Stones Alive! Vibrational Jewelry!
We currently stock more than 150 different Stonecombinations as Vibrational Jewelry and are frequently adding more as they are called for by the Earth Mother for specific healing and integration. The Vibrational Jewelry is small specific Stones in respectful relationship and order, housed in 2 inch glass (quartz) tubes that are then sealed/fired and topped with a spiral wire-wrapping of gold or silver, as they or you choose. When you wear Vibrational Jewelry you invite in the focused, exponential, energetic gifts of that Stonecombination. Because they are intentionally created from the Stonebeings' hearts and designs, they will work with you intentionally as you wish.
Listen when you wear this Jewelry:
How does it feel? (Keep listening. The energies will change as you do. How long does it want to be worn? And over what parts of your body? And with what other Stonecombinations? The more you listen, the more specifically the Stone energies will complement yours.
How is Vibrational Jewelry made?
We listen to the Stonebeings.
They offer us the Stonecombinations, the order of the Stones in each vial, the name of the Combination, and then they offer us the energies that each Stone offers when it is particularly joined with those other Stones. In order for those energies to translate into Vibrational Jewelry, we must listen fully and respectfully to the Stones at every step of the co-creation. That creates an energy field where the intents of the Stones are honored and grown and acknowledged exponentially.
We faithfully record and share the information they offer about the Stonecombinations (which is put on a Card that the Jewelry comes on). Then we make the Jewelry by hand, with tremendous patience, presence and focus. Each piece is completely honored and utterly unique; this exactly allows them to vibrationaly unite with the person who will claim it, one day, and work with it for even more exponential joy and manifestation.
Listening to & living with your Vibrational Jewelry:
We have been co-creating Vibrational Jewelry long enough to know what it is to actually live with them and then to keep living with their miraculous, ever new, changing vibrations. It is such a profound wonder and yet there are not many places to go in society to learn about such things or even to talk about them at all. So we decided to talk about our experiences here, to share them as a gift to (and from) an ever deepening conversation and connection to life.
Each piece of Jewelry is an assortment of Stones (usually 4 Stones, occasionally other things, and sometimes added Stonessences) placed within a quartz vial that is hermetically sealed and then wrapped in silver or gold. The majority of the Jewelry asks to be wrapped in silver for its vibrational properties. Like every aspect of this process, nothing is done simply for aesthetic purposes only. All choices made here come first from the energetic and vibrational requests of the living, breathing Stones involved. Because of this we also suggest using silk, cotton or appropriate metal for the cord or chain. The length of the cord or chain also matters greatly as it will determine the placement of your Jewelry piece on your sacred vortex space- your body. And, also because of this, we only house the Wand Sets (more about them later) in Organic Cotton, Bamboo or Silk Pouches.
This whole process/manifestation is about being grounded and present in our chosen bodies and then inviting in the innate Earth wisdom of the Stones as equal, alive partners in our continuing co-creation of more life. By wearing the Stonecombinations you can entrain your body to their particular vibration from THEIR individual, non-judgmental aspect of unconditional love. This vibration then becomes part of your energy library on a cellular level so that you can access it at any time from NOW on. For instance, if you choose to wear Hope's Call because too much mental energy keeps you from envisioning all your hopeful possibilities, the vibration of the combination of the Stones in the vial (holding the innate space of support for the qualities you are asking to move into) will allow your body/mind/Spirit energy configuration to experience/feel what it is like to physically be in a place of hopeful possibility with beauty as a cycle of life. Then, when you find yourself back in an experience of mental stress or limited envisioning, your body can, on its own, NOW, recognize and go to the new place- the new vibration- because it already has it in its energy library from directly experiencing it through wearing the vial (whether you are still wearing it or not). It is quite joyous to access these new practices and awareness through the self-empowerment of this process. The whole point is to not be dependent on any aspect of manifestation, rather, to co-create new process (with tools), to leap into the unknown with support, kindness, and compassion, bringing along our full bodies so that our continued practice of life is one that includes our own abilities to go within to acknowledge, access and provide our own responses to life's situations.
There is an implicit aliveness here that allows us to co-create with the Stones themselves, not only for us, but for/with them as well, from their own chosen space to be here with us. If we truly can exist in this place of equality with the Stones, then we can also find the place within ourselves to LISTEN to the Stones and then act accordingly. This means that we do not decide for them what is "best" for them or for us. That is attachment and control. We are here, instead, as caretakers and co-creators. So, if your chosen piece of Vibrational Jewelry decides to make some changes in its own form, you now have the sacred opportunity to decide if you are still going to co-create with it in this new form. It is "normal" for these pieces to blow one or both ends out, to disappear and re-appear (in varying degrees of time and timelessness), to have one or more components change appearance r change size or dimension (We have had the Essence inside a vial completely disappear overnight and then re-appear the next day.) and to have many other manifestations that "normal" mass consciousness would have to explain away as impossible in order to maintain its own chosen illusion of reality. We, instead, choose to confirm the miracle and the mystery of life as IT manifests around and within us, in these human bodies, on this Earth.
When a vial changes form, it is time, for us, to look to see how we have changed in co-creative relationship with the Stones and with the focus for which we have invited them into our lives. At this point, we are in equal relationship and can proceed in the new chosen vibration. Most of the time, at this juncture, the vial has served its purpose and is asking for new agreements. Quite often the new agreement for that vial is that it wishes to move on. The Stonecombination has served its purpose (especially in the cases where the vial blows up) and is asking to be released back to the Earth Mother so new combinations can come to assist and support in the next leap into the unknown.
