What you will find on this page:
- Stones Alive!
- Stones Alive! 2
- Stones Alive! 3
- Stones Alive! Stone Combination
- Elemental Birth Imprints: Living and Evolving with the Earth's Elementals, NOW! Activating your pre-personality self
- Rituals of Manifestation Deck
- Rituals of Manifestation Guidebook
- Rituals of Manifestation Phone App
- Feeding the Living Body & Soul: Rocket Fuel for your Super Hero & Genius Self
- NEW!!! Grandmother Sweet Sheild's Life: My story is Our story. Inviting us to heal and evolve now
- House as Teacher
- Ogallala: My Life with Humans
- Windows on Other Worlds
- Etheric Songs
- Heart of Matter

Stones Alive! A Reference Guide to Stones in the New Millennium
by Marilyn & Tohmas Twintreess
ISBN 1-890808-09-1 pages: 323; SRP $17.95
(NOW also available in Japanese! )
This completely unique reference book combines both the traditional scientific information and the energetic qualities and Spirit of selected Stones A-Z. This allows us to relate to and respectfully utilize the full, conscious gifts of Stones-the Earth’s timeless recordkeepers. Their wisdom runs through the ages and knows how to make miracles at any time. The second half of the book offers absolutely new, sacred stone combinations, like “Bliss” and “Immortality.” Whenever any of us combines our truth and energies with full intent, the creativity that we produce is exponential. In other words, when Tohmas and Marilyn combine their hearts to listen to life, their energy does not double, it expands 3, 4, 100+ times! It is the same with the Stones. In these combinations they offer us the expansion of all their energies and wisdom at a time on the planet when we most need it. The stone combinations also allow us the opportunity to open our hearts to deeper layers of respect, in realizing that each stone in the combinations is a single unique being (as well as a member of a larger family) that has its own special properties that it brings to the combination beyond the generic family traits it also exhibits. As we open to these special individual qualities we open to the realization that each stone is a live, conscious being. We then become more capable of entraining with the stone combinations’ energy from a new standpoint of openness, respect, clarity and unconditional love. Stones Alive! was born from our listening to the Stones. We put the words from these Earth recordkeepers alongside the appropriate geological information in a way that makes this a new kind of reference book. It happily joins science and mystery. To us, that makes anything possible. It shows us the way into the new millenium by peacefully integrating all of our gifts and all of the incredible resources of our planet home. By listening to the stone information combined this way, we can feel the ancient, timelessness of the Stones, and we feel how they are evolving. Their story is changing every single minute, just as the Earth is and just as we are. All of us are growing in our own unique way and contributing that to the whole of life on Earth. We feel honored, utterly, to have co-created “Stones Alive!” and are very happy to share it with the world. We invite you to share the adventure and to grow with it.
Stones Alive! Testimonials
“Here is a book that is truly a gift. A gift from the Stones of Earth, as their individual stories and qualities unfold between these pages. Stones Alive! gives the reader all the information usually found in books about stones – and more. “Stones Alive! is a book to treasure and one we’re keeping tucked under our pillow for bedtime reading. In keeping with Twintreess’ style, this book is credible, honest and gives us a glimpse of how to access the fifth dimension. It’s refreshing, fun to read, packed with information and filled with Light energy.” ~Mikaela Rierson, editor, Awareness Journal
“Truly Stones Alive! represents a new breed of reference book. Through sections such as the: Physical Description; Physical Integration; Emotional Integration; Millennial Uses; Personal Stories and the Stone Story, etc., you study the tangible, healing properties of stones while listening to their actual consciousness. Stones Alive! speaks of and with stones the way that the Findhorn books help us to discover plants and devas.” ~Don Karl, Zephyr Press
“They literally flew [off the shelves]…Very successful! It’s an inspired publication.” ~Richard Meyer, Kundalini Imports
“The more people hear of Stones Alive!, the more it will be one of the best references of its kind, ever!” ~Dawn Chorley, Key West, FL
“Stones Alive! takes crystal books to another level. The jewelry combinations are very well thought out and work really well. Reading it is very healing.”~Ursula Avins, Aphrodite’s Rocks, London, England
“It was written with a lot of respect for the earth.” ~Linda, Crystal Magic, Sedona, AZ
“It does very well for us.” ~Rainbow Path Bookstore
“The stones allow us into the magic of their joyful being. It is the joy and pure divine love that a lot of people search for day after day.”
~Jennifer Salness, Earthstar Co-Creations
“I am very grateful to have found this book. It’s awesome! It’s an old friend.” ~Mary Ellen Kirk, Reiki and Crystal Healer
“Stones Alive! is a wonderful celebration of life. It has taken me on magical journeys which have totally transformed my life, and left me in awe of all beings on this earth.” ~Bea Martin, UK
Excerpts From “Stones Alive!”
Note: All information here is offered in full love and respect. We expect you to review it with complete discernment and personal responsibility. These words are not meant to replace your own sound wisdom and the advice of your medical practitioner. Thank you for respecting this. You are welcome to share these excerpts as long as you credit them to “Stones Alive! A Reference Guide to Stones in the New Millennium” by Twintreess. Thank you.
“No matter what you see, you are surrounded, gloriously, by infinite guides and angels.”
