to listen to the adventures that are all around you right now. Sometimes through the process of survival, each of us, alone, can grow numb to the adventures and the wonder that we truly are. That’s why we find each other -- sometimes it seems easier to see our true reflections in another’s eyes.
As you browse through our Services listed below (the program insists upon listing them alphabetically unfortunately), we encourage you to look at Body Scans first in the Personal Listening section, as it can be the most efficient and understandable place to start.
Personal Listenings:
By listening to our Spirits, we are guided in everything we do. This frees us up to choose our path with clarity, respect and love, and along the way, we feel completely supported and affirmed. In fact, our Spirits celebrate every part of us more than we ever imagined was possible.
If you would like to connect more deeply with your Spirits and your Guides, we can listen on your behalf. The one parameter we must observe in this process is respect. If you truly want to ask assistance of your Spirits, in respect, then we support that. Together we will open our hearts and hear the messages your Spirits offer to you now.
Your Participation:
What we ask of you is similar to what we ask of you in the Work/Playshops, yet deeper and more personal. For a few days before your listening, focus on who you are and why you want to speak with your Spirits. Create your rituals to honor the sacredness of this connection. Just by asking for this service, you have grown into a level of consciousness that invites the miraculous into your life. Indigenous cultures practice very specific ceremonies, like vision quests and sweat lodges, before they ask for their Spirits’ guidance. Consider this and hold a similar intent for yourself.
During the personal listening, open up your heart. The mind, alone, does not easily understand anything beyond our five senses’ measuring. Allow yourself the luxury of exploring unlimited possibilities to find your truth and the assistance you need to live that. You will want to listen with your heart.
Our Participation:
We have performed this service many times over many years. Yet each personal listening is unique. We come to yours, open-hearted and new. That way we can reflect to you exactly what you need to hear right now. Perhaps the greatest service any of us can provide to anyone else is a clear, simple mirror and love- this we offer you.
Whatever you receive from your listening is your responsibility. The more present you are during it, the more likely you will carry information directly into your life that can invite your most dreamed-of transformation. Working with your Spirits, empowers you. It shows you the path to co-creating your life, freely.
The Logistics:
We can arrange anything. Gather together any questions that you may have and/or be prepared to take notes, if necessary. Some possible types of listening that we can do together: listening to the Animals in your life; listening to your own body; listening to your parallel selves, etc. These listenings can be done: in person, over the phone, on e-mail or by transcription. Call us; we can create something that exactly suits your needs. Thank you.
These Personal Listenings can also include any of the information that you see available in the Workshop section. They can also include Elemental Birth Imprints, Aura Drawings, and Body Scans for awareness, health and exponential vitality AND MORE...
Body Scans:
We talk about being Listeners of our Spirits and this not only brings us words to share with others, but visions as well, “Whatever form we need to find our truth will come to us.” With your kind permission, we can open our sight to scan your body’s energetic field and unconditionally gauge your physical, mental, emotional and psychic health and state of being. Sometimes people feel afraid about this information, yet it always comes in empowering ways. Our Spirits show us our strengths and challenges and therefore, where we can increase joy and release negativity to be incredibly, wondrously alive! The Body Scan generously notes your most timely issues/lessons—the ones you are energetically ready to embrace for healing and expanding your precious lifeforce as you choose. To honor that, we will suggest (and utilize on-the-spot if possible) immediate tools and practices to support balancing yourself: Stones & Crystals; your Elemental Birth Imprint; Aligning with the Elementals; Manifestation Movies; Sound tools such as Quartz Singing Bowls, Metal Singing Bowls and tuning forks; our own intentionally made Stonessences/Vibrational Jewelry/Wands/Manifestation Deck; food/fueling practices; Energy Movers; aura drawings; customized affirmations/rituals/movements— in short, we offer whatever your own body field requests for exact support right now.
As Listeners, this is what we always focus on, regardless of what we “think” about it, or understand, or even know. You and your infinitely wise body are in charge of your vitality and well being through the ready freedom and fluidity of a Body Scan that speaks its own language and then reflects this to every part of your being— including your conscious mind— for potential, overall, spontaneous transformation and integration. In this growing, expanding consciousness being offered all of us as we enter the Aquarian Age, we have more conscious choices available as the truly evolving humans we are. The Body Scans honor and encourage this completely.
During the Scan (which can be long distance or in person) you will receive a form that lists different categories of health and well-being. We will check the areas that are asking for your kind attention (then you will have a reminder of the practical areas your Scan covered) and we can offer tools and services to work with any imbalances.
Here’s an example of how a Body Scan might manifest. Let’s say your Scan highlighted your liver as asking for your support. With your permission, we would listen to it and pass on things that it might request for greater happiness and vitality: beets; affirming “I detach from all negativity” every morning/noon/evening for two weeks; doing your Elemental Birth Imprint to see where your core lessons are (and how your liver is unconditionally playing them out); a tuning from a Nepalese 7 Metal Singing Bowl to ground your boundless energy; and an Elemental movement (posture) that would encourage more joy in every breath, etc.
These tools and practices/rituals can integrate a freer, more radiant relationship with your liver and your whole being, not just for today, but for as long as you wish. If you keep up with the tools and practices, life will change within you and around you and you can attract more lifeforce to do what you truly wish. To support that, Body Scans can be a one-time eye opener or ongoing, integrating sessions where we will follow up on what happened in the last Scan and keep refining it according to the new person you are right now…..and now…..and now. It is glorious!
To be clear, we are not doctors or psychologists or scientists, we are Listeners. Our hearts open to every respectful thing; we ask your body to tell us its story— to tell us what it wants you to know (and likely, to do) consciously now, to have an ongoing conversation of love and ever growing vitality always. We offer that because our Spirits have taught us to do that over many, many years (We always practice on OURSELVES first and foremost) to empower ourselves in our own healing. In our world, each of us is ultimately responsible on a very core-Spirit level for our own lives, joy, healing, and evolution, as we wish.
Our own bodies and our Spiritfamilies continually offer us Body Scans & Updates so that we can choose our greatest, most glorious awareness always. And as we practice the offered options, our lives become full-on adventures that cannot be predicted in any old, linear-only, cause & effect terms. The Scans honor us as whole beings who with our Spirits can do any respectful thing we choose. That’s why we do not diagnose or prescribe in any way. Instead we unconditionally support you looking at yourself and your life in the most affirming, positive, and adoring terms possible. Wouldn’t you love basking in that?
Body Scans are multidimensional and ultimately practical. You will always leave our time together with various tools and ways of life and that will support you manifesting the most miraculous life you can create immediately……and keep growing over time. It is a gift that we love to offer and we thank you for that opportunity, deeply~
In a Personal Session, a Body Scan can include any of the other services we offer such as Elemental Birth Imprints or Aura Drawings, etc. The Body Scan is simply one way to open the conversation, not the only one, and does not have to be THE one. It is simply a way for us to Listen to how your own body prioritizes what it wants to say. If, for instance, instead, you felt most drawn to doing an Elemental Birth Imprint in your Personal Session you could choose that first and also potentially have a less focused Body Scan included in that session (because the prioritized focus would be on the Elemental Birth Imprint which would then be the banks that the river would flow through.).
You are in charge. That is where the empowerment is and should be. Once you let us know your preferences, then we can adjust our Listening to serve you at the highest vibratory and energetic level respectfully.
Spirit Coaching:
Everything that we create in AhhhMuse we have learned to do (and continue to learn every day) from our Spirits. We did not get college degrees in this; instead we were gently guided to gather the stories of Stones, Lakes, Animals, Stars, and all Beings of respect over a long period of time. Those loving stories tell us about ourselves and about how to live abundantly and freely.
Unconditionally listening to life and acting upon that kind wisdom requires our constant, unwavering commitment and focus. In fact the more we travel this road, the more we learn, the more we are, and therefore, the more commitment our Spirits ask of us. It is actually the natural flow of life, love and abundance. Sometimes the challenges in this feel daunting. As we embrace more love, that love compassionately allows us to embrace more fears, even the ones that we buried so deeply that we didn’t know they existed anymore.