So what is Vibrational Jewelry?
We don't know. We only LISTEN, create, share and then experience. Any understanding will always come after the experience so it is important to embrace the experience by allowing it to fully happen in the first place. This is the fun part and why we are in human bodies anyway. It may seem un-fun, sometimes, when the “fun” feels like pain and frustration but the most we can do is to keep breathing and find new ways to embrace the pain and frustration. We have found in the practice of our own lives that the Stones and Stonecombinations are a powerful support system. Our part is to open our arms and our hearts to invite them in, in an equal relationship, as that is their choice also. From this point, anything is possible.
This Vibrational Jewelry is so powerful because no Stone goes into it without its permission. And this is very obvious when making the vials. It is very specific to each Stone. This way they can join in a group consciousness with an aligned focus that is more than what each is holding individually. (This is also what they get out of the deal – how they get to learn and grow with themselves and us.)
Also, it is not just the energy of a Stone family that is represented by each Stone. Each Stone is individual within its own family, just like we are all individuals within the human family. So, for instance, when “Business Success” has Alaskan Magnetite in it, it is not just any piece of Alaskan Magnetite. It is the “exact” piece of particular Alaskan Magnetite that wants to go into that specific vial with the other “exact” Stones that have chosen the same combined existence. This is so important! This is the heart of the listening process. It can only come from a place of open-heartedness and love. Each vial is co-created with this as its core alignment. This is why they are all so powerful and can help affect such great support and change. It is because that support and change is asked for from a place of core commitment and responsibility from all involved
You must do your part also.
This is how we can connect with our innate abilities to heal ourselves. It is the nature of Vibrational Jewelry to change, just as it is our nature as humans to constantly change. It is because we, first, are energetic Beings. Embracing the changes allows us to move with the new energy instead of going back to old programs or creating new attachments. All of these Jewelry pieces are created in a sacred and respectful manner with full attention to the NOW, just as we do/be the utmost to co-create our lives from the same NOW presence in as much sacredness, respect and love as we can muster in each moment. These are tools of support for this NOW.
We currently stock more than 150 different Stonecombinations as Vibrational Jewelry and are frequently adding more as they are called for by the Earth Mother for specific healing and integration. The Vibrational Jewelry is small specific Stones in respectful relationship and order, housed in 2 inch glass (quartz) tubes that are then sealed/fired and topped with a spiral wire-wrapping of gold or silver, as they or you choose. When you wear Vibrational Jewelry you invite in the focused, exponential, energetic gifts of that Stonecombination. Because they are intentionally created from the Stonebeings' hearts and designs, they will work with you intentionally as you wish.
Listen when you wear this Jewelry:
How does it feel? (Keep listening. The energies will change as you do. How long does it want to be worn? And over what parts of your body? And with what other Stonecombinations? The more you listen, the more specifically the Stone energies will complement yours.
How is Vibrational Jewelry made?
We listen to the Stonebeings.
They offer us the Stonecombinations, the order of the Stones in each vial, the name of the Combination, and then they offer us the energies that each Stone offers when it is particularly joined with those other Stones. In order for those energies to translate into Vibrational Jewelry, we must listen fully and respectfully to the Stones at every step of the co-creation. That creates an energy field where the intents of the Stones are honored and grown and acknowledged exponentially.
We faithfully record and share the information they offer about the Stonecombinations (which is put on a Card that the Jewelry comes on). Then we make the Jewelry by hand, with tremendous patience, presence and focus. Each piece is completely honored and utterly unique; this exactly allows them to vibrationaly unite with the person who will claim it, one day, and work with it for even more exponential joy and manifestation.
Listening to & living with your Vibrational Jewelry:
We have been co-creating Vibrational Jewelry long enough to know what it is to actually live with them and then to keep living with their miraculous, ever new, changing vibrations. It is such a profound wonder and yet there are not many places to go in society to learn about such things or even to talk about them at all. So we decided to talk about our experiences here, to share them as a gift to (and from) an ever deepening conversation and connection to life.
Each piece of Jewelry is an assortment of Stones (usually 4 Stones, occasionally other things, and sometimes added Stonessences) placed within a quartz vial that is hermetically sealed and then wrapped in silver or gold. The majority of the Jewelry asks to be wrapped in silver for its vibrational properties. Like every aspect of this process, nothing is done simply for aesthetic purposes only. All choices made here come first from the energetic and vibrational requests of the living, breathing Stones involved. Because of this we also suggest using silk, cotton or appropriate metal for the cord or chain. The length of the cord or chain also matters greatly as it will determine the placement of your Jewelry piece on your sacred vortex space- your body. And, also because of this, we only house the Wand Sets (more about them later) in Organic Cotton, Bamboo or Silk Pouches.
This whole process/manifestation is about being grounded and present in our chosen bodies and then inviting in the innate Earth wisdom of the Stones as equal, alive partners in our continuing co-creation of more life. By wearing the Stonecombinations you can entrain your body to their particular vibration from THEIR individual, non-judgmental aspect of unconditional love. This vibration then becomes part of your energy library on a cellular level so that you can access it at any time from NOW on. For instance, if you choose to wear Hope's Call because too much mental energy keeps you from envisioning all your hopeful possibilities, the vibration of the combination of the Stones in the vial (holding the innate space of support for the qualities you are asking to move into) will allow your body/mind/Spirit energy configuration to experience/feel what it is like to physically be in a place of hopeful possibility with beauty as a cycle of life. Then, when you find yourself back in an experience of mental stress or limited envisioning, your body can, on its own, NOW, recognize and go to the new place- the new vibration- because it already has it in its energy library from directly experiencing it through wearing the vial (whether you are still wearing it or not). It is quite joyous to access these new practices and awareness through the self-empowerment of this process. The whole point is to not be dependent on any aspect of manifestation, rather, to co-create new process (with tools), to leap into the unknown with support, kindness, and compassion, bringing along our full bodies so that our continued practice of life is one that includes our own abilities to go within to acknowledge, access and provide our own responses to life's situations.
