Freedom Intent: Focused practices of learning Intent and Manifestation through our Genius Brain and Super Hero Self!
Every day we listen to our Spirit family, the Elementals, and Grandmother Sweet Shield. Hearing that other perspective on our lives, day after day, gives us the determination and the wisdom to live as the immortals we truly are……to bridge this world of separation with all others……to heal our Shields…… to dance with the Elementals (the Devas of the elements that make up all life and manifestation here: earth; fire; water; air; ethers) and to walk with acceptance for everything—it allows us to act upon our true intent in being here, now, upon the Earth Mother.
Grandmother has passed on to us in innumerable ways that to be the divine human beings we truly are (to heal our Shields), we must co-create and constantly maintain a resonant field of unconditional love, acceptance and alignment with the Elementals. Otherwise, we might, and do, inadvertently and unconsciously act upon the separation and death which are continually projected upon us from our society and its collective fears as well as our historical genetic programmings and parallel existences.
By listening to and focusing upon our link up with the Healed Shields and from that big picture, we clearly see our free choices and we remember that we can choose life— that we can choose acceptance and simultaneously, embrace and release separation. Separation has no power over us. It sounds simple to say that. Yet with the relentless barrage of messages all around us that invites us to stay in fear, instead, it is not so easy to remember our own power long enough to actually act upon it.
It is our alignment with the Elementals that supports us to be clear enough to realize our divinity, to keep choosing it, and to accumulate the stamina to walk it upon the Earth Mother, now.
Our Spirits have asked us to share this practice of life and listening with you, as it has been so kindly shared with us. Join us if you chose, for the Freedom Intent, a four or five (usually) day and night intensive, where we will co-create with our Spirits such an expansive resonant field that it will unconditionally accept and support our truest, most magnificent selves right now. Then you get to decide whether or not to remember what that resonant field “feels” like and whether or not you want to integrate it into the practices of your daily life. The Freedom Intent usuallly happens about once a year, when and where called for. (The last Freedom Intent was in 2010 at a hot springs at 11,000 ft in Equador.)
The practice of our lives, together in the Freedom Intent, include:
Spending the days and nights together in constant Listening, and in our Center Stillness (Our Center Stillness is the timeless space where we live within our Spirit and with our Sacred Witness).
Listening to Grandmother Sweet Shield every morning, letting her guide us through our alignment with the Elementals, for that day, and beyond and listening to our Dreams, our Genius Brains and inviting in our Super Hero selves with new practices.
Acting upon the life-affirming practices that Grandmother gives all of us. Each practice will intersect with the exact flow of the seasons; the Elementals; and our most personalized, potent, current needs for healing/integration.
We (Twintreess) will share the practices of freedom, immortality & invisibility that the Elementals and our Spirits have taught us throughout our lives and we will unconditionally accept all that you are so that you can feel truly embraced, utterly, timelessly, right now.
We will listen to the Elementals to know exactly what is happening with our bodies, for our bodies always tell us (if we listen) exactly where and how we are blocked) in a practical, immediate way. As Spirit Listeners and kinesiologists, we will respectfully ask your body to tell us the exact ways you can embrace and release any stagnation and dis-ease, so that you can support yourself to be completely vital, loving, and whatever you choose, right now.
All of us will open our hearts each day, allowing ourselves to release any belief/knowledge/expectation: It’s not possible to completely, joyfully grasp life and immortality, if one hand is still in reserve holding onto separation.
We all will share our questions and our stories to empower our deepest possible connection to the Elementals and Spirit. We will go over anything that comes up (feelings; dreams; body sensations, etc.) to show us where we still resist love and life. Those same resistances exactly show us our most efficient paths to freedom.
We will eat organic, vegan, live raw food (not exposed to temperatures over 108F), to most efficiently support us facing ourselves, embracing our separation/challenges, and setting them free. This food affirms lifeforce and offers the extra stamina we need to truly be our full, divine selves, no matter what.