From the Greek work, phenakos, for “deceiver,” from being mistaken for Quartz, I am Beryllium Silicate, a colorless, white, yellow, pink to brown vitreous mineral formed in hypothermal veins, pegmatites and Mica schist. Hexagonal in structure, I form in well-developed flat rhombohedral to long prismatic crystals, striated lengthwise, often forming penetration twins. I am among the harder minerals at 7.5 to 8, and my cleavage is poor in one direction. I can be found in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, and in the Russian Urals, Switzerland, Austria, Norway, and the United States.
Physical Integration: Embraces clear thinking actions. Focuses on and tones weaknesses in the body. Sharpens instincts. Deepens breathing.
Emotional Integration: Gives us guidance. Assists us in feeling loved and supported as we are. Aligns our heart with all of life. Promotes full emotional healing and integration. Millennial Uses: The next great unexplored territory lies within us; it is the inexplicable unlimitedness and Spirit that comprises all of us. Phenacite directs us, on that level, to all the guides, angels and guardians that we need (sometimes without our conscious awareness). It enhances our communication with these unseen levels of life and offers us pathways to live multi-dimensionally. Even though we may not understand it, if we listen to the gifts of Phenacite, we open ourselves up to the perfect possibilities for which we may be designed.
Electrical Body Alignment: Focuses our instantaneous body/mind/heart integration on exploring our Spirit. Affirmation of Support: “I am surrounded by the blessings of my guides and angels, constantly.”
StoneStory: Deep within the womb of feelings, you know me. You know me because you know yourself. You know that your Spirit reaches beyond your words your acts even your dreams. It stalks the open light of unimaginability. Yes, yes, yes. There I live. I breathe for you there. You need nothing, for you surround yourself with the sweetness of every loving Spirit. You remember this. You know this. You are unlimitedness.
Summary: Phenacite urges us to act upon our unknown, boundless perfection. (See Stone Combination Section for Phenacite in “Aurora’s Dream,” “Guilt into Perfection,” “Immortality,” “Gabriel’s Dawn,” “Listening,” “Spiral of Life” and “Timeless Treasure.”)
Excerpt from the Stone Combination Section:
Faith’s Embrace
Silver is for the mirrors in life that show us truth.
Moonstone is for safe passage in every home.
Gold is to express all feelings immediately.
Aventurine is for joy, inside and out.
Physical Integration: Supports the thyroid and the metabolism. Increases flexibility.
Emotional Integration: Creates a safe space for all feelings to be released. Continually frees the self from attachments.
Millennial Uses: As we evolve into the future, each person will experience exactly the adversities that ultimately will free and strengthen them, according to their own needs and capabilities. The service of “Faith’s Embrace” is that it loves us as we face up to every part of our journey, fully. This frees us to love everything, starting with ourselves. As we feel strong enough, we can share our unconditional love and support with all others. Then we live in a peaceful, enduring world.
Affirmation of Support: “I am supported, utterly, in all that I am.”
Tools for Manifestation: For one full day, focus on Silver. Meditate upon it. Note its presence wherever you go. Gaze upon it fully. Appreciate it. Imagine yourself glittering in Silver. Absorb it into your being and know its love. Do the same with Moonstone, then Gold, then Aventurine. Repeat this until you intimately feel each, single stone being. Now, you’re ready to journey with them into unknown worlds. Now dedicate one full week to Silver, then Moonstone, then Gold, then Aventurine. Expand your ways of joining with them. Welcome the delight that they gift your world. Go forth in love and support.
Personal Story: I don’t have a single-event-story about “Faith’s Embrace.” I just know that when I first saw it, I loved it. I have worn this combination many times. I have taken it with me on trips, because it helps me to feel secure. When I have been lonely, I put it on and my heart fills with a calming silence that helps me to celebrate solitude. I know that when I wear “Faith’s Embrace,” I am connected to others in a gentle, respectful way.
~ from Marilyn
Our Story About Writing Stones Alive!
The Spirits of the Stones told us, “We want you to write with us a reference book on Stones.” “Okay.” “It will be different from other reference books, because it will give the geological information that you already associate with Stones, right alongside the words from our hearts about the gifts we offer all the beings upon the Earth. To have all of that information side-by-side will show respect for ALL of our qualities, not just the ones that you mine us for. This is the new way of life for all life in this millennium. This book will invite humans to this way of being, respectfully. It will change their lives.” Then we heard no more, consciously, from the Stonespirits about the book.
For one full year, they let us absorb and live with their energies in other ways. Then they came to us again. “We are ready to write the book now.”“Okay.” “We want you to write it with us and we would like it to be ready for the Gem Show in January.” We heard this in November. It meant that we had to write and edit what would become over 300 pages in less than four weeks, in order for the graphics people to work on it and for the printers to print and ship it to us before the end of January. Of course, we said, “Yes.” And yet, we didn’t know how it would get done.
Tohmas and I write as a team and at that moment, he was building a three-dome-with-a-pyramid-in-the-center house that seemed to consume all his time and energy. (What later became the basis of the “House as Teacher” book.) So we just began.