There is an implicit aliveness here that allows us to co-create with the Stones themselves, not only for us, but for/with them as well, from their own chosen space to be here with us. If we truly can exist in this place of equality with the Stones, then we can also find the place within ourselves to LISTEN to the Stones and then act accordingly. This means that we do not decide for them what is "best" for them or for us. That is attachment and control. We are here, instead, as caretakers and co-creators. So, if your chosen piece of Vibrational Jewelry decides to make some changes in its own form, you now have the sacred opportunity to decide if you are still going to co-create with it in this new form. It is "normal" for these pieces to blow one or both ends out, to disappear and re-appear (in varying degrees of time and timelessness), to have one or more components change appearance r change size or dimension (We have had the Essence inside a vial completely disappear overnight and then re-appear the next day.) and to have many other manifestations that "normal" mass consciousness would have to explain away as impossible in order to maintain its own chosen illusion of reality. We, instead, choose to confirm the miracle and the mystery of life as IT manifests around and within us, in these human bodies, on this Earth.
When a vial changes form, it is time, for us, to look to see how we have changed in co-creative relationship with the Stones and with the focus for which we have invited them into our lives. At this point, we are in equal relationship and can proceed in the new chosen vibration. Most of the time, at this juncture, the vial has served its purpose and is asking for new agreements. Quite often the new agreement for that vial is that it wishes to move on. The Stonecombination has served its purpose (especially in the cases where the vial blows up) and is asking to be released back to the Earth Mother so new combinations can come to assist and support in the next leap into the unknown.
So what is Vibrational Jewelry?
We don't know. We only LISTEN, create, share and then experience. Any understanding will always come after the experience so it is important to embrace the experience by allowing it to fully happen in the first place. This is the fun part and why we are in human bodies anyway. It may seem un-fun, sometimes, when the “fun” feels like pain and frustration but the most we can do is to keep breathing and find new ways to embrace the pain and frustration. We have found in the practice of our own lives that the Stones and Stonecombinations are a powerful support system. Our part is to open our arms and our hearts to invite them in, in an equal relationship, as that is their choice also. From this point, anything is possible.
This Vibrational Jewelry is so powerful because no Stone goes into it without its permission. And this is very obvious when making the vials. It is very specific to each Stone. This way they can join in a group consciousness with an aligned focus that is more than what each is holding individually. (This is also what they get out of the deal – how they get to learn and grow with themselves and us.)
Also, it is not just the energy of a Stone family that is represented by each Stone. Each Stone is individual within its own family, just like we are all individuals within the human family. So, for instance, when “Business Success” has Alaskan Magnetite in it, it is not just any piece of Alaskan Magnetite. It is the “exact” piece of particular Alaskan Magnetite that wants to go into that specific vial with the other “exact” Stones that have chosen the same combined existence. This is so important! This is the heart of the listening process. It can only come from a place of open-heartedness and love. Each vial is co-created with this as its core alignment. This is why they are all so powerful and can help affect such great support and change. It is because that support and change is asked for from a place of core commitment and responsibility from all involved
You must do your part also.
This is how we can connect with our innate abilities to heal ourselves. It is the nature of Vibrational Jewelry to change, just as it is our nature as humans to constantly change. It is because we, first, are energetic Beings. Embracing the changes allows us to move with the new energy instead of going back to old programs or creating new attachments. All of these Jewelry pieces are created in a sacred and respectful manner with full attention to the NOW, just as we do/be the utmost to co-create our lives from the same NOW presence in as much sacredness, respect and love as we can muster in each moment. These are tools of support for this NOW.
We currently offer at least (and we are always adding more combinations) these 136 Stonecombinations
in Vibrational Jewelry form: (and you can find descriptions of each one in either the Stonecombination Book or the Stones Alive! trilogy)
in Vibrational Jewelry form: (and you can find descriptions of each one in either the Stonecombination Book or the Stones Alive! trilogy)

Animal Telepathy
Arms of Michael
Aurora’s Dream
Boredom into Choice
Business Success
Celebration of Faeries
Center Stillness
Chakra Activators (7)
(Available individually or as a Set)
Chakra Support (7)
(Available individually or as a Set)
Children of the Crystalline Grid
Clear Boundaries w/Plants/Animals
Confusion into Focus
Connecting to Your Guides
Conscious Joy
Crystal Pleiadean Pyramid Alignment
Disappointment into Responsibility
Disease into Vitality: (D-V)
D-V: Addiction Support
D-V: Adrenal Support
D-V: Age Support
D-V: Allergy Support
D-V: Attention Support
D-V: Back Support
D-V: Blood Support
D-V: Bone Support
D-V: Brain Support
D-V: Chakra Support
D-V: Digestion Support
D-V: Dream & Sleep Support
D-V: Ear Support
D-V: Eye Support
D-V: Feet Support
D-V: Five Sense Support
D-V: Growths & Thyroid Support
D-V: Heart Support
D-V: Hormonal Support
D-V: Immune System Support
D-V: Kidney Support
D-V: Liver Support
D-V: Lymph Support
D-V: Mood Support
D-V: Mouth & Teeth Support
D-V: Muscle Support
D-V: Nasal & Sinus Support
D-V: Nerve Support
D-V: Pancreas Support
D-V: Parasite Release (Riders be gone!)