Aligning and living with our Spirits offers us a full-spectrum adventure. With complete compassion it catalyzes all of our blocks and limits and illusions (How can you be more until you go through and really be the roadblocks?). Just when you feel life couldn’t get any harder, it gets harder AND easier. As a gift from your commitment, you find more than enough grace and compassion (and unexpected laughs!) to do and be anything. After all, that is our truest destiny as divine human beings upon the Earth.
In these bodies, we actually wear the path of ever increasing miracles. Want to join us? Want to join yourself in this adventure? Each of us travels our own utterly unique path with our Spirits, but in those constant unknowns, wouldn’t it be nice to have someone to talk to who knows what you’re talking about . . . someone who has had the same experiences . . . someone who can’t go on your journey (no one can really) but will cry and laugh and celebrate every moment with
you . . . someone who will affirm you absolutely, unconditionally?
We’re here.
We offer that because “someone” offers that to us every single moment (and more) in our daily lives. Our own Spirits grant us that no matter what we have done; they unwaveringly support us as the divine beings of love that we naturally are. What has been taught to us and offered to us, we offer to you. Not because we have your answers (We’re working on our own, thanks), it’s just that we have experiences that you may choose to embody and model for yourself, that may encourage you in all your learning. And if we can do it, then we know you can. Just recently, we have decided that we are ready to more deeply share our stories, our adventures, and all that we have learned on a more personal level by accepting Spirit’s invitation to share these things through Spirit Coaching.
By aligning with our Spirits we know very immediate, clear, efficient ways to manifest the life of our dreams. And that’s what we’re living right now, every day. And guess what? It keeps growing. Our abundance and dreams keep growing and we keep receiving more. It is just plain unimaginable. It is our divinity manifest as physical experience. If you know that you want to live the destiny of your dreams, then call us. We are here for Spiritcoaching. Tell us what you want to create and we’ll listen to our Spirits and find the path that aligns with that right now. Not tomorrow, not someday, not when you catch up with everything else! To create your true life, you must create it now, for that’s the only place it exists. And we will support you with every way we know and don’t know. We will listen to our Spirits and together co-create an affirming, grounded, respectful program to directly manifest your dreams now and/or to deal with practices or issues in your life that you are choosing to change.
In Spirit Coaching, once you submit a Statement of Intent, you will receive a specific, detailed support program from us and Spirit and the Elementals that you then get to agree to or refine, that we will then implement and go over on a regular prescribed basis. This is a very individual process that is designed at your soul's level (and choice) to respectfully ground and integrate your Statement of Intent through specific Manifestation. It is always the chosen space you are moving into, respecting where you have been and bringing it all into perspective in the present moment.
The Cost for Spirit Coaching varies according to the plan chosen by you and your Spirit. Obviously, the more we are checking in with you and interacting with you, the higher the Cost as it involves more of our time. As always, we are open to a sliding scale, trade and miraculous options!
This is not to say that we are ruled by the planets. However as humans who exist as part of the Earth and its seasons, we do tend to be affected by the patterns of life around us. For instance, in the spring, we find ourselves more revitalized; during a full moon, our emotions flow more freely, etc. At the core we respond to the sun, moon and the stars, just as all the lifeforms upon the Earth do. Astrology observes the patterns of those responses and translates them into human personality traits. By consciously and objectively viewing these tendencies, we present ourselves the opportunities to not be ruled by anything except our clear, free choices.
I (Marilyn) taught myself the language of Astrology years ago. As a friend of mine who watched me study it said, “You’re not learning this, you’re just remembering it.” It’s true. Astrology flows in me naturally. I can’t quite explain that, but put a natal chart in my hand and it just makes sense. I continually find myself saying things about it that I don’t even know until they come out of my mouth. And once I hear them, I know they are true. I can even explain them if you want.
Actually when I first started studying Astrology, I didn’t expect it to be very accurate. I freely offered to do hundreds of charts, just for the practice of it -some of the people I knew, some of them I didn’t. Nothing like that mattered. I gave them my interpretation of their charts and astrology was more accurate than I could have ever imagined. The volunteers were equally stunned. To understand how and why astrology worked, led me on a metaphysical journey that directly showed me that all of life is interwoven on a core (subconscious to humans) level where everything makes perfect sense. I discovered that anything can be used to interpret these patterns of life. If you want, you can find out about yourself by observing the flow of the tides or the swirl of colors that falling leaves form. Those same, sometimes predictable, patterns of life flow through all of us. To see what it means to us humans, simply requires committed observation. Astrology just observes those patterns through the planets’ travels.
The way that I learned Astrology was to start off with my own chart. After all, having already lived a few years, I knew what had happened to me. So I studied the events and the astrological patterns at those times and I not only learned about Astrology at the core, I found out about me at the core. I felt incredibly empowered. By utilizing the objective mirror of Astrology I could read, calmly, about my most ingrained behaviors. And in pointing them out to me consciously, I could actually decide whether or not I really wanted them. Easily and immediately increasing my awareness allowed me to change things about myself I no longer wanted but couldn’t get a handle on previously. Now Astrology is not the only tool that cultivates this kind of awareness, but for me it’s fast, objective and empowering – and I love that.
Come Have Your Chart Done
If you want to go on a journey of self-awareness, then call me. I will happily read your Birth Chart and we’ll explore together. I feel that everybody ought to consider having a working knowledge of their own lifestory through Astrology. It gives you information that allows you to change or to support yourself in any of your choices. Since it is a system of observation, it presents to you your life, freely — there need not be any judgment involved.
For me personally, Astrology offers itself as a beautiful language — beautiful because it invites me to express both my left and right brains equally. The left brain calculates the angles of the planets (Astrology is really a cousin to Numerology) and brings in everyday practicality and sense. The right brain takes the symbology and the glyphs and intuits the meanings beyond what can be reasoned out by my five physical senses. The combination literally brings me out of myself into an ever new, expanded and constantly evolving state. To read a chart for someone becomes an altered state of reality for me. I study the numbers in advance of the reading and during the reading itself, I release myself to the life force flow in astrology itself. Its ancient wisdom allows my core to connect with you and all your current needs and desires (and sometimes they are ones that you were not even able to ask for….). Each chart interpretation comes out in a totally unique fashion, matching the person’s complete uniqueness and the unique energies involved in the exact moment that we do the reading. Everything comes together in perfect synchronicity and I trust it. I invite you to do the same.
Please email [email protected] for regular and contract reading prices, thanks!!!
Relationship Charts — Through synastry or composite charts, we can explore how you and anyone else relate to each other. Synastry compares your chart to someone else’s and a composite chart is a separate chart of your relationship. We can do relationship readings between you and several others, simultaneously. My favorite one is to do the composite of a whole family.
The Natal Chart of any Significant Event in Your Life — It could be the start of a business, the date of a move, or the beginning of a new life direction. You choose. All I need is the same data that I need for your natal chart.
Transit Flows — Once we have done your natal chart, then we can see how the energy of the current season may be interacting with you. During certain times of year, certain activities flow more easily than others. We can determine these times and you can choose from there.
Your Natal Chart — All we need is your date, place of birth and the exact time of your birth from your birth certificate.
Dreamtime Coaching:
Dreamtime explained: Planetarily it’s a powerful time. That means that as we heal more than we ever have before (really drink that in) we must absorb and utilize the Dreamtime as never before (breathe prana before proceeding).
Why? Because in the Dreamtime our genius brains take the lead. We live in the Dreamtime within our deepest most profound brain wave patterns, and those patterns create a very real yet alternative reality. When we are in it, we can do and be anything (where else can you fly without wings?). every single time we have a profound dream (whether we understand it in the waking state or not) it leaves an imprint. That imprint is a latent mark of alchemy and evolution.
Yet, when we awake, we are living mostly in the Beta brain wave state- the one designed to deal with the stress of survival. It is not immediately and easily reconcilable with our deepest healing brain wave states and their imprints. Translation: In our waking state we seem to forget the deepest work we do as humans which is in the Dreamtime.
Ultimately though our conscious waking self can integrate ALL of our brain wave states simultaneously. That is the simplest definition available of a shaman and it is a practice available to each of us. When we chose consciously to access all of our brain (hence the term, genius brain) we can find and utilize the Dreamtime imprints and all other magic that our brain patiently stores for us until we are ready emotionally, mentally, physically, psychically, until we can wield them safely.