We, Twintreess, will share our all with you. We will open our hearts and the practices of our lives to create a resonant field of free choice and transformation. It will require all of our love, acceptance and lifeforce. We trust that this act will inform your being and your energy, so immediately and unconditionally, that you will find the energy to see who you are and what you choose (Whatever you choose, we accept it.).
You must come with your willingness. In order to really be free, you must come prepared to give up anything. We realize that even hearing this may arouse your fears; we understand. Realize this: As human beings, our attachment to separation may be so all-encompassing and subtle, that anything that we think or believe could be a cleverly disguised defense designed to keep us in separation until we die from those beliefs.
It is the open-heart demonstration of your willingness that sets you free. This internal geometry will insist upon attracting more freedom to you (like attracts like) and simultaneously, it can release even the most persistent and, often unconscious, fears that have exactly “held you back” from being your own magnificence, every moment, right now. All you have to lose is the attachment to fear, itself; love will stay right beside you every step of the way. You will also then “gain” the responsibility to change the daily practices of your life that no longer match your new internal geometrical configurations.
To join us, you need to act upon your willingness to release and embrace your old way of life in a new way and act upon your willingness to align with your new intent. Send us a Statement of Intent; we need this before the intensive. A Statement of Intent declares to your Spirit Self and your Spirit families (and us) who you are and what you intend to do in this gathering to act upon your own divinity. The statement does not need to be long. It simply needs to come from your heart. Use the most powerful, freeing, affirming words you can find. When you read them, you will feel your Spirit already soaring; that’s how you will know that it’s your Statement of Intent. It needs to have enough energy to get you through any challenge that shows up. (You might want to read that line again.) You will be referring to your Intent over and over again, as will we and it is also how Spirit will focus in on your energy configuration and determine the percentage of your willingness as a common denominator. It is your beacon of clarity when old beliefs and thoughts come to confuse you into stagnation and separation, again and again.
Send us your Statement of Intent. Once you share it with us, you will begin the Freedom Intent with your Spirit. Your life will change immediately. We will be connected through it and when we gather for this intensive, we will be as ready as our willingness. The earlier you send your Statement of Intent (and it is accepted by Spirit) the sooner we can support you in transition with whatever issues or challenges arise for you in your commitment. “They say that the truth sets you free, but only if you face up to it.” — Yasmin Boland
The Freedom Intent, as always, is and will be a live, raw, organic food event. And, again, as always, asks that we all leave any toxic substances or addictive substances behind, or aside at least, for this focused committed time. If you commit to attending early, we can support you ongoing in preparing for the time together if you are considering letting go of addictive or repetitive patterns (such as smoking or caffeine). It can be much more integrative and supportive to start on some of these paths as early as possible before the actual event as that can then make the transition smoother and less dysfunctional. Please feel free to call and talk to us about whatever issues or challenges you may feel around the Freedom Intent. The parameters that we and Spirit set concerning our practices are invitations, not rules, and they are totally and respectfully designed to get the “feeling” of the balanced practice in our energy body so it is there at a cellular level to be accessed at any “later” time. We can then choose to align with the invitations as our support system rather than have them continue to be totally in the genetic/historical realm of dysfunction. This can mean that you are then already empowering yourself in the face of the challenges. This conscious act is a heart generated experience for ourselves that is (or can be) forever life-changing. It is not necessary (from our point of view) to let your issues (no matter what they may be) deter you from attending. Spirit only looks at the geometrical configuration of your willingness. Your willingness is the most vital ingredient in this equation. You will be asked to submit a Statement of Intent that we then present to Grandmother. She simply looks at the geometries of everyone’s willingness and how it all comes together (as much according to the present electro-magnetic conditions of the Earth Mother at the present moment as looking at your personal geometry) and then advises each individual as to whether or not it is supportive of themselves and the group, to attend this event in this particular time frame. It is all a conversation. It only needs you to open the door if you so choose at this particular time.