D-V: Respiratory Support
D-V: Skin Support
D-V: Spleen Support
D-V: Stamina Support
D-V: Tissue Support
DNA Re-Activation
Earth Light Initiation
Earth Star Integration
Environmental Toxins
Evolutionary Grace
Faith's Embrace
Fear into Love
First Wave
Focused Grounding
Freedom, Immortality, Invisibility
Gabriel's Dawn
Gathering Respect
Guilt into Perfection
Hawk's Wish
Hope’s Call
Impatience into Presence
In Honor of the White Buffalo
Infinite Intimacy (Female)
Infinite Intimacy (Male)
Inner Child Delight
Integrating the Mental Body
Judgment into Trust
Kwan Yin
Lack into Allowability
Leading with the Heart
Listening to Animals
Lithium Crystal
Living in Vulnerability
Mary’s Wonder
Money Grow
Mother Earth
New Earth Harmony
New Prosperity
Open Heart
Pain into Fulfillment
Peace Across the Planet
Perfect Purpose
Perfect Weight
Raphael’s Rays
Rare Earth Elemental Union
Reality Creator
Relationship into All
Resonant Field Enhancer
Sai Baba Wonder
Shamanic Dream
Should into Acceptance
Spiral of Life
Spirit Storytelling
Spontaneous Manifestation
Star Offerings
Storing Energy
Stress into Centeredness
Super Heroes! Astral Travel
Super Heroes! Bi-Location
Super Heroes! Limb Regeneration
Super Heroes! Super Powers for You
Super Heroes! Time Travel
Sweet Shield
Tibetan Tektite
Timeless Treasure
Transformation, Prosperity & the Goddess
Transforming Evolutionary Grounding
Una Oportunidad Sagrada (A Sacred Opportunity)
Uriel’s Wisdom
Violence into Compassion
Volcano Juice
Welcome Home
Welcoming New Animals
Wheel of Life
World Peace
Yeh Ming Zhu
Yeh Ming Zhu w/copper/gold/silver
To find out more about any of these amazing Jewelry pieces, just ask us. We can give you the Stone Listenings for any of them as well as the energetic and vibrational information that comes along with, in order to help you make choices.
**We can (and joyfully do) make CUSTOM Vibrational Jewelry pieces for you and your specified intent. Again, just ask.
There are no quantity discounts as these pieces are incredibly labor intensive and are already priced as low as possible.
Animal Telepathy
Arms of Michael
Aurora’s Dream
Boredom into Choice
Business Success
Celebration of Faeries
Center Stillness
Chakra Activators (7)
(Available individually or as a Set)
Chakra Support (7)
(Available individually or as a Set)
Children of the Crystalline Grid
Clear Boundaries w/Plants/Animals
Confusion into Focus
Connecting to Your Guides
Conscious Joy
Crystal Pleiadean Pyramid Alignment
Disappointment into Responsibility
Disease into Vitality: (D-V)
D-V: Addiction Support
D-V: Adrenal Support
D-V: Age Support
D-V: Allergy Support
D-V: Attention Support
D-V: Back Support
D-V: Blood Support
D-V: Bone Support
D-V: Brain Support
D-V: Chakra Support
D-V: Digestion Support
D-V: Dream & Sleep Support
D-V: Ear Support
D-V: Eye Support
D-V: Feet Support
D-V: Five Sense Support
D-V: Growths & Thyroid Support
D-V: Heart Support
D-V: Hormonal Support
D-V: Immune System Support
D-V: Kidney Support
D-V: Liver Support
D-V: Lymph Support
D-V: Mood Support
D-V: Mouth & Teeth Support
D-V: Muscle Support
D-V: Nasal & Sinus Support
D-V: Nerve Support
D-V: Pancreas Support
D-V: Parasite Release (Riders be gone!)
D-V: Respiratory Support
D-V: Skin Support
D-V: Spleen Support
D-V: Stamina Support
D-V: Tissue Support
DNA Re-Activation
Earth Light Initiation
Earth Star Integration
Environmental Toxins
Evolutionary Grace
Faith's Embrace
Fear into Love
First Wave
Focused Grounding
Freedom, Immortality, Invisibility
Gabriel's Dawn
Gathering Respect
Guilt into Perfection
Hawk's Wish
Hope’s Call
Impatience into Presence
In Honor of the White Buffalo
Infinite Intimacy (Female)
Infinite Intimacy (Male)
Inner Child Delight
Integrating the Mental Body
Judgment into Trust
Kwan Yin
Lack into Allowability
Leading with the Heart
Listening to Animals
Lithium Crystal
Living in Vulnerability
Mary’s Wonder
Money Grow
Mother Earth
New Earth Harmony
New Prosperity
Open Heart
Pain into Fulfillment
Peace Across the Planet
Perfect Purpose
Perfect Weight
Raphael’s Rays
Rare Earth Elemental Union
Reality Creator
Relationship into All
Resonant Field Enhancer
Sai Baba Wonder
Shamanic Dream
Should into Acceptance
Spiral of Life
Spirit Storytelling
Spontaneous Manifestation
Star Offerings
Storing Energy
Stress into Centeredness
Super Heroes! Astral Travel
Super Heroes! Bi-Location
Super Heroes! Limb Regeneration
Super Heroes! Super Powers for You
Super Heroes! Time Travel
Sweet Shield
Tibetan Tektite
Timeless Treasure
Transformation, Prosperity & the Goddess
Transforming Evolutionary Grounding
Una Oportunidad Sagrada (A Sacred Opportunity)
Uriel’s Wisdom
Violence into Compassion
Volcano Juice
Welcome Home
Welcoming New Animals
Wheel of Life
World Peace
Yeh Ming Zhu
Yeh Ming Zhu w/copper/gold/silver
To find out more about any of these amazing Jewelry pieces, just ask us. We can give you the Stone Listenings for any of them as well as the energetic and vibrational information that comes along with, in order to help you make choices.
