Crystals & Stone Beings
We never set out to sell Stones to anybody. Of course, there are a lot of Stones in our life — in our trucks, on all the windowsills, on the deck, on the stairs, in the shower, in our pockets and around our necks, etc.
However when we began the business of sharing the abundance from our Spirits with everyone, Crystals just began to appear on our doorstep. Hand harvesters of Stones came, "I want you to share my Stones with others. Pay me when you can." What was really amazing was that we didn't even know them in advance. Things like that happened over and over again. If we told you all the stories right now, it would seem unreal. Pretty soon, we had so many Stones in our office that we knew that we were supposed to be passing them on to others: That's what the Stones wanted and they were making it almost impossible for us not to do this!
So we share with you all our Stones, how they come to us and THEIR stories- from their own voices. (See the Stones Alive! trilogy of Reference Books.)
Most of them are somewhat rare and unusual and not likely to be found other places (although we regularly have large lots of "regular Stones" that also come to us in special ways for special reasons). All of them possess glorious, powerful energies that they truly want to share with you. And while they are here, we infuse them with all our awe and respect. They come to us to live and dream with us first. They stay with us in that form for as long as they choose. Then, when they give the word, we offer them out to others. It gives us great joy to offer them to you: Remember that availability of Stones on these pages changes all the time. Some sell out, new ones come in.
Call or e-mail us for availability and prices. If you want something you don't see here, ask us, we have many more things than are listed. And we also offer the service of delineating/finding/locating Stones or Crystals that you want/need/desire/wonder and are evolving into. We also put out a new Magical Stones Sales list periodically (like after the Tucson Gem show and the Denver Gem show) that can be found at the New Magical Stones Page. Check it out periodically. You can also see pictures of Stone and Statues etc. available from past Magical Sales Pages by going to Menu, then Previous Magical Sales.
You can simply call or email us for Stones and Crystals. We want you to, that is why you cannot purchase directly from this site. Our gift and service is to have the special things the Earth Mother is presenting to us all NOW for our healing. We (Marilyn and Tohmas) choose to focus on our abilities to Listen to the Earth Mother and the Elementals in the moment to be able to serve you at the highest level. So by calling or emailing us we can better be of service to your special needs and desires and use our Listening connections with Spirit and the Mineral Kingdom to support your greatest healing and evolution. This is what we do instead of simply offering sales on the Web Site. So call us. You will be appreciated and appreciative!
Its a full time job to manage a Web page with current offerings of Stones and Crystals in the ever-changing volume that passes through AhhhMuse. Its not our job to do that as we have stated, nor do we wish to increase the prices of the Minerals in order to support paying someone else a living wage to do so. So its your job to call us and ask for what you want, listen to what we have to offer that is new, or pretty much always available. That's what we are here for. The express purpose of this Web Site is to encourage you to interact with us personally, just like it is the expressed wishes of the Mineral Kingdom to interact with us very personally as well for the benefit of ALL. Its important that we make this clear for you.
We will always do our best to find the timelessness to send out an updated email after buying trips or new arrivals in order to alert you to what's happening here. If you want to be on that list, just call or email and we will make sure you are contacted when new arrivals land here.
We also ALWAYS have an extensive array of Shiva Lingams here to not only support you but to support the Peace Across the Planet project as well. (Check out the PeaceAcrossthePlanet Page here for more info on that.) These Shivas range from very small to over 7 feet tall and 1000's of pounds.
We also always have on hand a somewhat small variety of higher end specimens that have specifically asked to come through us for intentional purposes. Again, just let us know what you are looking for! Thanks for listening!
Specifically, we have hundreds of varieties of Stones and Crystals in stock from countries all around the world. Again, we specialize in respectfully hand-harvested as much as possible and always prioritize bringing here the cleanest, clearest energy pathways the Stones or Crystals have taken in relationship to the other humans involved in getting them here. This is a big deal. Once here, the Stones and Crystals also get the opportunity then to attune and resonate with the clean and clear exponential energies here on Gandarvas or at AahhhMaze. This embedded vitality then is available as exponential healing potential- the core of why we are here (if we needed a reason for some reason).
Below is a partial listing of the Stones & Crystals we have in stock. This list changes all year long, and some disappear and new ones appear. We are ever grateful...