But how can we do this when we don’t even remember those imprints; when we don’t understand them; when we don’t even know where to find them or call upon them. It’s simple. (As Grandmother would say, “Its’ simple but not always easy.”) We must act multi-dimensionally within the 3rd dimension. Remember that always and it will all come back to you in perfect divine timing and order. But as a spiritual human no one can act for you. You simply must act multi-dimensionally within the 3rd dimension and then you will co-create with your Spirit a magnificent reality that honors your soul.
Obviously this is why we explore our dreams. It is a way to act upon that world and integrate it into all of our other brain wave states. There are many other rituals we can do to turn on our full genius brain (awake or sleeping). The first one is to acknowledge that in this time of lightening quick evolution we are all dreaming more than we ever have before whether we consciously remember it or not. Why? Again it is simple. The fastest path to full-on evolution is to utilize all of your brain. The genius brain can co-create any utopia you chose here and now. When we accept that we are dreaming more as a species we are also accepting and integrating (again, whether we remember our dreams consciously or not) our genius brain in this 3D reality.
There is a very simple ritual to welcome your genius brain into your everyday world. Accept that you are dreaming a lot and therefore healing a lot and treat that work kindly. When you do that the world of your dreams and its multidimensional language will open up to you and flourish. All you need to do to start this is to begin every morning awakening from your dreams slowly. Literally bask in the aura of that dream imprint landing in every part of your body and being. Allow it unconditionally and you will then have conscious access to it respecting a different language (the Dreamtime language) is the first step to learning it and being able to use it to co-create a new world. Many humans have been taught to disrespect the language of dreams because in the 3rd dimensional waking world they seem completely illogical; therefore, they are irrelevant and useless in the struggle to survive. That disrespect makes it difficult to access the Dreamtimes magical imprints.
As a species we learned to separate ourselves from our full glory. We learned to separate night and day. We learned to even separate each of our dynamic brain wave states. Yet the truth is they still function as one. All we have to do now is insert a respectful bridge between our seemingly separate parts and we will find union and then we will evolve with our full magnificent resources. We are ultimately unstoppable.
Insert a respectful bridge between waking reality and sleeping Dreamtime by honoring the gifts of all multi-dimensions. Upon awakening each morning consciously unconditionally invite the Dreamtime world to stay with you, to walk with you, and to be loved. It could be the most powerful thing you do today.
Welcome to an Initiation into the Art of the Dreamtime with Tohmas Twintreess (and a host of others in the background)
A 12 month journey of Listening to self through the prioritized path of your own Dreamtime with the intent of Personal Healing and Evolution.
Each month, every person will submit a dream, most recent and pertinent or repetitive.
I will reply with the clarity about what the dream is actually presenting, delineate the prioritized path that is being invited, and offer guidance, support and homework.
Each person will be responsible to work with that path over the month’s time and present a review/summary of how they acted upon it, along with a new dream in the following month.
It will be each person’s responsibility to record their monthly progress (or not) so they can see/feel the practical manifestations of their actions.
I will offer guidance and support on each individual’s specific path.
Spirit and the Elementals will also offer monthly guidance and support for their path.
Each person will be able to come to the new month also with a few simple, clear and precise questions to help them where they may be confused or stuck with the Dreamtime language/experience.
It is important to affirm and surrender to the fact that the Dreamtime is not rational, is not linear, is not one dimensional, so therefore will never be understood by the mind-alone. It can only be experienced. So as a base-line foundation, that experience must be recorded somehow with each person, as it is a multi-dimensional, non-linear experience that we will be reflecting back on with our linear minds and previously defined feelings. It is important that each dream is recorded in sequence as it happened. This may seem linear (and it is in that way of the blessing of the Dreamtime offering us clues and messages in sequence so we have the greatest opportunity to relate to them) but the Dreamtime lays things out for us so we can approach them in something we can process.
The purpose of the Dreamtime is NEVER to confuse us or make things difficult but it will always challenge us to open our being-ness to embracing what has been closed off or disenfranchised— in the most prioritized way. As Grandmother Sweet Shield always says, “If we focus on the one prioritized issue, all the rest follow.” The linear mind historically wants to distract us from doing that so it can maintain control. The persistent and repetitive Dreamtime practices will re-train the linear mind to support multi-dimensional experiences and reconfigure the defined emotional self in alignment with freedom, instead of fight or flight.
It is vital in recording your Dreamtime experience that you DO NOT summarize or assume what something means. All that is needed is a clear and direct recording of the experience so, as your Guide, I can alert you to how the process operates so potentially at the end of the 12 month period (or before) you will be able to de-code the Dreamtime more and more, on your own.
Why the sequential recording is so vital is because the significant pieces that are being prioritized in your Dream will most likely seem to be out of place or insignificant. That is how they await your empowerment of discovery as your Dream self cannot tell you what to do, ever. It can only prioritize your disenfranchised parts so you can welcome them home in the most clear, efficient, and respectful way possible. Again, do not try to interpret your Dream, simply write down the story of it as it happened so we can process it together and learn and heal.
As the month progresses you will want to pay attention to your ongoing dream experiences so you can use that as a guide to affirm for yourself how you are responding to the Dream invitations. For example, the Dream experience may either keep showing you different versions of the same issue because you have not completely acted upon it in a healing fashion, or it may show you that you have been by shifting the issue up to a new level or by taking the prioritization off of it as you have done the work for this cycle.
Always remember that there is no HEALED. There is only the open-hearted person willing to be in HEALING mode all the time. The Dreamtime and the healing process are never goal oriented (although we tend to want it to be that way to fix or cure, etc.); it is always process oriented within the most pertinent cycle that efficiently embraces our own evolving journey.
Always remember that there is no right or wrong in the Dreamtime. It is not part of that dimension or self. If you find judgment/right or wrong/good or bad, you brought it to the experience. That is not a judgment, in and of itself, simply a reminder to STOP, BREATHE, and go deeper into opening your heart. Remember, the parts of ourselves that are disenfranchised are parts of ourselves we have cut off—for good reason at the time—that we are now inviting to come back home to be integrated into the MORE of our healing and evolving self. This requires courage (which you all have in abundance or you wouldn’t have signed on for this journey) but ultimately it is the persistence that will always make a difference. We learn through repetition on this plane of existence. What that repetition is linked to and aligned with will determine our relationships and our framework of reality that we believe is “real.”
Thanks to all~
This is a grand journey to reclaim your true self!
What could be better than to be guided by your own soul, your own counsel...
Rituals of Manifestation Subscription Service:
A practice to develop the strongest most efficient and respectful support foundation of Freedom and Healthy Vitality amidst the 3D world of separation.
Welcome to the Rituals of Manifestation Deck
It’s time…
We are here & now, precisely & practically, to usher in the Age of Aquarius. To do that we must be the destiny our souls choose with us, for us, at our conception: To be free, respectful co-creators with the Earth Mother.
That Spirit-Destiny is why we humans are the only ones to come here and experience separation— even though like all the other Children of the Earth, we are beings of Union at the core, unfailingly. Yet, we will manifest differently than others (not better, not worse, just unique—the human “specialty”!!!) as our souls asked Spirit if we could learn separation, and even practice it, so we would HAVE to consciously enter Union so completely that we couldn’t take it for granted. Union then becomes the tool— the most pristine Magic the Earth and our Spirits offer us—to do and be our true, Spiritual Destiny, to become our own authority.
Since humans have successfully learned and even practiced separation (by a nearly, impossibly relentless adopting of judgment as the foundation of our 3D lives) they will know the fullest spectrum of possibility and of consciousness and of acceptance which heals everything, not just for humans, individually, but for all humans everywhere, across time and space and love. Humans when they evolve (as they must do to co-create the Aquarian Age for all) alchemize the very nature of manifesting—of doing— to do it within Union, within the whole of life, within the perfect cycles of divine order and timing upon the generous Earth Mother~
Choosing our true Spiritual destiny as evolving humans, we listen to our Spirits every day and every night (We now need to relentlessly embrace and adopt our core of Union.) and in that field of endless potential awe, our Spirit families told us one day, “To go from having a single thought or imagining to actually holding that thought in your hand, every human goes through thirteen Rituals of Manifestation, in some way and order, according to their own perfect, unique healing and path…….”