**We can (and joyfully do) make CUSTOM Vibrational Jewelry pieces for you and your specified intent. Again, just ask.
There are no quantity discounts as these pieces are incredibly labor intensive and are already priced as low as possible.
House as Teacher Vibrational Jewelry!
The Stones offer these unique, very empowering combinations as Jewelry/intentional energies to be placed in particular parts of your space (home/office/community etc.) to welcome in and multiply the exact vibrations you wish to surround yourself in for complete regeneration and continual balance.
When you hang the House as Teacher Jewelry in the suggested parts of your home, they can teach you how to integrate with all the energies already present (from the Earth, from the nearby Animals, Stones, Plants, people, etc.) in a kindly and respectful fashion. This supports you to focus on and to encourage the vibrations around you to be exactly what you choose and most lovingly desire. Simultaneously, it allows you also to release any other vibrations that do not serve you and/or do not regenerate your lifeforce in your sacred space. This is a powerful lesson for humans, who often tend to create structure to house themselves in as if they were not a part of anything else on the Earth. When you listen to, honor, and integrate the energies of your house, you open your hearts to truly being a part of the Earth and remembering your innate connection to everything. This is exactly what invites you then to create sacred, living space for your sacred body/mind/heart/Spirit.
How is House as Teacher Jewelry Made?
We listen to the Stones with a willing and open heart and they offer us the Stonecombinations that specifically help to imbue our space with the exact qualities that we intend (like “Sweet Clarity”). Then we place these Stones in 3-inch glass vials and spiral wire-wrap them at the top. While co-creating them, we hold the intent that every piece of House as Teacher Jewelry will find its exact, perfect home to support.
We also offer stainless steel hangers to easily and beautifully facilitate the placement of your Jewelry piece.
Also, these pieces can, of course, also be worn as personal jewelry. They are longer and larger in diameter than the "normal" Vibrational Jewelry necklaces in order to hold a larger space and energy.
We offer these 10 House as Teacher Jewelry combinations:
The Stones offer these unique, very empowering combinations as Jewelry/intentional energies to be placed in particular parts of your space (home/office/community etc.) to welcome in and multiply the exact vibrations you wish to surround yourself in for complete regeneration and continual balance.
When you hang the House as Teacher Jewelry in the suggested parts of your home, they can teach you how to integrate with all the energies already present (from the Earth, from the nearby Animals, Stones, Plants, people, etc.) in a kindly and respectful fashion. This supports you to focus on and to encourage the vibrations around you to be exactly what you choose and most lovingly desire. Simultaneously, it allows you also to release any other vibrations that do not serve you and/or do not regenerate your lifeforce in your sacred space. This is a powerful lesson for humans, who often tend to create structure to house themselves in as if they were not a part of anything else on the Earth. When you listen to, honor, and integrate the energies of your house, you open your hearts to truly being a part of the Earth and remembering your innate connection to everything. This is exactly what invites you then to create sacred, living space for your sacred body/mind/heart/Spirit.
How is House as Teacher Jewelry Made?
We listen to the Stones with a willing and open heart and they offer us the Stonecombinations that specifically help to imbue our space with the exact qualities that we intend (like “Sweet Clarity”). Then we place these Stones in 3-inch glass vials and spiral wire-wrap them at the top. While co-creating them, we hold the intent that every piece of House as Teacher Jewelry will find its exact, perfect home to support.
We also offer stainless steel hangers to easily and beautifully facilitate the placement of your Jewelry piece.
Also, these pieces can, of course, also be worn as personal jewelry. They are longer and larger in diameter than the "normal" Vibrational Jewelry necklaces in order to hold a larger space and energy.
We offer these 10 House as Teacher Jewelry combinations:
- Amazing Journey
- Blessed Responsibility
- Bountiful Harvest
- Earth Magic
- Innocent Child
- Loving Family
- Perfect Release
- Respectful 'Welcome
- Sacred Companion
- Sweet Clarity
NEW! NEW!! NEW!!! Hooray for Planetary Vibrational Jewelry!!!
When we listen to our Spirits, they tell us that we are evolving faster-than-fast and it challenges us because that kind of immediate transformation requires constant, clear perspective. And of course, when you are delving into your deepest healing (at light speed no less), perspective virtually always goes out the window. How do we find it when everyone else around us is also struggling and healing in the same kinds of ways and needs a different perspective, too?
Always, we must go to a bigger picture. Our Spirits say that when we can connect to the energies of our Solar System and then, our universe, we will gain a different perspective— even when we don’t understand it. Just that new perspective, alone, catalyzes us out of our old, unhelpful habits and we stretch and we grow. Then, everything is possible. Anything is possible. And we can’t predict that, or know that, or understand that, until we are just plain standing in a new spot… and then another new spot… and another… The evolution is that we must grow constantly from the next biggest, loving picture possible, as a way of life. Then we all will be living in the utopia of our dreams, as one.