The pictures you see are not necessarily high quality as the reason for doing this is to just give you an idea of some of the things we have here. Again, we are not trying to sell over the Website (like normal people), we ask you to call or email us to purchase so we can be clear and supportive of your healing and evolution.
Also, the pictures do not represent quantity. If you see one picture of a Phantom Quartz, we may also have 200 more. If you see a picture of a tumble, we probably have many, etc, etc, etc.... (and, of course, there also might just be one piece.) Again, just ask for more info...
The pictures you see are not necessarily high quality as the reason for doing this is to just give you an idea of some of the things we have here. Again, we are not trying to sell over the Website (like normal people), we ask you to call or email us to purchase so we can be clear and supportive of your healing and evolution.
Also, the pictures do not represent quantity. If you see one picture of a Phantom Quartz, we may also have 200 more. If you see a picture of a tumble, we probably have many, etc, etc, etc.... (and, of course, there also might just be one piece.) Again, just ask for more info...
Absolute Black Jade
Actinolite over Pyrite African Phenakite African Garnets Agate Skulls Ajoite on Quartz Ajoite Albite w/Lepidolite&Tourmaline Allanite Alluvial Rubies Amazonite & Black Tourmaline Amblygonite with Clevelandite Amethyst with Blue Chalcedony Amethyst Cathedrals Amethyst over Apophyllite Amethyst Smokey Elestials Ammonite Amphibole Elestials Angel Wing Calcite Anglesite Anhydrite Apatite Heart Apatite with Hemaite Apatite Apophyllite Apricot Agate Aqua Phenakite Aquamarine with Calcite Aquarian Presence Crystals Aragonite over Calcite Argentinian Meteorites Argentinian Orange Calcite Arielite Asbestos Quartz Azeztulite Azurite & Granite Azurite & Malachite Azurite with Bornite Azurite, Malachite, Tourmaline Banded Obsidian with Yeh Ming Zhu Banded Obsidian Banded Polychrome Jasper Beings in Quartz Spheres Belemnite Beta Quartz Bismuth half rounds Bismuth over Pyrite Black Amethyst Black Citrine Black Moonstone Black Shiva Lingams Black Tourmaline w/Copper Bloodstone & Hematite Bloodstone Blue Amber Blue Calcite w/Dolomite Blue Calcite w/Garnet Blue Calcite Blue Fire “Nuummite” Blue Moonstone w/Tourmaline Blue Obsidian Blue Pearl Moonstone (Larvikite) Blue Quartz Blue Sheen Obsidian Blue Spider Web Obsidian Blue Tiger Eye Blue Tourmalated Quartz Boji, Reg & Rainbow Bolivianite Bowenite Brazilian Lemurians Brucite Bumble Bee Jasper Burgundy Rose Quartz Calcite & Strontium Calcite & Tourmaline Calcite on Amethyst Calcite Stalactites Calcite Tips w/Hematite Calcite w/Garnet Calcite w/Okinite Calcite w/Spinel Cambodian Smokey Quartz Candeais Lemurians Candle Quartz Cathedral Quartz Catseye Calcite Catseye Tourmaline Cavansite Celestite/Fluorite/Strontium Chalcedony Galaxies Chalcopyrite over Siderite Chalcopyrite w/Covellite Chalcopyrite Chestahedron Quartz Chiastolite Chlorite Phantom Qtz Chrysocolla/Malachite Chrysocolla w/Azurite Chrysocolla w/Cuprite Chrysocolla w/Dioptase Chrysocolla w/Galena Chrysoprase Citrine Elestials Citrine Lemurians Citrine w/Morganite Clam Shell Clear Sulphur Quartz Clinochlore Smokey Quartz Clinozoisite w/Thulite Cobalt