The original thirteen cycles of Manifestation (or the first thirteen cards in the Manifestation Deck if you prefer) are: Alchemy; Time; Clarity; Blessing; Movement; Energy; Gratitude; Abundance; Union; Change; Love; Reflection, and Nameless. We worked with these for years and after they became second nature, our Spirits told us that actually there are fifty-two Rituals of Manifestation: All together there are four cycles of thirteen, all based on the original thirteen. These numbers can be easily superimposed over a regular calendar by doing one Ritual per week of the year for an entire year.
For instance, starting with the New Year, you live with Ritual #1 Alchemy for one whole week, then going through all thirteen rituals in order after that. At week fourteen you start the second cycle of thirteen Rituals: Magic, the second cycle of Alchemy….and so on, through all fifty-two Rituals, in order. As you progress further into the year and further into the next cycles of the original thirteen Rituals of Manifestation, you embrace Union in all you do.
The idea behind the Rituals of Manifestation is not to just do, Do, DO, as our culture shouts at us, but instead to come at ALL we do by embracing what we are (our beingness, at the core) first and foremost. That allows us to naturally allow our fullness to come out into the world and join with the natural cycles of Life and the Earth until we automatically create from those forces, instead of separation/judgment/dominant willfulness.
Each of the Rituals asks you to Be. When you read each card, it is very Zen. It invites you to go inward and know yourself as you uniquely are in the whole of Life, through utterly embracing one completely whole quality of life. In other words you manifest by being the qualities of life and allowing (instead of only forcing) your actions to spontaneously born from dancing in celebration with the perfection of Lifeforce as it is already perfectly occurring.
Sometimes this seems a bit mysterious. Yet that’s how you will find YOUR OWN magical manifesting as only you can do and be, simultaneously. And together we will support each other in this return to union and the respectful co-creation of our Spiritual destiny.
The Rituals of Manifestation Subscription Service
We birthed this service because of two bright and beautiful things: One, our Spiritual Grandmother for years has been urging us to do and be more of the services we can provide. Two, we have been living the Rituals of Manifestation ever since we gratefully received the original thirteen (and made it into a deck), decades ago, so we have a lot of experience and the ongoing listening we do every day with our Spirits on the Rituals to offer…..at exactly the time when the entire human species is being asked to mid-wife the Aquarian Age, not through violence/domination/separation, but through peaceful joining with our core of Union—by being an innate Child of the Earth Mother, consciously stepping into our unconditional fullness. How else could we do/be it?
Here’s how!!!!: Together we will connect with the listening that we (Marilyn & Tohmas) receive from Spirit to join with the current cycles of our lives with the ongoing macro cycles of the Universe and the sweet Earth Mother. This is what the Rituals of Manifestation Subscription Service will look like~
Other Services:
Beyond our listing of services here, we specifically want to alert you to the further potentials available to you
through us.
Practically, physically, these include encouragement, process and details, if needed, concerning the receiving
and placing of some of these large and heavy items that we tend to sell regularly. It is also possible, if you so
desire, to have Tohmas come to you and accomplish these things in person or to locate them in the first place.
We are also available as consultants through our Listening process to support you in the most efficient and respectful geometrical placements and alignments of certain items like the Shiva Lingams, and to also make available to you, (again through the Listening process), the direct wishes of these Beings as to their own choices as to placement, service and living with them.
We are here to have ongoing dialogues with all the kingdoms, (Mineral, Plant, Animal), and that includes you. Our relationship does not stop when you purchase something from/with AhhhMuse, it just begins. Please allow us to continue to be of service to both you and the items you are interested in inviting into your life. This is our life and our service and our commitment. It does not go away. It can only change along with all of us as we evolve consciously. We are always only a phone call or email away and we offer our continual presence of holding the space with aligned intent always, all ways.
The time has come.
It arrives upon us right now,
even though some of us will say that it came without warning.
Not true.
The warning came to all hearts
and spoke the language of love.
The time is now.
We must stop building upon the Earth
as if it were a place of refuse
that someone else will clean up
when there is enough time.
We are the time.
We must join our hearts this moment
and declare that we will build nothing more,
unless we form our homes and structures
in the language of love.
That is the only future before us
and it rests upon our actions,
without hesitation,
even if we believe
we don’t have the time, the money or the talents.
For if we do not declare absolutely
that we will only build
with the sacredness that all life already practices around us,
then we create no future
and we erase
We are very fortunate. We have been invited to many unique places on the Earth and in visiting these places, we experienced totally new parts of ourselves. Traveling encourages us to change our perspective, immediately and then once we have done that, we keep changing and growing tremendously. Seeing the world gives us unimaginable wisdom.
Though we are homebodies, too, we love to travel and are constantly on the road or in the air. Our Spirits invited us to do this and to do it very consciously. At various times, parts of the Earth call out to us. She asks us to come and put our bodies upon her different locales. We infuse her with the energy of our awe and she infuses us with her love. The combination is very sacred. To us that’s what a sacred site is — the connection of respectful give and take between humans and other life, on a specific place upon the Earth. The infusion of that respect is held in the Earth and others who come to that same spot can feel that and help it to grow within them and around them. Consciously traveling the world is like consciously traveling through your own life. When you know that, you empower yourself to experience ever more vibrant levels of life.
We also tend to say, "Yes!" and go where we are invited, whether it be by the Earth Mother, the Elementals, or humans. Don't be shy. Speak up if you would like us to come your way for whatever reason or no good reason at all. You never know what good might come of it!
**Also: ask us about our NEW Gas Discharge Visualization Machine from Russia that is an immense evolvement of Kirlian photography that shows your energy field and bio-photo organizations!!!
Listening to and acting upon the wisdom of our Spirits opens up many worlds to us. For instance, by listening to the Elementals (the Spirits of the Elements on the Earth that compose everything here: fire; earth; air; water and ethers) we know where the ley lines of the Earth lie. That allows us to build structures upon her that, from the core, breathe and live in harmony with the land and its creatures. It allows us to know the energy configurations, geometries, patterns, cycles of nature and to practice it continually in our lives.
Those of you who know us well will be laughing and nodding at the following statement: We are two Cancerian beings who could squirrel away in the backwoods, forever, quite contentedly. Actually, we were doing just that when the Earth Spirits began to speak with us. Their open hearts showed us clear paths that even imagination had not foreseen. On being presented with this, we expanded into the love and respect that connects us all and we completely dedicated our life force to practicing that love and respect every moment. At that point, we were asked by the Nature Beings who so willingly had given us their stories to share them, “If you share our words with others, they may recognize themselves as the co-creators and the miracles that they are. If just one person feels affirmed, all the Earth will change and more life force will be given to every being.” Of course, we said, “Yes.”
So, here we are, sometimes in the woods and sometimes in the city, according to what is asked of us. Just as we have been taught by every Earth Spirit, we offer ourselves, in love and respect. The gifts that have been showered upon us, we share with you, as you wish. On other pages of this web site, you already have witnessed the tools that Spirit has brought into our lives. Use them for yourselves; they will take you upon your own unimaginable journeys. If you want to go deeper, then call us. We will share our experiences and our hearts. Because we understand that it is the nature of abundance and life force, itself, we offer ourselves through various services that can tune into you and your own learning’s, choices and ways of life. Together we can find ways to listen to the adventures that are all around you right now. Sometimes through the process of survival, each of us, alone, can grow numb to the adventures and the wonder that we truly are. That’s why we find each other -- sometimes it seems easier to see our true reflections in another’s eyes.
As you browse through our Services listed below (the program insists upon listing them alphabetically unfortunately), we encourage you to look at Body Scans first in the Personal Listening section, as it can be the most efficient and understandable place to start.
Personal Listenings:
By listening to our Spirits, we are guided in everything we do. This frees us up to choose our path with clarity, respect and love, and along the way, we feel completely supported and affirmed. In fact, our Spirits celebrate every part of us more than we ever imagined was possible.