We listened to the Stonebeings to come up with Stonecombinations that would link us, beyond our human intellect, to the energies in our own Solar System. We happily offer these Planetary Vibrational Jewelry necklaces (also available as Planetary Wands, under the Act of Power Wand section) which spontaneously bridge us to energies that affect us all each day (just watch how the cycles of the Moon move the ocean tides and the tides within us). When we consciously reach out and integrate them for our own balance, then we evolve. Those Stargifts support us to heal ourselves: Now is the time for us to realize that and to act upon that clearly and lovingly, right now. So here they all are listed below with ingredients and Integrations. Please remember all info on this page is Copyright Twintreess 1995-2016
Phenakite~ Now is the time for utter transformation. I offer it to you throughout your entire body and being.
Purple Fluorite~ When you feel totally discombobulated, I remind you of the balance in acceptance. It allows you to respond to life in any, and every, way.
Celestite~ All your guardians are here with you, smiling at the fearful illusions, and urging you to smile with them all.
Phenakite~ Together we honor the expanding divinity of body and soul and all.
Emotional Integration: Feel all that you are and even if you don’t want to, accept all that you are. Feeling is healing.
Starry Red Jasper~ I bring you to yourself through the wisdom of your body and freedom.
Petalite~ Here is the inspiration that you always longed for and have attracted to you now.
Fuschite~ Enjoy. Life gives you gifts every moment. Enjoy them.
Emotional Integration: Celebrate that you are here and now! Everything around you will bring you what you need and want and the celebration will keep growing…
Full Moon
Shell~ I bring you the wonder of every feeling explored.
Danburite~ I delight in all the magical kingdoms upon the earth.
Ajoite~ I care for you. Show me all that you are.
Emotional Integration: We combine our intuition with yours and see how beautifully you are guided in all things!
Cuprite~ Here is all my generosity. Do with it what you will.
Hematite~ Come explore the unlimited expanse of your beautiful body!
Sodalite~ Speak the truth and we celebrate your freedom everywhere.
Emotional Integration: Come be with the fullness of life, love and joy! See your dreams happening all around you.
Lunar Eclipse
Apache Tear~ Come with me into the darkness where you can truly relax into yourself and be safely at home.
Emerald~ Now is the moment to live your heart.
Selenite~ I fill your every act with emotion, intuition and freedom.
Emotional Integration: Stop. Listen. Breathe. Are you choosing the way of life that most celebrates you?
Lunar Nodes
Crystal~ Let us look at every part of your personality. Whatever evolves your spirit, we expand it with boundless love.
Bloodstone~ I remind you to be in your body, to be the healing that you are ever becoming.
Aventurine~ May every journey bless you infinitely!
Emotional Integration: We see you for what you are: a magnificently brave divine Spirit in a human body. Affirm that. Act that and it is so.
Obsidian~ You are safe. With me be reminded of this over and over and over again.
Carnelian~ Together we do everything that you have ever dreamed of because we are ENOUGH for everything, including the places awe doesn’t dare to travel!
Calcite~ I watch over your harmony, so that you are ready for anything in a moment. ~NOW~
Emotional Integration: You are here to express Spirit, joy and abundance in every step. Now!
Rutile~ Let’s explore everything: We’re ready!
Apatite~ My gift is the curiosity that will invent new fortunes.
Quartz~ I offer clarity to see all possibilities even before they are born. Explore…
Emotional Integration: Relax. Breathe. Let your thinking set you free, instead of limiting you. Fly!
Silver~ Whatever you need, it comes to you now. The focus of your being brings you the rewards that you revel in.
Moonstone~ Though you may forget it, though you may not notice it, you are loved. Your every step is guided with infinite patience.
Emotional Integration: Open your heart. Open your heart to all emotions; then let them go free. We see you as an unlimited, open hearted miracle.
Smithsonite~ Embrace the possibilities. Everything you need to do and to be…is already you.
Rose Quartz~ I hold your heart so that it can blossom into every part of life, into every part of the world.
Larimar~ I unite the sea and the earth of you.
Amethyst~ Look into the heavens and see the reflection of us and the earth.
Emotional Integration: All of us on the Earth are one. Merge with that: You need never be lonely again.
New Moon
Hemimorphite~ I encourage you to integrate your halves.
Epidote~ Bring your intent. Together we are the alchemy it has awaited.
Tourmaline~ I help you to plant your dreams in the earth now so that they can grow.
Emotional Integration: Every moment is a fresh birth. We remind you so that you never forget pure life.
Noonday Sun
Vanadinite~ I show off your full magnificence, even if you don’t recognize it.
Sulphur~ I enrich all your senses and enliven your thoughts, until you must blossom as the person you have always wanted to be.
Zincite~ I explode with creativity for you to revel in!
Emotional Integration: Join your heart with us: We are beaming our unique love everywhere on the Earth, at once!
Rutile~ Feel my focus in your body- use it.
Actinolite~ I join your heart and your true intent.
Sunstone~ I awaken your sleeping passions.
Amblygonite~ Know power and honor it.
Emotional Integration: Hold us to your heart. Pause. Do nothing until you gather together all your resources: Now face the world, strong, free and unafraid.
Rising Sun
Pyrite~ The beginning of the day is the beginning of magic and I imbue that upon your body.
Calcite~ Here are all the possibilities and all the enthusiasm…
Emotional Integration: Every sunrise is a new lifetime in a new body with a new, wondrous mind, when you open to the birth of the Sun each day.
Amber~ I present you with the richness of maturity, of wisdom.
Citrine~ I rearrange your thinking so that you can see what serves you and what doesn’t.
Peridot~ Feel your heart. It is not pain, unless you resist its incredible truth.