The heart of the Freedom Intent is our work with the Elemental Birth Imprint Deck/System that most of you know about (and the Conception Imprint) and we will continue to build upon this work individually and as a group, as well as continue on with the support of our other exponential tools such as Body Scans and the GDV machine. As usual, we also will be daily working with our core Statements of Intent and Statements of Manifestation.
Marilyn & Tohmas
We are divine, immortal, free beings and we have the opportunity/the right to live that, utterly, here, now— on every level and dimension. Once you consider this invitation, the dance of the Elementals (the flow of free lifeforce) and the Freedom Intent will root in your being and open up doorways for you/us. It begins now. We can support each other right away.
Below are words directly from Grandmother Sweet Shield, from one of our daily Listenings, that we can offer to you now. Feel the support and the opportunities standing right beside you…
(This is from November 16th, 2003)
Today is a day of the Sun Grandfather. He is traveling through the stars and in seven days he will show his face and hide it for a little while. When he does this, all of the children of the earth mother will stand in his schadow and for that moment they will be able to look at their own consciousness and see what hides from them. When the light of the Grandfather is full again, they can direct it upon any ways that no longer help them to grow more life. In this great alchemy, judgment has slipped away. Understanding is unneeded. All that remains to show you clarity in any decision, any decision, is this question: Does it grow more life and love? It is that simple.
Once you choose to listen to, to face up to, and to respond to that truth, all will be open to you and you to it.
For what seems to be a long time, 2-leggeds have carried the weight of their beliefs, their habits and their denials with them. Look. You can see it in the cast of another’s shoulders, or in the over-fullness of a stomach extended. The cost of maintaining separation is carried by your body. It literally is weighed down with the baggage of the many faces of fear. As a species, you have created systems of analyzing and avoidance that are in your head, upon your back, across your shoulders, and they are part of every ache and stiffness you have ever known. That is the baggage that you have built and carry every single moment until it finally seems to crush you back into the Earth.
During the eclipse of the Sun Grandfather, there will be a blink in his brightness. For a few moments his face will go dark and he will look like the separation that is in your body. When he goes dark, be still. Feel and know the weight of your own schadows. Embrace them all and when the Sun Grandfather grows light again, drop your baggage, let the Earth Mother take it and focus upon only that which grows more life and more love. This is the gift the Sun Grandfather offers to the children of the Earth, now
As you align with him, you will find that the last few days without his shining face are doorways of preparation. The cloudiness allows you to see your own cloudiness – like attracts like. You will find your old ways being drawn out of you like an herb draws out poisons. Feel this.
In these seven days you are in the doorway of preparation. It is a kindness that allows you to call forth to all parts of you that are attached to death. As you call out to them, they will respond and you will feel the weight of their burdens in as gentle a way as possible. Whatever you need to allow them to arise and to simultaneously look upon the new light and freedom that you are is your gift.
(And from December 15th, 2006.)
It is the last day of All (in our on-going daily practice of aligning with the Rituals of Manifestation Deck) and perhaps the most potent for to be with All (the 50th card in the Deck) is to live with human and this is the Spirit path of every 2-legged. As you can, be silent. Let the voices of all parts of you be free to speak up. When you offer your quiet things can come to you that you could not imagine or ask for. They are simply drawn to you by the willingness of your inner calm and peace. Let your body be an open field, not thinking, not understanding- simply being rooted into the Earth Mother while reaching into the Sky Father. Then it will be a field of possibilities.
It may not be an easy day but it is a day of power. Surrender to that. You have all the tools and support you need. What is asked of you now is to be the spiritual 2-leggeds that you have always come here to be. It is time to offer your unique gifts to the whole of life itself and to the bounty of the Earth Mother.
Fear will ask you to underestimate these gifts so that you will not be hurt somehow in the giving. Surrender to power, for power knows that the gifts are part of all life already- that they come from Spirit through you. Fear can never see the connection of anything to Spirit. That is why it feels afraid.