Blue & Rainbow Blue coated Lemurian Crystals Cobalt Blue/Gold/Red coated Lemurian Crystals Cobalto Calcite Codec “Information” Qtz Columbian Quartz Copal Copper/Silver Copper Spheres Covellite in Bornite Covered “Angel” Lemurians Cradle of Humankind Cryolite Crystal Dragon Skulls Curitmatai Quartz Danburite w/Calcite Dendritic Agate Dendritic Aragonite Dendritic Fluorite Dendritic Jasper Dendritic Malachite Dendritic Opal Desert Snow Quartz Diopside & Spinel Dragon Skulls Dragons Blood Jasper Dravite Drusy over Amethyst DT Lemurians Dumortierite in Quartz Dumortierite Elemental Chalcedony Concretions Elestial Scepters Elestiated Citrine Emerald w/Pyrite Epidote included Quartz Etched Quartz Etched Reverse Quartz Faden Quartz Fairy Cross (Staurolite) Fairy Dust Fairy Quartz Fairy Stones Feldspar w/Sodalite Feldspar w/Smokey Quartz Fire Quartz Flint Flower Agates Fluorite w/Quartz Fluorite w/Yttrium Fossil Mammoth Bone Beads Fossil Manatee Ears Fossil Sea Shells Fossil Whale Ears Fulgurite Fuschite Galena w/Fluorite Galena w/Sphalerite Galena/Marcasite/Sphalerite Ganesh Himal Quartz Garnet w/Nuummite Garnet w/Tourmaline Garnierite Girasol Quartz Goethite w/Pyrite Goethite w/Quartz Green Aventurine Goshenite Green Apophyllite Green Aquamarine Green Jasper Green Kyanite Green Obsidian Green Opal Green Phantom Quartz Halite Hanksite Hawkseye Velvet Tourmaline Healing Shields Septaria Hedenbergite Heliodor Hematite w/Rutilated Quartz Hematite w/Scapolite Hemaite on Calcite Hematite w/Quartz Hematite w/Tourmaline Hematoid Quartz Herderite Hessinite Garnet Hiddenite High Alt. Nepal Smokey Quartz High Altitude Quartz Himalayan Lemurians Himalayan Quartz Clusters Himalayan Quartz Needles Himalayan Quartz Himalayan Salt Wands Himalayan Salt Himalayan Twin Crystals Fossil Horse Tooth w/Chrysocolla Hydrozincite Ice Quartz Idocrase Ilvaite Infinite Inverted Quartz Iolite w/Sunstone Isua Jacare Quartz Kambaba Jasper Kanchenjunga Quartz Kyanite in Quartz Lab Grown Quartz Laterite Quartz Lavendar Quartz Lavendar Rose Quartz Lazurite Lemurian Amphibole Lightening Struck Quartz Lemurian Amphibole Manifestor Quartz Lemurian Amphibole DT Lemurian Inverted Quartz Lemurian Lightening Struck Smokey Quartz Lemurian Phantom Lemurian Super Hero Rings Lemurian Rutilated Manifestor Quartz Lemurian Rutilated Quartz Lemurian Geometries Lemurian Manifestor Quartz Lemurian Trigonics Quartz Lemurian Shift Crystals Lepidolite/Qtz/Tourmaline Lightening Struck Crystals Lightening Struck Phantoms |
Lithium in Blue Chalcedony
Llanite Madagascar Citrine Madagascar Quartz Magenta Lepidolite Magnesite Malachite/Cuprite/Azurite Mangano Calcite Manifestor Quartz Manifestor Smokey Quartz Marrakesh Magi Massage Rollers Meteorite/Shungite Meteorite Mexican Herkimers Mohawkite Mollusk Shell Mondo Quartz Mongolian Desert Agate Mongolian Quartz w/Hematite Mongolian Quartz Moqui Isua Jacare Quartz Kambaba Jasper Kanchenjunga Quartz Kyanite in Quartz Lab Grown Quartz Laterite Quartz Lavendar Quartz Lavendar Rose Quartz Lazurite Lemurian Amphibole Lightening Struck Quartz Lemurian Amphibole Manifestor Quartz Lemurian Amphibole DT Lemurian Inverted Quartz Lemurian Lightening Struck Smokey Quartz Lemurian Phantom Lemurian Super Hero Rings Lemurian Rutilated Manifestor Quartz Lemurian Rutilated Quartz