Tohmas built everyday and I typed. We both tuned into all the gifts that the Stones had given us through the years. Sometimes, I didn’t know if what we were writing made sense or not (Tohmas felt that was a very good sign.). I just kept going, even when I didn’t know how to and almost didn’t feel like it. Tohmas would review it all, nodding, “Keep writing.” Somehow the book finished itself and I edited it as much as possible before it went off to the graphics specialist and the printers. With a lot of help, “Stones Alive!” birthed itself. It arrived at the Gem Show on time and it looked absolutely perfect.
To this day, we have no logical explanation as to how this wondrous book got done in three weeks, but we don’t need one – the book stands as its own proof. We like this story because as you hear it, you realize that the only way we could have written all this is that the Stones, themselves, did it. Their incredible energy combined with ours and created a miracle.
Over and over again, in our own lives, we have witnessed how Stones work with us and their specialty is directly manifesting what we need, here and now. They give with ultimate practicality. In writing this way, we literally did what the Stones asked to offer to all other humans on the Earth. We listened to them and accepted their gifts and it opened absolutely unimaginable doorways in life that have changed us forever.
The miracles keep coming and coming. “Stones Alive!” is read throughout the world and we regularly receive letters, e-mails and calls from people who truly love it. They tell us that they especially appreciate the heart in it. Yes, yes, yes. That’s what made it all happen, the combination of our hearts and the Stones’. And that’s what we offer to you in “Stones Alive!” We invite you to combine with their gifts and to find your own miracles. Welcome...
Stones Alive! in Japanese

Stones Alive! 2 : Listening more Deeply to the Gifts of the Earth
by Marilyn & Tohmas Twintreess
ISBN# 1-89080-17-2 Pages:332 SRP: $19.75
In "Stones Alive! Vol 1", we entered the ancient world of listening to Stones where the wondrous energetic gifts from their hearts offer us exactly the qualities we most need now. Individually and in healing combinations, they connect us to the Earth Mother and all of life, deeply and immediately.
"Stones Alive! Vol 2" takes us more profoundly into our union with the Stones and the Earth Mother by empowering us to listen to the wisdom of the Stones for ourselves- an ancient art practiced by people who respectfully live close to the earth. Learn how Stones speak uniquely with you and how you can join your energies with theirs in gentle honoring and exponential miracles. This new book also journeys us through Stone families and their particular and specific unique properties when they are found in varying locations.

Stones Alive! 3: Translating the Crystalline Grid
by Marilyn & Tohmas Twintreess
ISBN: 1-890808-04-4 pages: 240; SRP: $19.75
"Stones Alive! Vol 3" takes us home. Like all lifeforms, Stonebeings offer their unique talents to create their part of the perfect wholeness of life upon the Earth Mother. In this book the Stones show us the exponential, Planetary Crystalline Grid which offers us its all-encompassing consciousness to help us immediately evolve- beyond ourselves, and beyond all expectations- just as it is being called for NOW!
It is the journey of coming home, where all beings are equally free and honored. With the Stones, we can co-create this NOW!

Stones Alive! Stonecombinations
by Marilyn & Tohmas Twintreess
ISBN is: 0-890808-57-1 pages: 295; SRP: $33.00
This spiral bound book (so it can lay open flat to be used) is a compendium of the Stone Combinations we offer, as Vibrational Jewelry, Stonessences and Act of Power Wands. It also includes a short listing and explanation of Lifenhancers (both Lithium and Shungite), Deva’s Gift Hand-Held Quartz Singing Bowls, and More…
This book is very precise, useful and complete. It brings together the Stonecombinations found in all 3 Volumes of Stones Alive, plus all additional Combinations we have co-created to date (approximately 200). As a reference manual and tool, it is easy to read, easy to use and as practical and informative in the same respectful way that everything is presented in all of the Stones Alive! volumes. Your hands may well make this your most used-looking book in a short amount of time!
by Marilyn & Tohmas Twintreess
ISBN is: 0-890808-57-1 pages: 295; SRP: $33.00
This spiral bound book (so it can lay open flat to be used) is a compendium of the Stone Combinations we offer, as Vibrational Jewelry, Stonessences and Act of Power Wands. It also includes a short listing and explanation of Lifenhancers (both Lithium and Shungite), Deva’s Gift Hand-Held Quartz Singing Bowls, and More…
This book is very precise, useful and complete. It brings together the Stonecombinations found in all 3 Volumes of Stones Alive, plus all additional Combinations we have co-created to date (approximately 200). As a reference manual and tool, it is easy to read, easy to use and as practical and informative in the same respectful way that everything is presented in all of the Stones Alive! volumes. Your hands may well make this your most used-looking book in a short amount of time!

Elemental Birth Imprints: Living and Evolving with the Earth's Elementals, NOW! Activating your pre-personality self
by Marilyn and Tohmas Twintreess
ISBN# 978-1-890808-14-3 126 pages; SRP: $19.95
This is an extremely vital and important book AND our most important Workshop and learning/practice and one of our most favorite things to share. This is a pre-personality system that allows us to link to Union instead of personality as we evolve on our path. We have been sharing/teaching this Workshop now for a few years around the world and here, finally, is the Guidebook to support that personal work.