Surrender to power. All Healed Shields await you there.
To heal your Shield means that you must completely honor what you were born into, for it was and is your own Spirit that called you to that. Accepting and responding to that is your great healing.
If you have taken the previous workshops, welcome— you are ready for the next level. If you didn’t attend the other workshops, then listen to this invitation with your heart. That is the link to listening to your Spirit and letting go of the pervasiveness of separation. Listen from a quiet, timeless space and write your Statement of Intent. We will receive it with our open hearts. All are welcome here and we always go over as much of the information from past Workshops as possible, so in a sense, we are all new to each new workshop and the information then remains approachable for all. We simply are called to evolve as best we can to match the ever changing vibrations of the Earth Mother and to go deeper along with her so we can entrain as compassionately (for ourselves) as possible with the always new unknown. The hertz of the Earth is ever increasing as the magnetics drops. This allows us to feel the speeding up of “time” and invites us to deepen our heart felt commitments to joining with the Earth Mother in her own chosen evolvement – as well as the other life forms that co-exist along side us on this beautiful planet: the Animal, Mineral, and Plant kingdoms. More is being asked of us or we would not be co-creators. This just is. It is not a pressure although it may well feel that way. It is an invitation AND the time is NOW.
We’re here. Let us know how this feels. We fully support your journey and we welcome your questions and feelings. Our Spirits have asked us to offer this invitation and we are very grateful to do so now.
Spirit Coaching
We also offer a personal, private mini-version of the work we do at Freedom Intent. This is called Spirit Coaching and is designed by your own Spirit and you and the Elementals to most fully support you where you acknowledge you are at in this moment. This is a personally designed program based on your submission again of a Statement of Intent and could run for days, weeks or months and is structured around your specific Intent and chosen Manifestations. This is a HUGE support tool to embed the new practices into your daily reality through repetition and the continuing awareness of the current cycles you are experiencing and to learn and invite in new practices and habits while releasing the old dysfunctional ones to coming home in integration. Get hold of us for more info.
Every day we listen to our Spirit family, the Elementals, and Grandmother Sweet Shield. Hearing that other perspective on our lives, day after day, gives us the determination and the wisdom to live as the immortals we truly are……to bridge this world of separation with all others……to heal our Shields…… to dance with the Elementals (the Devas of the elements that make up all life and manifestation here: earth; fire; water; air; ethers) and to walk with acceptance for everything—it allows us to act upon our true intent in being here, now, upon the Earth Mother.
Grandmother has passed on to us in innumerable ways that to be the divine human beings we truly are (to heal our Shields), we must co-create and constantly maintain a resonant field of unconditional love, acceptance and alignment with the Elementals. Otherwise, we might, and do, inadvertently and unconsciously act upon the separation and death which are continually projected upon us from our society and its collective fears as well as our historical genetic programmings and parallel existences.
By listening to and focusing upon our link up with the Healed Shields and from that big picture, we clearly see our free choices and we remember that we can choose life— that we can choose acceptance and simultaneously, embrace and release separation. Separation has no power over us. It sounds simple to say that. Yet with the relentless barrage of messages all around us that invites us to stay in fear, instead, it is not so easy to remember our own power long enough to actually act upon it.
It is our alignment with the Elementals that supports us to be clear enough to realize our divinity, to keep choosing it, and to accumulate the stamina to walk it upon the Earth Mother, now.
Our Spirits have asked us to share this practice of life and listening with you, as it has been so kindly shared with us. Join us if you chose, for the Freedom Intent, a four or five (usually) day and night intensive, where we will co-create with our Spirits such an expansive resonant field that it will unconditionally accept and support our truest, most magnificent selves right now. Then you get to decide whether or not to remember what that resonant field “feels” like and whether or not you want to integrate it into the practices of your daily life. The Freedom Intent usuallly happens about once a year, when and where called for. (The last Freedom Intent was in 2010 at a hot springs at 11,000 ft in Equador.)