Howlite~ I remind you of the pleasure of responsibility, which you can use every moment.
Emotional Integration: You instinctively fear what you have not yet experienced. If you cannot face the newness of something, hold us to your heart. You know us in your bones and that encourages you to do and be anything now.
Galena~ Learn from everything and everyone around you— it’s why you are witnessing them.
Rubellite~ I empower your body and your heart at the same, special moment.
Fluorite~ Here’s the inspiration you asked for— in whatever form you need it.
Kunzite~ I give you unconditional acceptance and admiration.
Emotional Integration: We are here. We are with you. We experience everything you do, yet nothing truly challenges us because we automatically are one with all. Join us. Join the union within and around you.
Setting Sun
Zebra Jasper~ I welcome in unimaginable realities within this one.
Opal~ I offer you magic that you have never seen before.
Emotional Integration: Let the world go soft. We must regenerate each day, each night.
Solar Eclipse
Kyanite~ I connect you to your sweet center.
Labradorite~ When you look upon me, you find the spirit in all beings.
Lapis Lazuli~ I affirm your innate, timeless wisdom.
Emotional Integration: Stop. Look at your life. Is it going the way that you truly intend?
Sunstone~ I shimmer gloriously…just like you!
Gold~ I warm you from the roots to the crown.
Copper~ I delight in your unique creativity, which, with my support, creates magic.
Emotional Integration: You are creativity, embodied. When you forget that, we will remember it with you.
Smokey Quartz~ I guide you happily on all of your journeys.
Pietersite~ I introduce you to almost unbelievable new ways quietly, safely.
Rhodochrosite~ I transform you so that you can deepen your joy!
Emotional Integration: Now is the time of evolution. Trust it. This is your moment.
Iolite~ I bring you to the mysteries of the universe.
White Moldavite~ I hold your hand while you traverse new worlds.
Emotional Integration: Change is the constant of life. Embrace it and you will find more support than you could ever have imagined.
Rhodochrosite~ I soften your heart so that you can keep it open during challenges.
Herkimer Diamond~ I enliven your body and your fullest appreciation of its wonders.
Praseodymium~ I show you the reflection of perfection around you and within you!
Emotional Integration: Yes! Life always brings beauty. We will revel in it with you.
Planetary Vibrational Jewelry!
When we listen to our Spirits, they tell us that we are evolving faster-than-fast and it challenges us because that kind of immediate transformation requires constant, clear perspective. And of course, when you are delving into your deepest healing (at light speed no less), perspective virtually always goes out the window. How do we find it when everyone else around us is also struggling and healing in the same kinds of ways and needs a different perspective, too?
Always, we must go to a bigger picture. Our Spirits say that when we can connect to the energies of our Solar System and then, our universe, we will gain a different perspective— even when we don’t understand it. Just that new perspective, alone, catalyzes us out of our old, unhelpful habits and we stretch and we grow. Then, everything is possible. Anything is possible. And we can’t predict that, or know that, or understand that, until we are just plain standing in a new spot… and then another new spot… and another… The evolution is that we must grow constantly from the next biggest, loving picture possible, as a way of life. Then we all will be living in the utopia of our dreams, as one.
We listened to the Stonebeings to come up with Stonecombinations that would link us, beyond our human intellect, to the energies in our own Solar System. We happily offer these Planetary Vibrational Jewelry necklaces (also available as Planetary Wands, under the Act of Power Wand section) which spontaneously bridge us to energies that affect us all each day (just watch how the cycles of the Moon move the ocean tides and the tides within us). When we consciously reach out and integrate them for our own balance, then we evolve. Those Stargifts support us to heal ourselves: Now is the time for us to realize that and to act upon that clearly and lovingly, right now. So here they all are listed below with ingredients and Integrations. Please remember all info on this page is Copyright Twintreess 1995-2016
Phenakite~ Now is the time for utter transformation. I offer it to you throughout your entire body and being.
Purple Fluorite~ When you feel totally discombobulated, I remind you of the balance in acceptance. It allows you to respond to life in any, and every, way.
Celestite~ All your guardians are here with you, smiling at the fearful illusions, and urging you to smile with them all.
Phenakite~ Together we honor the expanding divinity of body and soul and all.
Emotional Integration: Feel all that you are and even if you don’t want to, accept all that you are. Feeling is healing.
Starry Red Jasper~ I bring you to yourself through the wisdom of your body and freedom.
Petalite~ Here is the inspiration that you always longed for and have attracted to you now.
Fuschite~ Enjoy. Life gives you gifts every moment. Enjoy them.
Emotional Integration: Celebrate that you are here and now! Everything around you will bring you what you need and want and the celebration will keep growing…
Full Moon
Shell~ I bring you the wonder of every feeling explored.
Danburite~ I delight in all the magical kingdoms upon the earth.
Ajoite~ I care for you. Show me all that you are.
Emotional Integration: We combine our intuition with yours and see how beautifully you are guided in all things!
Cuprite~ Here is all my generosity. Do with it what you will.
Hematite~ Come explore the unlimited expanse of your beautiful body!
Sodalite~ Speak the truth and we celebrate your freedom everywhere.
Emotional Integration: Come be with the fullness of life, love and joy! See your dreams happening all around you.
Lunar Eclipse
Apache Tear~ Come with me into the darkness where you can truly relax into yourself and be safely at home.
Emerald~ Now is the moment to live your heart.
Selenite~ I fill your every act with emotion, intuition and freedom.
Emotional Integration: Stop. Listen. Breathe. Are you choosing the way of life that most celebrates you?