We love working with the Elementals, the devic Spirits of the elements—Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Ethers. Everything on this planet, including her, is made up of these elements in some perfect, magical alchemy that ever dances to release blocked energy and to create form. The moment before you are born, the Elementals imprint you with a particular combination of the elements. When you know this imprint and its energetic qualities, you can feel that pre-birth moment and spontaneously remember your perfect union and wholeness and connect with life in a more harmonious way. Yes!
In this book, we listen to the Elementals and share how their qualities continually affect our life and our choices.
For us, this is the most immediate, simple, core way to see how our Spirit chooses to express our divinity through our human forms:
If you already know your EBI, let’s put its magic directly to work! Bring your challenges and visions and dreams and and this book will offer Elemental practices and transformation to any area of life that you wish and more!
The EBI book also contains a section at the end relating all the countries of the world to Elemental Imprints.
Contact us for more info or to make an appointment to receive your own Elemental Birth Imprint!
by Marilyn and Tohmas Twintreess
ISBN# 978-1-890808-14-3 126 pages; SRP: $19.95
This is an extremely vital and important book AND our most important Workshop and learning/practice and one of our most favorite things to share. This is a pre-personality system that allows us to link to Union instead of personality as we evolve on our path. We have been sharing/teaching this Workshop now for a few years around the world and here, finally, is the Guidebook to support that personal work.
We love working with the Elementals, the devic Spirits of the elements—Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Ethers. Everything on this planet, including her, is made up of these elements in some perfect, magical alchemy that ever dances to release blocked energy and to create form. The moment before you are born, the Elementals imprint you with a particular combination of the elements. When you know this imprint and its energetic qualities, you can feel that pre-birth moment and spontaneously remember your perfect union and wholeness and connect with life in a more harmonious way. Yes!
In this book, we listen to the Elementals and share how their qualities continually affect our life and our choices.
For us, this is the most immediate, simple, core way to see how our Spirit chooses to express our divinity through our human forms:
- Learn about an Elemental Birth Imprint and how it relates to unconditionally understand your true self.
- Find out how to use the innate gifts and magic of your EBI.
- Release old obstacles and struggles through the freedom of your EBI
- Meditate and Align with the Elementals
- Work on your relationships through the innate harmony of your EBI
- Attract the most supportive people, work, play, service, events, etc., with the blessings of the Elementals.
If you already know your EBI, let’s put its magic directly to work! Bring your challenges and visions and dreams and and this book will offer Elemental practices and transformation to any area of life that you wish and more!
The EBI book also contains a section at the end relating all the countries of the world to Elemental Imprints.
Contact us for more info or to make an appointment to receive your own Elemental Birth Imprint!

Stones Alive! The Rituals of Manifestation Deck
by Marilyn & Tohmas Twintreess
52 cards, with daily guidance & illustrated with Stone Totem photographs.
SRP: $22.00
One day while listening to our Spirits, we heard, “In order to manifest a tangible object from the ethers, you tend to travel through thirteen basic steps. They are….”
Tohmas got a piece of paper and wrote them down.
Our life changed immediately. We didn’t know that this information would land upon us like this. It came quietly, calmly and insistently. We were asked to transform these steps into Rituals and to focus on one a day, proceeding through all of them in chronological order. On day one, we listened to “Alchemy,” looking for signs of it in our life. We watched it move in our thoughts and our bodies. Judging nothing, we wore “Alchemy” for a whole day and night, letting it transform us, welcoming its magic with open hearts. On day two, we entered “Time”……… and so on.
Our Spirits said, “If any time during this process you forget to be with one of these steps, stop. Go back to day number one and step one and go all the way through 1-13 consciously and fully, even if it takes you several tries.
In your lives, you already go through these stages in each of your manifestations; however you often go through them without really being present and your manifestations reflect that. They seem disconnected and ostensibly, aren’t what you really want, anyway.
By going through this process consciously, you welcome in creations from the deepest part of your loving alignments with your spirit. By making these steps, Rituals, you co-create everything- including your life- with sacredness. That invites your most profound dreams into your reality and continually reminds you that you know how to do this. You have the power to turn your life into the sum of your free choices and actions. If you show respect to the process of creating, it will respect you.”
For those of you who are participating in our yearly cycle of the Rituals of Manifestation Deck, we started anew again every year on January 1st, with the first card of the Deck, Alchemy. This is about our 20th year in a cycle of doing the Deck one Card per week, 52 weeks in the year. We invite you to continue on with us and the community of others who are participating in the same way around the world with the Deck in this fashion.
If you find this way of experiencing the Deck a bit too intense, we welcome you to utilize the Deck in a cycle of one card a day, 52 days in a row and then repeating that cycle until you feel more aligned with the one Card a week practice. If you choose to do the Deck one Card a day instead of one Card a week with the rest of us, we still invite you to participate in the one Card a week cycle. You may simply want to focus less on that practice and more on your concurrent one Card a day practice. Even just a simple Ritual of connecting with the Cards as others are in the weekly cycle can potentially supply you with a support system and a family far greater than yourself, even if your main focus is on doing the Deck one Card a day. If you do choose to do the Deck in this concurrent manner, be clear about your process and keep it simple so that it is about regeneration and clarity and does not engender confusion. Again, if you are doing the Deck in the one Card a day cycle for 52 days, we recommend starting over at the beginning again if you “miss” or “forget” to do your practice one day. After all, some of the most powerful tools you can embody in this practice are focus, commitment and responsibility. (We assume that if you are doing the Deck one Card a week for the full year, that you are committed and responsible for maintaining that practice over the full year.)