If you would like to connect more deeply with your Spirits and your Guides, we can listen on your behalf. The one parameter we must observe in this process is respect. If you truly want to ask assistance of your Spirits, in respect, then we support that. Together we will open our hearts and hear the messages your Spirits offer to you now.
Your Participation:
What we ask of you is similar to what we ask of you in the Work/Playshops, yet deeper and more personal. For a few days before your listening, focus on who you are and why you want to speak with your Spirits. Create your rituals to honor the sacredness of this connection. Just by asking for this service, you have grown into a level of consciousness that invites the miraculous into your life. Indigenous cultures practice very specific ceremonies, like vision quests and sweat lodges, before they ask for their Spirits’ guidance. Consider this and hold a similar intent for yourself.
During the personal listening, open up your heart. The mind, alone, does not easily understand anything beyond our five senses’ measuring. Allow yourself the luxury of exploring unlimited possibilities to find your truth and the assistance you need to live that. You will want to listen with your heart.
Our Participation:
We have performed this service many times over many years. Yet each personal listening is unique. We come to yours, open-hearted and new. That way we can reflect to you exactly what you need to hear right now. Perhaps the greatest service any of us can provide to anyone else is a clear, simple mirror and love- this we offer you.
Whatever you receive from your listening is your responsibility. The more present you are during it, the more likely you will carry information directly into your life that can invite your most dreamed-of transformation. Working with your Spirits, empowers you. It shows you the path to co-creating your life, freely.
The Logistics:
We can arrange anything. Gather together any questions that you may have and/or be prepared to take notes, if necessary. Some possible types of listening that we can do together: listening to the Animals in your life; listening to your own body; listening to your parallel selves, etc. These listenings can be done: in person, over the phone, on e-mail or by transcription. Call us; we can create something that exactly suits your needs. Thank you.
These Personal Listenings can also include any of the information that you see available in the Workshop section. They can also include Elemental Birth Imprints, Aura Drawings, and Body Scans for awareness, health and exponential vitality AND MORE...
Body Scans:
We talk about being Listeners of our Spirits and this not only brings us words to share with others, but visions as well, “Whatever form we need to find our truth will come to us.” With your kind permission, we can open our sight to scan your body’s energetic field and unconditionally gauge your physical, mental, emotional and psychic health and state of being. Sometimes people feel afraid about this information, yet it always comes in empowering ways. Our Spirits show us our strengths and challenges and therefore, where we can increase joy and release negativity to be incredibly, wondrously alive! The Body Scan generously notes your most timely issues/lessons—the ones you are energetically ready to embrace for healing and expanding your precious lifeforce as you choose. To honor that, we will suggest (and utilize on-the-spot if possible) immediate tools and practices to support balancing yourself: Stones & Crystals; your Elemental Birth Imprint; Aligning with the Elementals; Manifestation Movies; Sound tools such as Quartz Singing Bowls, Metal Singing Bowls and tuning forks; our own intentionally made Stonessences/Vibrational Jewelry/Wands/Manifestation Deck; food/fueling practices; Energy Movers; aura drawings; customized affirmations/rituals/movements— in short, we offer whatever your own body field requests for exact support right now.
As Listeners, this is what we always focus on, regardless of what we “think” about it, or understand, or even know. You and your infinitely wise body are in charge of your vitality and well being through the ready freedom and fluidity of a Body Scan that speaks its own language and then reflects this to every part of your being— including your conscious mind— for potential, overall, spontaneous transformation and integration. In this growing, expanding consciousness being offered all of us as we enter the Aquarian Age, we have more conscious choices available as the truly evolving humans we are. The Body Scans honor and encourage this completely.
During the Scan (which can be long distance or in person) you will receive a form that lists different categories of health and well-being. We will check the areas that are asking for your kind attention (then you will have a reminder of the practical areas your Scan covered) and we can offer tools and services to work with any imbalances.
Here’s an example of how a Body Scan might manifest. Let’s say your Scan highlighted your liver as asking for your support. With your permission, we would listen to it and pass on things that it might request for greater happiness and vitality: beets; affirming “I detach from all negativity” every morning/noon/evening for two weeks; doing your Elemental Birth Imprint to see where your core lessons are (and how your liver is unconditionally playing them out); a tuning from a Nepalese 7 Metal Singing Bowl to ground your boundless energy; and an Elemental movement (posture) that would encourage more joy in every breath, etc.
These tools and practices/rituals can integrate a freer, more radiant relationship with your liver and your whole being, not just for today, but for as long as you wish. If you keep up with the tools and practices, life will change within you and around you and you can attract more lifeforce to do what you truly wish. To support that, Body Scans can be a one-time eye opener or ongoing, integrating sessions where we will follow up on what happened in the last Scan and keep refining it according to the new person you are right now…..and now…..and now. It is glorious!
To be clear, we are not doctors or psychologists or scientists, we are Listeners. Our hearts open to every respectful thing; we ask your body to tell us its story— to tell us what it wants you to know (and likely, to do) consciously now, to have an ongoing conversation of love and ever growing vitality always. We offer that because our Spirits have taught us to do that over many, many years (We always practice on OURSELVES first and foremost) to empower ourselves in our own healing. In our world, each of us is ultimately responsible on a very core-Spirit level for our own lives, joy, healing, and evolution, as we wish.
Our own bodies and our Spiritfamilies continually offer us Body Scans & Updates so that we can choose our greatest, most glorious awareness always. And as we practice the offered options, our lives become full-on adventures that cannot be predicted in any old, linear-only, cause & effect terms. The Scans honor us as whole beings who with our Spirits can do any respectful thing we choose. That’s why we do not diagnose or prescribe in any way. Instead we unconditionally support you looking at yourself and your life in the most affirming, positive, and adoring terms possible. Wouldn’t you love basking in that?
Body Scans are multidimensional and ultimately practical. You will always leave our time together with various tools and ways of life and that will support you manifesting the most miraculous life you can create immediately……and keep growing over time. It is a gift that we love to offer and we thank you for that opportunity, deeply~
In a Personal Session, a Body Scan can include any of the other services we offer such as Elemental Birth Imprints or Aura Drawings, etc. The Body Scan is simply one way to open the conversation, not the only one, and does not have to be THE one. It is simply a way for us to Listen to how your own body prioritizes what it wants to say. If, for instance, instead, you felt most drawn to doing an Elemental Birth Imprint in your Personal Session you could choose that first and also potentially have a less focused Body Scan included in that session (because the prioritized focus would be on the Elemental Birth Imprint which would then be the banks that the river would flow through.).
You are in charge. That is where the empowerment is and should be. Once you let us know your preferences, then we can adjust our Listening to serve you at the highest vibratory and energetic level respectfully.
Spirit Coaching:
Everything that we create in AhhhMuse we have learned to do (and continue to learn every day) from our Spirits. We did not get college degrees in this; instead we were gently guided to gather the stories of Stones, Lakes, Animals, Stars, and all Beings of respect over a long period of time. Those loving stories tell us about ourselves and about how to live abundantly and freely.
Unconditionally listening to life and acting upon that kind wisdom requires our constant, unwavering commitment and focus. In fact the more we travel this road, the more we learn, the more we are, and therefore, the more commitment our Spirits ask of us. It is actually the natural flow of life, love and abundance. Sometimes the challenges in this feel daunting. As we embrace more love, that love compassionately allows us to embrace more fears, even the ones that we buried so deeply that we didn’t know they existed anymore.
Aligning and living with our Spirits offers us a full-spectrum adventure. With complete compassion it catalyzes all of our blocks and limits and illusions (How can you be more until you go through and really be the roadblocks?). Just when you feel life couldn’t get any harder, it gets harder AND easier. As a gift from your commitment, you find more than enough grace and compassion (and unexpected laughs!) to do and be anything. After all, that is our truest destiny as divine human beings upon the Earth.
In these bodies, we actually wear the path of ever increasing miracles. Want to join us? Want to join yourself in this adventure? Each of us travels our own utterly unique path with our Spirits, but in those constant unknowns, wouldn’t it be nice to have someone to talk to who knows what you’re talking about . . . someone who has had the same experiences . . . someone who can’t go on your journey (no one can really) but will cry and laugh and celebrate every moment with
you . . . someone who will affirm you absolutely, unconditionally?
We’re here.