Lemurian Geometries Lemurian Manifestor Quartz Lemurian Trigonics Quartz Lemurian Shift Crystals Lepidolite/Qtz/Tourmaline Lightening Struck Crystals Lightening Struck Phantoms Lithium in Blue Chalcedony Llanite Madagascar Citrine Madagascar Quartz Magenta Lepidolite Magnesite Malachite/Cuprite/Azurite Mangano Calcite Manifestor Quartz Manifestor Smokey Quartz Marrakesh Magi Massage Rollers Meteorite/Shungite Meteorite Mexican Herkimers Mohawkite Mollusk Shell Mondo Quartz Mongolian Desert Agate Mongolian Quartz w/Hematite Mongolian Quartz Moqui Morion Smokey Quartz Moroccan Jasper Mt. St. Helen’s Ash Natrolite Needle Ore Nellite Nepal Black Tourmaline Nova Scotia Quartz Nundoorite “Nuummite” China Nuummite, India Nyrongo Smokey Quartz Obsidian Dragon Bowl Ocean Jasper Ocanic Basalt Opal Menilite Opaline Orange Calcite/Tourmaline Orange Kyanite Orange Selenite Organic white-tip Quartz Pakistan Quartz Peru high alt Quartz/Pyrite Peru River Nodules Petosky Stones Phenakite/Fluorite/Aqua Phenakite/Fluorite Phenakite Phenakite/Biotite Phosphosiderite Pineapple Quartz Pink Apophyllite Pink Calcite Pink Chalcedony Pink Fluorite Pink Sapphire Pinolith Pipestone Plum Garnet Plum Jasper Polar Jade Pollucite Potential Quartz Prasiolite Prieta Tourmaline Purple Anhydrite Purple Garnet Purple Opal Pyrite/Tourmaline Pyrite Concretion Pyromorphite Pyrrhotite Quartz/Shungite Quartz/Tourmaline Quartz/Fluorite Quartz/Hematite/Rutile Rainbow Chalcopyrite Rainbow Garnet Rainbow Marcasite Rainbow Moonstone Rainbow Obsidian Rainforest Jasper Red Activator Mongolian Quartz Red Aventurine Red Dumortierite Red Epidote/Quartz Red Mineral Mexcla Red Moonstone/Smokey Quartz Red Onyx Red Quartz Red Tiger Eye Red tipped Super 7 Reverse Quartz Rhodizite Richterite River tumbled Carnelian Rose Girasol Quartz Rose Lemurians Rose Quartz Rubellite in Granite Ruby/Fuschite Ruby/Kyanite Ruby/Fuschite/Kyanite Ruby/Feldspar Ruby/Rhyolite Ruby Zoisite/Kyanite Russian Ice Quartz Russian LemurianQuartz Rutilated Petalite Rutilated Quartz w/Chlorite Rutilated Topaz Sardonyx Scolecite Lingams Scottish Green Stone Selenite w/Hematite Selenite w/Realgar Septaria Shaligrams Shattuckite Terra Hertz Shells Shift Crystals Shiva Lingams Shungite/Quartz Shungite/Tulikivi Shungite Cell Disks Shungite Sillimanite Skudderite Smithsonite Smokey Amethyst Elestial Smokey Elestials Smokey Girasol Quartz Smokey Lemurians Smokey Quartz/Amazonite Smokey Quartz/Aegrine Smokey Rutilated Quartz Smokey Scepters Smokey Selenite Sodalite w/Granite Sphalerite/Pyrite Sphalerite Spinel Star Blue Apatite Star Garnet Star Rose Quartz Star Ruby Stibnite Strawberry Lemurian Quartz Strawberry Quartz Stromatolite Sulphur in Quartz Super 7 Lingam Tangerine Lemurian Terra Hertz Beads Tetrahedrites Thulite Tibetan Quartz Tibetan Sky Eyes Tiger Iron Titanium over Black Kyanite Titanium over Titanium eggs Titanium Wands Torgernite Tourmaline/Chrysocolla Tree Agate Trigonic Crystals Tugtupite Tulikivi Vesuvianite w/Kyanite Vesuvianite Vietnamese Quartz Vietnamese Tektites Violet Quartz “Vogels” Water Quartz Water Sapphire White Beta Quartz White Moldavite Wolframite w/Quartz Yak Horn Yeh Ming Zhu Yellow Danburite Yellow Hematoid Quartz Yellow Jade Yellow Lemurian Quartz Yellow Stillbite Yogaya Stone Zagai Quartz Zebra Stone |