The practice of our lives, together in the Freedom Intent, include:
Spending the days and nights together in constant Listening, and in our Center Stillness (Our Center Stillness is the timeless space where we live within our Spirit and with our Sacred Witness).
Listening to Grandmother Sweet Shield every morning, letting her guide us through our alignment with the Elementals, for that day, and beyond and listening to our Dreams, our Genius Brains and inviting in our Super Hero selves with new practices.
Acting upon the life-affirming practices that Grandmother gives all of us. Each practice will intersect with the exact flow of the seasons; the Elementals; and our most personalized, potent, current needs for healing/integration.
We (Twintreess) will share the practices of freedom, immortality & invisibility that the Elementals and our Spirits have taught us throughout our lives and we will unconditionally accept all that you are so that you can feel truly embraced, utterly, timelessly, right now.
We will listen to the Elementals to know exactly what is happening with our bodies, for our bodies always tell us (if we listen) exactly where and how we are blocked) in a practical, immediate way. As Spirit Listeners and kinesiologists, we will respectfully ask your body to tell us the exact ways you can embrace and release any stagnation and dis-ease, so that you can support yourself to be completely vital, loving, and whatever you choose, right now.
All of us will open our hearts each day, allowing ourselves to release any belief/knowledge/expectation: It’s not possible to completely, joyfully grasp life and immortality, if one hand is still in reserve holding onto separation.
We all will share our questions and our stories to empower our deepest possible connection to the Elementals and Spirit. We will go over anything that comes up (feelings; dreams; body sensations, etc.) to show us where we still resist love and life. Those same resistances exactly show us our most efficient paths to freedom.
We will eat organic, vegan, live raw food (not exposed to temperatures over 108F), to most efficiently support us facing ourselves, embracing our separation/challenges, and setting them free. This food affirms lifeforce and offers the extra stamina we need to truly be our full, divine selves, no matter what.
We, Twintreess, will share our all with you. We will open our hearts and the practices of our lives to create a resonant field of free choice and transformation. It will require all of our love, acceptance and lifeforce. We trust that this act will inform your being and your energy, so immediately and unconditionally, that you will find the energy to see who you are and what you choose (Whatever you choose, we accept it.).
You must come with your willingness. In order to really be free, you must come prepared to give up anything. We realize that even hearing this may arouse your fears; we understand. Realize this: As human beings, our attachment to separation may be so all-encompassing and subtle, that anything that we think or believe could be a cleverly disguised defense designed to keep us in separation until we die from those beliefs.
It is the open-heart demonstration of your willingness that sets you free. This internal geometry will insist upon attracting more freedom to you (like attracts like) and simultaneously, it can release even the most persistent and, often unconscious, fears that have exactly “held you back” from being your own magnificence, every moment, right now. All you have to lose is the attachment to fear, itself; love will stay right beside you every step of the way. You will also then “gain” the responsibility to change the daily practices of your life that no longer match your new internal geometrical configurations.
To join us, you need to act upon your willingness to release and embrace your old way of life in a new way and act upon your willingness to align with your new intent. Send us a Statement of Intent; we need this before the intensive. A Statement of Intent declares to your Spirit Self and your Spirit families (and us) who you are and what you intend to do in this gathering to act upon your own divinity. The statement does not need to be long. It simply needs to come from your heart. Use the most powerful, freeing, affirming words you can find. When you read them, you will feel your Spirit already soaring; that’s how you will know that it’s your Statement of Intent. It needs to have enough energy to get you through any challenge that shows up. (You might want to read that line again.) You will be referring to your Intent over and over again, as will we and it is also how Spirit will focus in on your energy configuration and determine the percentage of your willingness as a common denominator. It is your beacon of clarity when old beliefs and thoughts come to confuse you into stagnation and separation, again and again.