Lunar Nodes
Crystal~ Let us look at every part of your personality. Whatever evolves your spirit, we expand it with boundless love.
Bloodstone~ I remind you to be in your body, to be the healing that you are ever becoming.
Aventurine~ May every journey bless you infinitely!
Emotional Integration: We see you for what you are: a magnificently brave divine Spirit in a human body. Affirm that. Act that and it is so.
Obsidian~ You are safe. With me be reminded of this over and over and over again.
Carnelian~ Together we do everything that you have ever dreamed of because we are ENOUGH for everything, including the places awe doesn’t dare to travel!
Calcite~ I watch over your harmony, so that you are ready for anything in a moment. ~NOW~
Emotional Integration: You are here to express Spirit, joy and abundance in every step. Now!
Rutile~ Let’s explore everything: We’re ready!
Apatite~ My gift is the curiosity that will invent new fortunes.
Quartz~ I offer clarity to see all possibilities even before they are born. Explore…
Emotional Integration: Relax. Breathe. Let your thinking set you free, instead of limiting you. Fly!
Silver~ Whatever you need, it comes to you now. The focus of your being brings you the rewards that you revel in.
Moonstone~ Though you may forget it, though you may not notice it, you are loved. Your every step is guided with infinite patience.
Emotional Integration: Open your heart. Open your heart to all emotions; then let them go free. We see you as an unlimited, open hearted miracle.
Smithsonite~ Embrace the possibilities. Everything you need to do and to be…is already you.
Rose Quartz~ I hold your heart so that it can blossom into every part of life, into every part of the world.
Larimar~ I unite the sea and the earth of you.
Amethyst~ Look into the heavens and see the reflection of us and the earth.
Emotional Integration: All of us on the Earth are one. Merge with that: You need never be lonely again.
New Moon
Hemimorphite~ I encourage you to integrate your halves.
Epidote~ Bring your intent. Together we are the alchemy it has awaited.
Tourmaline~ I help you to plant your dreams in the earth now so that they can grow.
Emotional Integration: Every moment is a fresh birth. We remind you so that you never forget pure life.
Noonday Sun
Vanadinite~ I show off your full magnificence, even if you don’t recognize it.
Sulphur~ I enrich all your senses and enliven your thoughts, until you must blossom as the person you have always wanted to be.
Zincite~ I explode with creativity for you to revel in!
Emotional Integration: Join your heart with us: We are beaming our unique love everywhere on the Earth, at once!
Rutile~ Feel my focus in your body- use it.
Actinolite~ I join your heart and your true intent.
Sunstone~ I awaken your sleeping passions.
Amblygonite~ Know power and honor it.
Emotional Integration: Hold us to your heart. Pause. Do nothing until you gather together all your resources: Now face the world, strong, free and unafraid.
Rising Sun
Pyrite~ The beginning of the day is the beginning of magic and I imbue that upon your body.
Calcite~ Here are all the possibilities and all the enthusiasm…
Emotional Integration: Every sunrise is a new lifetime in a new body with a new, wondrous mind, when you open to the birth of the Sun each day.
Amber~ I present you with the richness of maturity, of wisdom.
Citrine~ I rearrange your thinking so that you can see what serves you and what doesn’t.
Peridot~ Feel your heart. It is not pain, unless you resist its incredible truth.
Howlite~ I remind you of the pleasure of responsibility, which you can use every moment.
Emotional Integration: You instinctively fear what you have not yet experienced. If you cannot face the newness of something, hold us to your heart. You know us in your bones and that encourages you to do and be anything now.
Galena~ Learn from everything and everyone around you— it’s why you are witnessing them.
Rubellite~ I empower your body and your heart at the same, special moment.
Fluorite~ Here’s the inspiration you asked for— in whatever form you need it.
Kunzite~ I give you unconditional acceptance and admiration.
Emotional Integration: We are here. We are with you. We experience everything you do, yet nothing truly challenges us because we automatically are one with all. Join us. Join the union within and around you.
Setting Sun
Zebra Jasper~ I welcome in unimaginable realities within this one.
Opal~ I offer you magic that you have never seen before.
Emotional Integration: Let the world go soft. We must regenerate each day, each night.
Solar Eclipse
Kyanite~ I connect you to your sweet center.
Labradorite~ When you look upon me, you find the spirit in all beings.
Lapis Lazuli~ I affirm your innate, timeless wisdom.
Emotional Integration: Stop. Look at your life. Is it going the way that you truly intend?
Sunstone~ I shimmer gloriously…just like you!
Gold~ I warm you from the roots to the crown.
Copper~ I delight in your unique creativity, which, with my support, creates magic.
Emotional Integration: You are creativity, embodied. When you forget that, we will remember it with you.
Smokey Quartz~ I guide you happily on all of your journeys.
Pietersite~ I introduce you to almost unbelievable new ways quietly, safely.
Rhodochrosite~ I transform you so that you can deepen your joy!
Emotional Integration: Now is the time of evolution. Trust it. This is your moment.
Iolite~ I bring you to the mysteries of the universe.
White Moldavite~ I hold your hand while you traverse new worlds.
Emotional Integration: Change is the constant of life. Embrace it and you will find more support than you could ever have imagined.
Rhodochrosite~ I soften your heart so that you can keep it open during challenges.
Herkimer Diamond~ I enliven your body and your fullest appreciation of its wonders.
Praseodymium~ I show you the reflection of perfection around you and within you!
Emotional Integration: Yes! Life always brings beauty. We will revel in it with you.
Planetary Vibrational Jewelry!