We offer that because “someone” offers that to us every single moment (and more) in our daily lives. Our own Spirits grant us that no matter what we have done; they unwaveringly support us as the divine beings of love that we naturally are. What has been taught to us and offered to us, we offer to you. Not because we have your answers (We’re working on our own, thanks), it’s just that we have experiences that you may choose to embody and model for yourself, that may encourage you in all your learning. And if we can do it, then we know you can. Just recently, we have decided that we are ready to more deeply share our stories, our adventures, and all that we have learned on a more personal level by accepting Spirit’s invitation to share these things through Spirit Coaching.
By aligning with our Spirits we know very immediate, clear, efficient ways to manifest the life of our dreams. And that’s what we’re living right now, every day. And guess what? It keeps growing. Our abundance and dreams keep growing and we keep receiving more. It is just plain unimaginable. It is our divinity manifest as physical experience. If you know that you want to live the destiny of your dreams, then call us. We are here for Spiritcoaching. Tell us what you want to create and we’ll listen to our Spirits and find the path that aligns with that right now. Not tomorrow, not someday, not when you catch up with everything else! To create your true life, you must create it now, for that’s the only place it exists. And we will support you with every way we know and don’t know. We will listen to our Spirits and together co-create an affirming, grounded, respectful program to directly manifest your dreams now and/or to deal with practices or issues in your life that you are choosing to change.
In Spirit Coaching, once you submit a Statement of Intent, you will receive a specific, detailed support program from us and Spirit and the Elementals that you then get to agree to or refine, that we will then implement and go over on a regular prescribed basis. This is a very individual process that is designed at your soul's level (and choice) to respectfully ground and integrate your Statement of Intent through specific Manifestation. It is always the chosen space you are moving into, respecting where you have been and bringing it all into perspective in the present moment.
The Cost for Spirit Coaching varies according to the plan chosen by you and your Spirit. Obviously, the more we are checking in with you and interacting with you, the higher the Cost as it involves more of our time. As always, we are open to a sliding scale, trade and miraculous options!
This is not to say that we are ruled by the planets. However as humans who exist as part of the Earth and its seasons, we do tend to be affected by the patterns of life around us. For instance, in the spring, we find ourselves more revitalized; during a full moon, our emotions flow more freely, etc. At the core we respond to the sun, moon and the stars, just as all the lifeforms upon the Earth do. Astrology observes the patterns of those responses and translates them into human personality traits. By consciously and objectively viewing these tendencies, we present ourselves the opportunities to not be ruled by anything except our clear, free choices.
I (Marilyn) taught myself the language of Astrology years ago. As a friend of mine who watched me study it said, “You’re not learning this, you’re just remembering it.” It’s true. Astrology flows in me naturally. I can’t quite explain that, but put a natal chart in my hand and it just makes sense. I continually find myself saying things about it that I don’t even know until they come out of my mouth. And once I hear them, I know they are true. I can even explain them if you want.
Actually when I first started studying Astrology, I didn’t expect it to be very accurate. I freely offered to do hundreds of charts, just for the practice of it -some of the people I knew, some of them I didn’t. Nothing like that mattered. I gave them my interpretation of their charts and astrology was more accurate than I could have ever imagined. The volunteers were equally stunned. To understand how and why astrology worked, led me on a metaphysical journey that directly showed me that all of life is interwoven on a core (subconscious to humans) level where everything makes perfect sense. I discovered that anything can be used to interpret these patterns of life. If you want, you can find out about yourself by observing the flow of the tides or the swirl of colors that falling leaves form. Those same, sometimes predictable, patterns of life flow through all of us. To see what it means to us humans, simply requires committed observation. Astrology just observes those patterns through the planets’ travels.
The way that I learned Astrology was to start off with my own chart. After all, having already lived a few years, I knew what had happened to me. So I studied the events and the astrological patterns at those times and I not only learned about Astrology at the core, I found out about me at the core. I felt incredibly empowered. By utilizing the objective mirror of Astrology I could read, calmly, about my most ingrained behaviors. And in pointing them out to me consciously, I could actually decide whether or not I really wanted them. Easily and immediately increasing my awareness allowed me to change things about myself I no longer wanted but couldn’t get a handle on previously. Now Astrology is not the only tool that cultivates this kind of awareness, but for me it’s fast, objective and empowering – and I love that.
Come Have Your Chart Done
If you want to go on a journey of self-awareness, then call me. I will happily read your Birth Chart and we’ll explore together. I feel that everybody ought to consider having a working knowledge of their own lifestory through Astrology. It gives you information that allows you to change or to support yourself in any of your choices. Since it is a system of observation, it presents to you your life, freely — there need not be any judgment involved.
For me personally, Astrology offers itself as a beautiful language — beautiful because it invites me to express both my left and right brains equally. The left brain calculates the angles of the planets (Astrology is really a cousin to Numerology) and brings in everyday practicality and sense. The right brain takes the symbology and the glyphs and intuits the meanings beyond what can be reasoned out by my five physical senses. The combination literally brings me out of myself into an ever new, expanded and constantly evolving state. To read a chart for someone becomes an altered state of reality for me. I study the numbers in advance of the reading and during the reading itself, I release myself to the life force flow in astrology itself. Its ancient wisdom allows my core to connect with you and all your current needs and desires (and sometimes they are ones that you were not even able to ask for….). Each chart interpretation comes out in a totally unique fashion, matching the person’s complete uniqueness and the unique energies involved in the exact moment that we do the reading. Everything comes together in perfect synchronicity and I trust it. I invite you to do the same.
Please email [email protected] for regular and contract reading prices, thanks!!!
Relationship Charts — Through synastry or composite charts, we can explore how you and anyone else relate to each other. Synastry compares your chart to someone else’s and a composite chart is a separate chart of your relationship. We can do relationship readings between you and several others, simultaneously. My favorite one is to do the composite of a whole family.
The Natal Chart of any Significant Event in Your Life — It could be the start of a business, the date of a move, or the beginning of a new life direction. You choose. All I need is the same data that I need for your natal chart.
Transit Flows — Once we have done your natal chart, then we can see how the energy of the current season may be interacting with you. During certain times of year, certain activities flow more easily than others. We can determine these times and you can choose from there.
Your Natal Chart — All we need is your date, place of birth and the exact time of your birth from your birth certificate.
Dreamtime Coaching:
Dreamtime explained: Planetarily it’s a powerful time. That means that as we heal more than we ever have before (really drink that in) we must absorb and utilize the Dreamtime as never before (breathe prana before proceeding).
Why? Because in the Dreamtime our genius brains take the lead. We live in the Dreamtime within our deepest most profound brain wave patterns, and those patterns create a very real yet alternative reality. When we are in it, we can do and be anything (where else can you fly without wings?). every single time we have a profound dream (whether we understand it in the waking state or not) it leaves an imprint. That imprint is a latent mark of alchemy and evolution.
Yet, when we awake, we are living mostly in the Beta brain wave state- the one designed to deal with the stress of survival. It is not immediately and easily reconcilable with our deepest healing brain wave states and their imprints. Translation: In our waking state we seem to forget the deepest work we do as humans which is in the Dreamtime.
Ultimately though our conscious waking self can integrate ALL of our brain wave states simultaneously. That is the simplest definition available of a shaman and it is a practice available to each of us. When we chose consciously to access all of our brain (hence the term, genius brain) we can find and utilize the Dreamtime imprints and all other magic that our brain patiently stores for us until we are ready emotionally, mentally, physically, psychically, until we can wield them safely.
But how can we do this when we don’t even remember those imprints; when we don’t understand them; when we don’t even know where to find them or call upon them. It’s simple. (As Grandmother would say, “Its’ simple but not always easy.”) We must act multi-dimensionally within the 3rd dimension. Remember that always and it will all come back to you in perfect divine timing and order. But as a spiritual human no one can act for you. You simply must act multi-dimensionally within the 3rd dimension and then you will co-create with your Spirit a magnificent reality that honors your soul.