Send us your Statement of Intent. Once you share it with us, you will begin the Freedom Intent with your Spirit. Your life will change immediately. We will be connected through it and when we gather for this intensive, we will be as ready as our willingness. The earlier you send your Statement of Intent (and it is accepted by Spirit) the sooner we can support you in transition with whatever issues or challenges arise for you in your commitment. “They say that the truth sets you free, but only if you face up to it.” — Yasmin Boland
The Freedom Intent, as always, is and will be a live, raw, organic food event. And, again, as always, asks that we all leave any toxic substances or addictive substances behind, or aside at least, for this focused committed time. If you commit to attending early, we can support you ongoing in preparing for the time together if you are considering letting go of addictive or repetitive patterns (such as smoking or caffeine). It can be much more integrative and supportive to start on some of these paths as early as possible before the actual event as that can then make the transition smoother and less dysfunctional. Please feel free to call and talk to us about whatever issues or challenges you may feel around the Freedom Intent. The parameters that we and Spirit set concerning our practices are invitations, not rules, and they are totally and respectfully designed to get the “feeling” of the balanced practice in our energy body so it is there at a cellular level to be accessed at any “later” time. We can then choose to align with the invitations as our support system rather than have them continue to be totally in the genetic/historical realm of dysfunction. This can mean that you are then already empowering yourself in the face of the challenges. This conscious act is a heart generated experience for ourselves that is (or can be) forever life-changing. It is not necessary (from our point of view) to let your issues (no matter what they may be) deter you from attending. Spirit only looks at the geometrical configuration of your willingness. Your willingness is the most vital ingredient in this equation. You will be asked to submit a Statement of Intent that we then present to Grandmother. She simply looks at the geometries of everyone’s willingness and how it all comes together (as much according to the present electro-magnetic conditions of the Earth Mother at the present moment as looking at your personal geometry) and then advises each individual as to whether or not it is supportive of themselves and the group, to attend this event in this particular time frame. It is all a conversation. It only needs you to open the door if you so choose at this particular time.
The heart of the Freedom Intent is our work with the Elemental Birth Imprint Deck/System that most of you know about (and the Conception Imprint) and we will continue to build upon this work individually and as a group, as well as continue on with the support of our other exponential tools such as Body Scans and the GDV machine. As usual, we also will be daily working with our core Statements of Intent and Statements of Manifestation.
Marilyn & Tohmas
We are divine, immortal, free beings and we have the opportunity/the right to live that, utterly, here, now— on every level and dimension. Once you consider this invitation, the dance of the Elementals (the flow of free lifeforce) and the Freedom Intent will root in your being and open up doorways for you/us. It begins now. We can support each other right away.
Below are words directly from Grandmother Sweet Shield, from one of our daily Listenings, that we can offer to you now. Feel the support and the opportunities standing right beside you…
(This is from November 16th, 2003)
Today is a day of the Sun Grandfather. He is traveling through the stars and in seven days he will show his face and hide it for a little while. When he does this, all of the children of the earth mother will stand in his schadow and for that moment they will be able to look at their own consciousness and see what hides from them. When the light of the Grandfather is full again, they can direct it upon any ways that no longer help them to grow more life. In this great alchemy, judgment has slipped away. Understanding is unneeded. All that remains to show you clarity in any decision, any decision, is this question: Does it grow more life and love? It is that simple.
Once you choose to listen to, to face up to, and to respond to that truth, all will be open to you and you to it.
For what seems to be a long time, 2-leggeds have carried the weight of their beliefs, their habits and their denials with them. Look. You can see it in the cast of another’s shoulders, or in the over-fullness of a stomach extended. The cost of maintaining separation is carried by your body. It literally is weighed down with the baggage of the many faces of fear. As a species, you have created systems of analyzing and avoidance that are in your head, upon your back, across your shoulders, and they are part of every ache and stiffness you have ever known. That is the baggage that you have built and carry every single moment until it finally seems to crush you back into the Earth.