We finally got around to writing the Rituals of Manifestation Guidebook (after about 15 year of daily practicing the Deck). It goes over in depth these various cycles and alignments and link them all together in the myriad web of life. We have been practicing the Deck all these years in these many cycles as our own way to gain greater insights and open hearts about these processes and we continue to use this tool to consciously evolve and to ground our divinity ever more in and through our physical bodies and actions.
So we offer you these words below to welcome in all that is new and to give thanks for life upon this glorious EarthStar and honor Her, and our, natural cycles...
"Do you know what happens when you become a Healed Shield? You are here as a vessel of Great Spirit and Great Spirit lays out its hands and creates. It creates others who will be creators. Surely you have heard of Grandmother Spider spinning her web all around the world and making the connections between all beings.
Healing your Shield means that you have been a cracked Shield and have experienced the ways of death and then you come around the circle of your own freedom to choose the ways of life. Now let me be very clear about this. Many 2-leggeds will experience the ways of life and death but do you know what they will not experience most of the time in that? They will not experience death as a conscious choice that they leaned into, that they dived into, so that they could know the release of everything fully. Yes, they will experience the gift of life but most of the time will they feel it consciously? Will they feel it pass through all of their cells, one by one lighting them up and affirming that they are a sacred vessel of life?
To heal your Shield does not mean that you are perfect. It does not mean that you are done. It does not mean that there is not more to heal. We are blessed by the Great Spirit who is a creator, ever endlessly creating. To heal your Shield means that you choose to consciously experience every level of creation including life and death and more.
A Healed Shield is a being who has been through the most difficult journeys that their body and soul could endure, and then, they used that as sacred fuel to accept it all and to consciously experience more of everything that Spirit offers. A Healed Shield is intimate with all things because a Healed Shield chooses to be utterly intimate with Great Spirit and all its ways, wonders and creations.
When you know what I have said, then you will not hesitate to walk into the world as a Healed Shield for it is simply your fullest choice; it is your intent in the Center Stillness and the motion of the exponential waves of life and death.
In this cycle of “Alchemy,” you can realize that as you realize yourself, as you realize your healed Shield you know that you hold a vessel that shapes the patterns and the flows of eternal lifeforce according to the intent of Great Spirit. In this first ritual of the cycle of Rituals, we are being invited to consciously welcome the birth of a new year, a new cycle and a new life. It will not look like your expectations. It will not match your perfections – it will surpass them. It will answer your needs and it will release your desires.
Consciously welcome this birth. Make your body a ready home for lifeforce. Freely choose to clear away distraction, confusion and the subtle defenses of the old ways. Welcome these teacher friends. Distraction and separation are part of the welcoming party of this new cycle. Clearing them away does not mean sending them away or burying them. That is not the way of a conscious being. That kind of death is unconscious and it will siphon away lifeforce instead of multiplying it.
To clear your fear and separation means to be utterly conscious of them, to be clear with each other, to recognize them, to know that it is there, to fully, freely see the reflection of all parts of your self within them. You go to the welcoming party of life and Alchemy, with all parts of yourself. If you cannot welcome all that you are graciously, then how can you welcome life who bestows all the gifts upon you including death and separation.
Today our ritual is to make way for the new Alchemy and the New Year. Welcome it with our heart and body and soul. You are creator vessels, children, of Creator Spirits. Make your bodies ready to hold the space for more life as respectfully as possible. That means give all of your creations as beautiful a road to walk as you can."
by Marilyn & Tohmas Twintreess
52 cards, with daily guidance & illustrated with Stone Totem photographs.
SRP: $22.00
One day while listening to our Spirits, we heard, “In order to manifest a tangible object from the ethers, you tend to travel through thirteen basic steps. They are….”
Tohmas got a piece of paper and wrote them down.
Our life changed immediately. We didn’t know that this information would land upon us like this. It came quietly, calmly and insistently. We were asked to transform these steps into Rituals and to focus on one a day, proceeding through all of them in chronological order. On day one, we listened to “Alchemy,” looking for signs of it in our life. We watched it move in our thoughts and our bodies. Judging nothing, we wore “Alchemy” for a whole day and night, letting it transform us, welcoming its magic with open hearts. On day two, we entered “Time”……… and so on.
Our Spirits said, “If any time during this process you forget to be with one of these steps, stop. Go back to day number one and step one and go all the way through 1-13 consciously and fully, even if it takes you several tries.
In your lives, you already go through these stages in each of your manifestations; however you often go through them without really being present and your manifestations reflect that. They seem disconnected and ostensibly, aren’t what you really want, anyway.
By going through this process consciously, you welcome in creations from the deepest part of your loving alignments with your spirit. By making these steps, Rituals, you co-create everything- including your life- with sacredness. That invites your most profound dreams into your reality and continually reminds you that you know how to do this. You have the power to turn your life into the sum of your free choices and actions. If you show respect to the process of creating, it will respect you.”
