Breathe and Receive - 2010 - 12a
Peace Across the Planet
Spiritwords for the Wondrous Intent Holders
Winter Solstice 2010
- 12a - Winter Solstice
Peace Across the Planet
Spiritwords for the Wondrous Intent Holders
Winter Solstice 2010
With all our hearts and all our beings, we appreciate you!
We love that you responded to Spirit by saying
“YES!!!” to Peace Across the Planet……
even though it was (IS!) a crazy, inexplicable plan and wildride-adventure that gently, but insistently,
asks for your dedication,
your inspiration,
your rituals,
your grounded co-creation.
We say “YES!” too!
We say “YES” to “Peace Across the Planet.”
We say “YES” to being the commitment that forms our paths.
We say “YES” to evolving with the Earth Mother in a never-before-done-by-humans, quantum leap
We say “YES” to sharing our hearts, our time, our energy, our gifts to integrating the Piscean Age and
jumping, full-out, into the Aquarian Age in this first, big tsunami wave of enlightenment.
We say “YES” to healing our shields here and now.
We say “YES” to, and with, you.
Thank you. Thank you for your courage and for diving in where there is no manual, no logic to guide
you. Peace Across the Planet IS a crazy, wild, yeeeeeehaaaawwww (Look Ma, no hands!) roller coaster
ride. What could be more IN-sane than listening to the big Lingams of the world and standing up them up
in communities ……where people don’t really understand why they are there yet……..and personally
transporting these HUGE Stones to locations all over the world without getting them paid for them in
We’ll tell you, what’s even crazier than that: We have jumped off the cliff and are soaring into an
overnight, all-encompassing evolution that our species has NEVER BEFORE attempted. With wide open
hearts (and clueless minds) we are evolving with the Earth Mother who has, and is, transforming beyond
belief and becoming a gloriously new cosmic citizen. We celebrate this! We applaud her bold venture!
We are joining her, and the Peace Across the Planet Lingams are making it possible. They are
transforming all of us— day and night— even when we don’t realize it. They accept our unconditional
willingness (and our cluelessness!) and spontaneously act upon it in dimensions that we have maybe only
dreamed of previously.
Now is the Time!
Why wouldn’t we be doing this?? Peace Across the Planet is simple, when we let it be. All of
our Spirits are already making it so and they are just inviting us to join as we can. They would
never be asking us to do anything where the seeds of the completed dream aren’t ALREADY
growing in us…..and flourishing! All we have to do is surrender to that magnificence, one step at
a time. All we have to do is answer the invitation and just make one call, or one flyer, or one prayer……….and the Earth Mother and her generous Nature Spirits will (and are!) giving us a
tremendous, unlimited boost of energy. And we can’t know where that will take us………until
we just do it. We will not know the endless doorways that we are being gifted until we boldly act
upon the invitation from the Lingams, from our own Spirits.
Magic is in the air.
Magic is in us.
Magic is radiating out from us onto every part of the planet and is being gloriously presented to
every willing human Being on the Earth now.
If you don’t believe or see that, Look! Look in your own aura which is right now turning
cartwheels as you read these words from Spirit. And if you still can’t see the spins and spirals in
your sparking resonating fields (where you communicate with every single loving Spirit
instantaneously!!!), then make them. Bring them to you, now. Make it so. You are the one that
puts them there—no one else. We support you. Everything supports you, no matter what your
mind seems to think.
With our own perfect, precious souls, we chose (Caution to the Winds!) to be here on the Earth
Mother during this first Time of No Time for human beings. We can do ANYTHING now. What
more inspiration could we possibly dream of in our most profound, magnificent selves? This is
our reality. We are co-creating it now with pure love and miracles. Would you really want to
miss that? miss the greatest show on Earth?..........
We’re here to support that, infinitely. We are here and now to support you accepting this once-ina-million-lifetimes-invitation to the biggest party in our solar system. Join us as much as your
hearts can. Host the rituals. Share the inspiration with others. You signed up for this (before
this lifetime, and now). Let’s do it. We love this wild ride; we are deeply honored by it.
More than anything else, we want to say thank you for stepping up to the plate in “Peace Across
the Planet.” You are bold, glorious adventurers and we applaud you for your daring, your
prosperity, and your acting upon these dreams. Thank you for letting us witness your splendor.
We are grateful and awed beyond words~
More messages to come……………………….
We, Tohmas and Marilyn, have stepped up all of our commitments (more in-sanity!) and we will
be listening with Spirit for words to share with you, loving Intent holders every month. We
dedicate ourselves to this and we will CREATE the time and space for it. WOW! Feel it. Build
on it.
All our love~
Marilyn and Tohmas and our unconditionally loving and present Spiritfamilies