Obviously this is why we explore our dreams. It is a way to act upon that world and integrate it into all of our other brain wave states. There are many other rituals we can do to turn on our full genius brain (awake or sleeping). The first one is to acknowledge that in this time of lightening quick evolution we are all dreaming more than we ever have before whether we consciously remember it or not. Why? Again it is simple. The fastest path to full-on evolution is to utilize all of your brain. The genius brain can co-create any utopia you chose here and now. When we accept that we are dreaming more as a species we are also accepting and integrating (again, whether we remember our dreams consciously or not) our genius brain in this 3D reality.
There is a very simple ritual to welcome your genius brain into your everyday world. Accept that you are dreaming a lot and therefore healing a lot and treat that work kindly. When you do that the world of your dreams and its multidimensional language will open up to you and flourish. All you need to do to start this is to begin every morning awakening from your dreams slowly. Literally bask in the aura of that dream imprint landing in every part of your body and being. Allow it unconditionally and you will then have conscious access to it respecting a different language (the Dreamtime language) is the first step to learning it and being able to use it to co-create a new world. Many humans have been taught to disrespect the language of dreams because in the 3rd dimensional waking world they seem completely illogical; therefore, they are irrelevant and useless in the struggle to survive. That disrespect makes it difficult to access the Dreamtimes magical imprints.
As a species we learned to separate ourselves from our full glory. We learned to separate night and day. We learned to even separate each of our dynamic brain wave states. Yet the truth is they still function as one. All we have to do now is insert a respectful bridge between our seemingly separate parts and we will find union and then we will evolve with our full magnificent resources. We are ultimately unstoppable.
Insert a respectful bridge between waking reality and sleeping Dreamtime by honoring the gifts of all multi-dimensions. Upon awakening each morning consciously unconditionally invite the Dreamtime world to stay with you, to walk with you, and to be loved. It could be the most powerful thing you do today.
Welcome to an Initiation into the Art of the Dreamtime with Tohmas Twintreess (and a host of others in the background)
A 12 month journey of Listening to self through the prioritized path of your own Dreamtime with the intent of Personal Healing and Evolution.
Each month, every person will submit a dream, most recent and pertinent or repetitive.
I will reply with the clarity about what the dream is actually presenting, delineate the prioritized path that is being invited, and offer guidance, support and homework.
Each person will be responsible to work with that path over the month’s time and present a review/summary of how they acted upon it, along with a new dream in the following month.
It will be each person’s responsibility to record their monthly progress (or not) so they can see/feel the practical manifestations of their actions.
I will offer guidance and support on each individual’s specific path.
Spirit and the Elementals will also offer monthly guidance and support for their path.
Each person will be able to come to the new month also with a few simple, clear and precise questions to help them where they may be confused or stuck with the Dreamtime language/experience.
It is important to affirm and surrender to the fact that the Dreamtime is not rational, is not linear, is not one dimensional, so therefore will never be understood by the mind-alone. It can only be experienced. So as a base-line foundation, that experience must be recorded somehow with each person, as it is a multi-dimensional, non-linear experience that we will be reflecting back on with our linear minds and previously defined feelings. It is important that each dream is recorded in sequence as it happened. This may seem linear (and it is in that way of the blessing of the Dreamtime offering us clues and messages in sequence so we have the greatest opportunity to relate to them) but the Dreamtime lays things out for us so we can approach them in something we can process.
The purpose of the Dreamtime is NEVER to confuse us or make things difficult but it will always challenge us to open our being-ness to embracing what has been closed off or disenfranchised— in the most prioritized way. As Grandmother Sweet Shield always says, “If we focus on the one prioritized issue, all the rest follow.” The linear mind historically wants to distract us from doing that so it can maintain control. The persistent and repetitive Dreamtime practices will re-train the linear mind to support multi-dimensional experiences and reconfigure the defined emotional self in alignment with freedom, instead of fight or flight.
It is vital in recording your Dreamtime experience that you DO NOT summarize or assume what something means. All that is needed is a clear and direct recording of the experience so, as your Guide, I can alert you to how the process operates so potentially at the end of the 12 month period (or before) you will be able to de-code the Dreamtime more and more, on your own.
Why the sequential recording is so vital is because the significant pieces that are being prioritized in your Dream will most likely seem to be out of place or insignificant. That is how they await your empowerment of discovery as your Dream self cannot tell you what to do, ever. It can only prioritize your disenfranchised parts so you can welcome them home in the most clear, efficient, and respectful way possible. Again, do not try to interpret your Dream, simply write down the story of it as it happened so we can process it together and learn and heal.
As the month progresses you will want to pay attention to your ongoing dream experiences so you can use that as a guide to affirm for yourself how you are responding to the Dream invitations. For example, the Dream experience may either keep showing you different versions of the same issue because you have not completely acted upon it in a healing fashion, or it may show you that you have been by shifting the issue up to a new level or by taking the prioritization off of it as you have done the work for this cycle.
Always remember that there is no HEALED. There is only the open-hearted person willing to be in HEALING mode all the time. The Dreamtime and the healing process are never goal oriented (although we tend to want it to be that way to fix or cure, etc.); it is always process oriented within the most pertinent cycle that efficiently embraces our own evolving journey.
Always remember that there is no right or wrong in the Dreamtime. It is not part of that dimension or self. If you find judgment/right or wrong/good or bad, you brought it to the experience. That is not a judgment, in and of itself, simply a reminder to STOP, BREATHE, and go deeper into opening your heart. Remember, the parts of ourselves that are disenfranchised are parts of ourselves we have cut off—for good reason at the time—that we are now inviting to come back home to be integrated into the MORE of our healing and evolving self. This requires courage (which you all have in abundance or you wouldn’t have signed on for this journey) but ultimately it is the persistence that will always make a difference. We learn through repetition on this plane of existence. What that repetition is linked to and aligned with will determine our relationships and our framework of reality that we believe is “real.”
Thanks to all~
This is a grand journey to reclaim your true self!
What could be better than to be guided by your own soul, your own counsel...
Rituals of Manifestation Subscription Service:
A practice to develop the strongest most efficient and respectful support foundation of Freedom and Healthy Vitality amidst the 3D world of separation.
Welcome to the Rituals of Manifestation Deck
It’s time…
We are here & now, precisely & practically, to usher in the Age of Aquarius. To do that we must be the destiny our souls choose with us, for us, at our conception: To be free, respectful co-creators with the Earth Mother.
That Spirit-Destiny is why we humans are the only ones to come here and experience separation— even though like all the other Children of the Earth, we are beings of Union at the core, unfailingly. Yet, we will manifest differently than others (not better, not worse, just unique—the human “specialty”!!!) as our souls asked Spirit if we could learn separation, and even practice it, so we would HAVE to consciously enter Union so completely that we couldn’t take it for granted. Union then becomes the tool— the most pristine Magic the Earth and our Spirits offer us—to do and be our true, Spiritual Destiny, to become our own authority.
Since humans have successfully learned and even practiced separation (by a nearly, impossibly relentless adopting of judgment as the foundation of our 3D lives) they will know the fullest spectrum of possibility and of consciousness and of acceptance which heals everything, not just for humans, individually, but for all humans everywhere, across time and space and love. Humans when they evolve (as they must do to co-create the Aquarian Age for all) alchemize the very nature of manifesting—of doing— to do it within Union, within the whole of life, within the perfect cycles of divine order and timing upon the generous Earth Mother~
Choosing our true Spiritual destiny as evolving humans, we listen to our Spirits every day and every night (We now need to relentlessly embrace and adopt our core of Union.) and in that field of endless potential awe, our Spirit families told us one day, “To go from having a single thought or imagining to actually holding that thought in your hand, every human goes through thirteen Rituals of Manifestation, in some way and order, according to their own perfect, unique healing and path…….”
The original thirteen cycles of Manifestation (or the first thirteen cards in the Manifestation Deck if you prefer) are: Alchemy; Time; Clarity; Blessing; Movement; Energy; Gratitude; Abundance; Union; Change; Love; Reflection, and Nameless. We worked with these for years and after they became second nature, our Spirits told us that actually there are fifty-two Rituals of Manifestation: All together there are four cycles of thirteen, all based on the original thirteen. These numbers can be easily superimposed over a regular calendar by doing one Ritual per week of the year for an entire year.