For those of you who are participating in our yearly cycle of the Rituals of Manifestation Deck, we started anew again every year on January 1st, with the first card of the Deck, Alchemy. This is about our 20th year in a cycle of doing the Deck one Card per week, 52 weeks in the year. We invite you to continue on with us and the community of others who are participating in the same way around the world with the Deck in this fashion.
If you find this way of experiencing the Deck a bit too intense, we welcome you to utilize the Deck in a cycle of one card a day, 52 days in a row and then repeating that cycle until you feel more aligned with the one Card a week practice. If you choose to do the Deck one Card a day instead of one Card a week with the rest of us, we still invite you to participate in the one Card a week cycle. You may simply want to focus less on that practice and more on your concurrent one Card a day practice. Even just a simple Ritual of connecting with the Cards as others are in the weekly cycle can potentially supply you with a support system and a family far greater than yourself, even if your main focus is on doing the Deck one Card a day. If you do choose to do the Deck in this concurrent manner, be clear about your process and keep it simple so that it is about regeneration and clarity and does not engender confusion. Again, if you are doing the Deck in the one Card a day cycle for 52 days, we recommend starting over at the beginning again if you “miss” or “forget” to do your practice one day. After all, some of the most powerful tools you can embody in this practice are focus, commitment and responsibility. (We assume that if you are doing the Deck one Card a week for the full year, that you are committed and responsible for maintaining that practice over the full year.)
We finally got around to writing the Rituals of Manifestation Guidebook (after about 15 year of daily practicing the Deck). It goes over in depth these various cycles and alignments and link them all together in the myriad web of life. We have been practicing the Deck all these years in these many cycles as our own way to gain greater insights and open hearts about these processes and we continue to use this tool to consciously evolve and to ground our divinity ever more in and through our physical bodies and actions.
So we offer you these words below to welcome in all that is new and to give thanks for life upon this glorious EarthStar and honor Her, and our, natural cycles...
"Do you know what happens when you become a Healed Shield? You are here as a vessel of Great Spirit and Great Spirit lays out its hands and creates. It creates others who will be creators. Surely you have heard of Grandmother Spider spinning her web all around the world and making the connections between all beings.
Healing your Shield means that you have been a cracked Shield and have experienced the ways of death and then you come around the circle of your own freedom to choose the ways of life. Now let me be very clear about this. Many 2-leggeds will experience the ways of life and death but do you know what they will not experience most of the time in that? They will not experience death as a conscious choice that they leaned into, that they dived into, so that they could know the release of everything fully. Yes, they will experience the gift of life but most of the time will they feel it consciously? Will they feel it pass through all of their cells, one by one lighting them up and affirming that they are a sacred vessel of life?
To heal your Shield does not mean that you are perfect. It does not mean that you are done. It does not mean that there is not more to heal. We are blessed by the Great Spirit who is a creator, ever endlessly creating. To heal your Shield means that you choose to consciously experience every level of creation including life and death and more.
A Healed Shield is a being who has been through the most difficult journeys that their body and soul could endure, and then, they used that as sacred fuel to accept it all and to consciously experience more of everything that Spirit offers. A Healed Shield is intimate with all things because a Healed Shield chooses to be utterly intimate with Great Spirit and all its ways, wonders and creations.
When you know what I have said, then you will not hesitate to walk into the world as a Healed Shield for it is simply your fullest choice; it is your intent in the Center Stillness and the motion of the exponential waves of life and death.
In this cycle of “Alchemy,” you can realize that as you realize yourself, as you realize your healed Shield you know that you hold a vessel that shapes the patterns and the flows of eternal lifeforce according to the intent of Great Spirit. In this first ritual of the cycle of Rituals, we are being invited to consciously welcome the birth of a new year, a new cycle and a new life. It will not look like your expectations. It will not match your perfections – it will surpass them. It will answer your needs and it will release your desires.
Consciously welcome this birth. Make your body a ready home for lifeforce. Freely choose to clear away distraction, confusion and the subtle defenses of the old ways. Welcome these teacher friends. Distraction and separation are part of the welcoming party of this new cycle. Clearing them away does not mean sending them away or burying them. That is not the way of a conscious being. That kind of death is unconscious and it will siphon away lifeforce instead of multiplying it.
To clear your fear and separation means to be utterly conscious of them, to be clear with each other, to recognize them, to know that it is there, to fully, freely see the reflection of all parts of your self within them. You go to the welcoming party of life and Alchemy, with all parts of yourself. If you cannot welcome all that you are graciously, then how can you welcome life who bestows all the gifts upon you including death and separation.
Today our ritual is to make way for the new Alchemy and the New Year. Welcome it with our heart and body and soul. You are creator vessels, children, of Creator Spirits. Make your bodies ready to hold the space for more life as respectfully as possible. That means give all of your creations as beautiful a road to walk as you can."