During the eclipse of the Sun Grandfather, there will be a blink in his brightness. For a few moments his face will go dark and he will look like the separation that is in your body. When he goes dark, be still. Feel and know the weight of your own schadows. Embrace them all and when the Sun Grandfather grows light again, drop your baggage, let the Earth Mother take it and focus upon only that which grows more life and more love. This is the gift the Sun Grandfather offers to the children of the Earth, now
As you align with him, you will find that the last few days without his shining face are doorways of preparation. The cloudiness allows you to see your own cloudiness – like attracts like. You will find your old ways being drawn out of you like an herb draws out poisons. Feel this.
In these seven days you are in the doorway of preparation. It is a kindness that allows you to call forth to all parts of you that are attached to death. As you call out to them, they will respond and you will feel the weight of their burdens in as gentle a way as possible. Whatever you need to allow them to arise and to simultaneously look upon the new light and freedom that you are is your gift.
(And from December 15th, 2006.)
It is the last day of All (in our on-going daily practice of aligning with the Rituals of Manifestation Deck) and perhaps the most potent for to be with All (the 50th card in the Deck) is to live with human and this is the Spirit path of every 2-legged. As you can, be silent. Let the voices of all parts of you be free to speak up. When you offer your quiet things can come to you that you could not imagine or ask for. They are simply drawn to you by the willingness of your inner calm and peace. Let your body be an open field, not thinking, not understanding- simply being rooted into the Earth Mother while reaching into the Sky Father. Then it will be a field of possibilities.
It may not be an easy day but it is a day of power. Surrender to that. You have all the tools and support you need. What is asked of you now is to be the spiritual 2-leggeds that you have always come here to be. It is time to offer your unique gifts to the whole of life itself and to the bounty of the Earth Mother.
Fear will ask you to underestimate these gifts so that you will not be hurt somehow in the giving. Surrender to power, for power knows that the gifts are part of all life already- that they come from Spirit through you. Fear can never see the connection of anything to Spirit. That is why it feels afraid.
Surrender to power. All Healed Shields await you there.
To heal your Shield means that you must completely honor what you were born into, for it was and is your own Spirit that called you to that. Accepting and responding to that is your great healing.
If you have taken the previous workshops, welcome— you are ready for the next level. If you didn’t attend the other workshops, then listen to this invitation with your heart. That is the link to listening to your Spirit and letting go of the pervasiveness of separation. Listen from a quiet, timeless space and write your Statement of Intent. We will receive it with our open hearts. All are welcome here and we always go over as much of the information from past Workshops as possible, so in a sense, we are all new to each new workshop and the information then remains approachable for all. We simply are called to evolve as best we can to match the ever changing vibrations of the Earth Mother and to go deeper along with her so we can entrain as compassionately (for ourselves) as possible with the always new unknown. The hertz of the Earth is ever increasing as the magnetics drops. This allows us to feel the speeding up of “time” and invites us to deepen our heart felt commitments to joining with the Earth Mother in her own chosen evolvement – as well as the other life forms that co-exist along side us on this beautiful planet: the Animal, Mineral, and Plant kingdoms. More is being asked of us or we would not be co-creators. This just is. It is not a pressure although it may well feel that way. It is an invitation AND the time is NOW.
We’re here. Let us know how this feels. We fully support your journey and we welcome your questions and feelings. Our Spirits have asked us to offer this invitation and we are very grateful to do so now.
Spirit Coaching
We also offer a personal, private mini-version of the work we do at Freedom Intent. This is called Spirit Coaching and is designed by your own Spirit and you and the Elementals to most fully support you where you acknowledge you are at in this moment. This is a personally designed program based on your submission again of a Statement of Intent and could run for days, weeks or months and is structured around your specific Intent and chosen Manifestations. This is a HUGE support tool to embed the new practices into your daily reality through repetition and the continuing awareness of the current cycles you are experiencing and to learn and invite in new practices and habits while releasing the old dysfunctional ones to coming home in integration. Get hold of us for more info.