For instance, starting with the New Year, you live with Ritual #1 Alchemy for one whole week, then going through all thirteen rituals in order after that. At week fourteen you start the second cycle of thirteen Rituals: Magic, the second cycle of Alchemy….and so on, through all fifty-two Rituals, in order. As you progress further into the year and further into the next cycles of the original thirteen Rituals of Manifestation, you embrace Union in all you do.
The idea behind the Rituals of Manifestation is not to just do, Do, DO, as our culture shouts at us, but instead to come at ALL we do by embracing what we are (our beingness, at the core) first and foremost. That allows us to naturally allow our fullness to come out into the world and join with the natural cycles of Life and the Earth until we automatically create from those forces, instead of separation/judgment/dominant willfulness.
Each of the Rituals asks you to Be. When you read each card, it is very Zen. It invites you to go inward and know yourself as you uniquely are in the whole of Life, through utterly embracing one completely whole quality of life. In other words you manifest by being the qualities of life and allowing (instead of only forcing) your actions to spontaneously born from dancing in celebration with the perfection of Lifeforce as it is already perfectly occurring.
Sometimes this seems a bit mysterious. Yet that’s how you will find YOUR OWN magical manifesting as only you can do and be, simultaneously. And together we will support each other in this return to union and the respectful co-creation of our Spiritual destiny.
The Rituals of Manifestation Subscription Service
We birthed this service because of two bright and beautiful things: One, our Spiritual Grandmother for years has been urging us to do and be more of the services we can provide. Two, we have been living the Rituals of Manifestation ever since we gratefully received the original thirteen (and made it into a deck), decades ago, so we have a lot of experience and the ongoing listening we do every day with our Spirits on the Rituals to offer…..at exactly the time when the entire human species is being asked to mid-wife the Aquarian Age, not through violence/domination/separation, but through peaceful joining with our core of Union—by being an innate Child of the Earth Mother, consciously stepping into our unconditional fullness. How else could we do/be it?
Here’s how!!!!: Together we will connect with the listening that we (Marilyn & Tohmas) receive from Spirit to join with the current cycles of our lives with the ongoing macro cycles of the Universe and the sweet Earth Mother. This is what the Rituals of Manifestation Subscription Service will look like~
- Every morning you will receive a listening from our Spirits (via email) that will guide you into birthing your day via the Ritual of Manifestation that we are already living, learning and being in our current practice of the Rituals. Through your intent to join with the Rituals, you will entrain to our vibration and our practices and they will boost you in your being/doing, as the beings of Union we all truly are.
- Each morning’s listening will be brief. This is intentional. If we received too many words about the quality of being-ness we are meant to find within, we probably would be using too much mental energy and relying on separation and judgment to guide us and they no longer are the principal agents in our co-creating, now.
- You will need the Rituals of Manifestation Deck and the Guidebook. They will explain the Rituals unconditionally, so you can join into them, in your own point of unique beingness. (It will simply help us to have common terms to learn from together.)
- At the beginning of each week’s Ritual, you can have one brief, but heart-felt question about this week’s manifesting or about manifesting in your life as it comes up for healing now (and you will email this to Tohmas at [email protected]). Keep your questions as core (so they always relate to Union) and as unconditional as possible. For instance, asking about where you left your keys or the date you are going to find your soulmate will not help you in manifesting your full life and potential. These questions limit you to expectations instead of evolving. Let those questions be the starting point and open them up until you find the core of what you truly love and want from your own soul.
- What you do and be during the different faces of the same Ritual, during the seven days of the week, will follow the lead of your question. So listen. Watch. You will be well, and specifically, guided into new pathways to be your own heart’s desire with a boost from the Universe that will awe your richness.
- At the end of each week’s Ritual, you will get to ask another question about the Ritual. Again, find your most all-encompassing, biggest picture question possible and you will ever be rewarded accordingly (no judgment, just a big, fat hint, lol!).
- Tohmas will respond to everyone’s questions by email as soon as possible. The amount of time he spends on them will be based on our listening with Spirit. Sometimes the response will be short so you can have plenty of creative space to manifest without limits. Sometimes it will be long because your own soul is asking for that guidance to bridge all parts of you to this magnificent world and its ways. One thing we can guarantee is you will be offered a response that fits your own communion with the Rituals and the current cycles and Spirit. Ahau!!!
- You will be automatically billed at the beginning of every month, according to the method of payment you offered when you freely asked to subscribe to this empowering service. The exchange is $55/month, which is purposely and incredibly inexpensive so that it can be easily and readily available to as many people as possible. Please refer any conscious beings to us that would love to unconditionally join in. As more magical beings enter our group Manifestation circle, we will all benefit from the profound entrainment of the new, glorious vibrations.
- We just started this service spontaneously (from listening to our Spirits, of course!!!!) and rather than wait until we start a whole, complete year of the Rituals of Manifestation Deck, we happily chose to just start now. Let divine timing and order guide us utterly: Whatever cycle birthed this inspiration is also when we are ACTING UPON IT (Yes, the Rituals taught us that uber well!!!). So we are asking you to commit to the rest of the year, at the minimum, with us. Commitment has always been at the center of profound manifestation. Always. Plus, we highly recommend you consider doing this service for a minimum of twelve months. Because we have been doing and being these Rituals year in and year out for years, we have gratefully experienced how every year of the complete Rituals builds on each other & we know you need to know that……and then choose for yourself as the Magnificent Manifestation Mavens you are.
Other Services:
Beyond our listing of services here, we specifically want to alert you to the further potentials available to you
through us.
Practically, physically, these include encouragement, process and details, if needed, concerning the receiving
and placing of some of these large and heavy items that we tend to sell regularly. It is also possible, if you so
desire, to have Tohmas come to you and accomplish these things in person or to locate them in the first place.
We are also available as consultants through our Listening process to support you in the most efficient and respectful geometrical placements and alignments of certain items like the Shiva Lingams, and to also make available to you, (again through the Listening process), the direct wishes of these Beings as to their own choices as to placement, service and living with them.
We are here to have ongoing dialogues with all the kingdoms, (Mineral, Plant, Animal), and that includes you. Our relationship does not stop when you purchase something from/with AhhhMuse, it just begins. Please allow us to continue to be of service to both you and the items you are interested in inviting into your life. This is our life and our service and our commitment. It does not go away. It can only change along with all of us as we evolve consciously. We are always only a phone call or email away and we offer our continual presence of holding the space with aligned intent always, all ways.
The time has come.
It arrives upon us right now,
even though some of us will say that it came without warning.
Not true.
The warning came to all hearts
and spoke the language of love.
The time is now.
We must stop building upon the Earth
as if it were a place of refuse
that someone else will clean up
when there is enough time.
We are the time.
We must join our hearts this moment
and declare that we will build nothing more,
unless we form our homes and structures
in the language of love.
That is the only future before us
and it rests upon our actions,
without hesitation,
even if we believe
we don’t have the time, the money or the talents.
For if we do not declare absolutely
that we will only build
with the sacredness that all life already practices around us,
then we create no future
and we erase
We are very fortunate. We have been invited to many unique places on the Earth and in visiting these places, we experienced totally new parts of ourselves. Traveling encourages us to change our perspective, immediately and then once we have done that, we keep changing and growing tremendously. Seeing the world gives us unimaginable wisdom.
Though we are homebodies, too, we love to travel and are constantly on the road or in the air. Our Spirits invited us to do this and to do it very consciously. At various times, parts of the Earth call out to us. She asks us to come and put our bodies upon her different locales. We infuse her with the energy of our awe and she infuses us with her love. The combination is very sacred. To us that’s what a sacred site is — the connection of respectful give and take between humans and other life, on a specific place upon the Earth. The infusion of that respect is held in the Earth and others who come to that same spot can feel that and help it to grow within them and around them. Consciously traveling the world is like consciously traveling through your own life. When you know that, you empower yourself to experience ever more vibrant levels of life.
We also tend to say, "Yes!" and go where we are invited, whether it be by the Earth Mother, the Elementals, or humans. Don't be shy. Speak up if you would like us to come your way for whatever reason or no good reason at all. You never know what good might come of it!
**Also: ask us about our NEW Gas Discharge Visualization Machine from Russia that is an immense evolvement of Kirlian photography that shows your energy field and bio-photo organizations!!!