Rituals of Manifestation Deck Guidebook
by Marilyn & Tohmas Twintreess
ISBN:0-9645194-1-0 Pages: 417 SRP: $29.00
Perhaps the most magical, alchemical thing that we have ever participated in is the Rituals of Manifestation. One day, our Spiritfamily simply, immediately told us the source of how we manifest— of how we manifest anything. And then they graciously offered us Rituals, (that became these incredible cards that we could live with every day) because they knew that we, humans, need hands-on practices and reminders in order to actually live and co-create the most magnificent realities that we can choose. We co-created this “Rituals of Manifestation Deck Workbook,” with our Spirits…day in… day out… by living this Deck— these profound Rituals. While we were fully embodying these Rituals our Spirits showed us the intricate, glorious geometries of love, abundance and MORE! that were forming simultaneously. What we saw were the imprints of miracles. We breathed, lived, and wrote this workbook to offer you our Spiritfamilies’ wisdom and our experience of co-creating miracles— which await each one of us, beginning with a heart of willingness joining with a single Ritual:
Time is “how” you use your Lifeforce
Time = Lifeforce
Lifeforce = Time on this Planet, Earth.
The human invention of Time is a measure of Lifeforce on the Earth Mother where 2-leggeds can come together simultaneously with their Lifeforce meeting as magic! Time must expand now! In this season of evolution, it must stretch. Since humans hold
a definition of Time in their group consciousness, it must shift and become a more multi-dimensional measure.
Now is the Time! We invite you to go through the parameters of separation and allow and accept them
and then link them to union- Time into Timelessness.
Welcome to the companion Guide to the Rituals of Manifestation Deck: Loving, practical ways to manifest your true, chosen future, now.
(***DISCOUNTS are available for purchasing the Rituals of Manifestation Deck and Guidebook as a SET.)
***And NOW available, the COMPLETE Deck and Guidebook as a PHONE APP for your Android. ***
Please call or email us
to purchase the Android Version
of the Rituals of Manifestation Phone App,
directly from us @ Ahhh~Muse, for $22
by Marilyn & Tohmas Twintreess
ISBN:0-9645194-1-0 Pages: 417 SRP: $29.00
Perhaps the most magical, alchemical thing that we have ever participated in is the Rituals of Manifestation. One day, our Spiritfamily simply, immediately told us the source of how we manifest— of how we manifest anything. And then they graciously offered us Rituals, (that became these incredible cards that we could live with every day) because they knew that we, humans, need hands-on practices and reminders in order to actually live and co-create the most magnificent realities that we can choose. We co-created this “Rituals of Manifestation Deck Workbook,” with our Spirits…day in… day out… by living this Deck— these profound Rituals. While we were fully embodying these Rituals our Spirits showed us the intricate, glorious geometries of love, abundance and MORE! that were forming simultaneously. What we saw were the imprints of miracles. We breathed, lived, and wrote this workbook to offer you our Spiritfamilies’ wisdom and our experience of co-creating miracles— which await each one of us, beginning with a heart of willingness joining with a single Ritual:
Time is “how” you use your Lifeforce
Time = Lifeforce
Lifeforce = Time on this Planet, Earth.
The human invention of Time is a measure of Lifeforce on the Earth Mother where 2-leggeds can come together simultaneously with their Lifeforce meeting as magic! Time must expand now! In this season of evolution, it must stretch. Since humans hold
a definition of Time in their group consciousness, it must shift and become a more multi-dimensional measure.
Now is the Time! We invite you to go through the parameters of separation and allow and accept them
and then link them to union- Time into Timelessness.
Welcome to the companion Guide to the Rituals of Manifestation Deck: Loving, practical ways to manifest your true, chosen future, now.
(***DISCOUNTS are available for purchasing the Rituals of Manifestation Deck and Guidebook as a SET.)
***And NOW available, the COMPLETE Deck and Guidebook as a PHONE APP for your Android. ***
Please call or email us
to purchase the Android Version
of the Rituals of Manifestation Phone App,
directly from us @ Ahhh~Muse, for $22

Feeding the Living Body & Soul: Rocket Fuel for your Super Hero & Genius Self
by Marilyn and Tohmas Twintreess
ISBN# 978-1-890808-13-6 Pages: 446. SRP: $24.88
We live as organic, live food vegans.
Perhaps nothing else has fueled our creativity and connection to Spirit more than feeding ourselves with tremendous sacredness, every moment. This book offers full-flavored, divine information and ongoing guidance, meditations and surprises to feast upon to grow all parts of your bodies and beings, right here, right now. Writing this shows the practice of our life (and of creating MORE life) at the core, and we share it with all our passion and joy.
Live foods fuel the genius in you. They open your heart and call out miracles, because they are grown, prepared, and received in sacredness and gratitude... We commune with their generous spirits- their energetic gifts- and we grow more lifeforce at the core. We come together body and soul. That is live food, LIVE fuel!
This magical book starts off with the direct energies of specific fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc., giving us that information as:
- Physical Descriptions
- Sensual Delights
- Body & Soul Union
- HeartStory
- The Feasting
- The Flux Capacitor (Devic digestive info/aid)
After this amazing section, the book moves into Genius Brain awareness', practices and support tools. Prepare to en/in/joy!

Click HERE to view the Feeding the Living Body and Soul powerpoint presentation | |
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Grandmother Sweet Shield's Life: My story is Our story. Inviting us to heal and evolve now.
by Marilyn & Tohmas Twintreess
ISBN 978-1-890808-22-8 Pages: 333; SRP: $22.00
We have been listening to the unconditional witnessing and ever timely guidance of our Spirit Grandmother, Sweet Shield, always. Not having been raised by humans (spoiler alert!), she sees our species with a uniquely open heart and profoundly acute knowing-ness that particularly applies in this time of the biggest evolution humans have ever embarked upon.
by Marilyn & Tohmas Twintreess
ISBN 978-1-890808-22-8 Pages: 333; SRP: $22.00
We have been listening to the unconditional witnessing and ever timely guidance of our Spirit Grandmother, Sweet Shield, always. Not having been raised by humans (spoiler alert!), she sees our species with a uniquely open heart and profoundly acute knowing-ness that particularly applies in this time of the biggest evolution humans have ever embarked upon.

House as Teacher: Building the Future, Now
Creating Sacred Space in the New Millennium
by Twintreess with Ursela Gurau
ISBN 1-890808-94-6 Pages: 238; SRP: $18.85
The Great American Dream is to have your own dream home. Ursela Gurau and Tohmas Twintreess came together to build a home beyond dreams, one that would be designed only from the core of their hearts, and one that would only be built if it could stand in harmony with the land. How would they be able to produce that kind of real dream? “House as Teacher: Building the Future, Now, Creating Sacred Space in the New Millennium” is the very personal story of Building with Spirit. This experience completely tested Ursela and Tohmas physically, emotionally and mentally. And while it was challenging enough simply to live through this, they clearly chose to also to write about it, so that they could share this utterly intense journey with every other being on the planet. Why? Whenever one of us bares our soul and gives that wisdom away, we all grow: anything is possible. When you share this dream with Ursela, Tohmas and Marilyn, you get to look at all your own dreams and ask, ‘Can I build these too?’
About This Book (from Tohmas Twintreess)
This book is not about having to build in any certain way that is “right” or not in any way that is deemed “wrong.” It is totally about building consciously, however anyone chooses to build. Our choices then become manifest in wood and stone, paint and cloth, in respect and love. My agreement with Ursela at the start of this project was “that the house is her body and her body is the house”. Everything that happens in her body/mind/soul will be instantly reflected in the house creating, and everything that happens in the building process will be reflected in her body/mind/soul.
This alignment, in my perception and practice, has created a living, breathing structure, manifest in Tucson, Arizona from respect and unconditional love, that continues to evolve and grow as its own live entity. This conscious awareness is the ongoing gift of wholeness and true community (being in relation to yourself first and then aware of your connection to everything and everyone else from your own self responsibility) that is felt by all who enter this sacred dwelling and this conscious awareness is also the potential that resides within each who experience this home to become more consciously aware of who they are and who they are in relation to everything else. This is a full story, with nothing left out.
Excerpts From “House as Teacher”
Long before we had this book finished, we knew how sacred and significant this story was/is: to stand up in the world and say, “We only build where the Spirits of the land welcome us. We will only build in the way that the Earth teaches and shows us.” This vision is not new, but in these impatient times where everything is torn down and taken apart to make way for whatever we crave in this moment, right now, it’s a vision that we don’t remember……or hear enough. It is possible to build our shelters in loving co-operation with the Earth and with all our neighbors (two-legged, four-legged, winged, etc.). Radical? Maybe it’s more radical to just keep tearing apart the Earth and actually think that there will still be enough Earth left to share with the children.
Our Spirits asked us to share the following introduction to “House as Teacher” every chance that we get. It speaks of why we build the way that we do and why we have to share the story of that, even if it seems too weird or too hard. With our hearts joined, we invite you to listen to the following message. Listen to it as often as you need. Please, share it with others (we ask you to simply also share our copyright, as well). Spread it around everywhere you can. We want to share this message, and this story, with every being in the world who wishes it, right now, when it is most needed:
The time has come. It arrives upon us right now, even though some of us will say that it came without warning. Not true. The warning came to all hearts and spoke the language of love.
The time is now. We must stop building upon the Earth as if it were a place of refuse that someone else will clean up when there is enough time.
We are the time. We must join our hearts this moment and declare that we will build nothing more, unless we form our homes and structures in the language of love.
That is the only future before us and it rests upon our actions, Now, Now without hesitation, Now Now even if we believe we don’t have the time, the money or the talents. For if we do not declare absolutely that we will only build with the sacredness that all life already practices around us, then we create no future and we erase Now.
Welcome, all children of Earth, for this message is meant for all. This letter is our contribution to the language of love. We looked around at how humans were building upon the planet and we said, “This is not our way, anymore.” So we set forth to build anew, even though we didn’t know how it would be done, or how the authorities in our life would receive our intent.
We did it because we can, because we choose to speak the language of love. What does that mean? It means that while we don’t know everything there is to know about construction, we have watched and listened to the other beings who share this planet with us: the animals, the plants and the seasons. All of them listen to each other and they work, play and live completely interwoven with each other. With their instincts they always consider the whole and they never step out of rhythm with the dance of perfection and unity. That is the language of love. It demonstrates itself in every pattern of growth and movement. If you look and listen closely enough, you will see it, too. All of nature grows in spirals and circles, never in the squares of human houses. All animals slow in the winter and become active in the spring, and so on….
We knew that if we translated the rhythm and language of love into building, then we would create something that would grow all the time and would harmonize with all the beings of this world. Then we would be making something that would speak on behalf of us, while simultaneously honoring all others. So that’s what we have done.
We have created a home, shaped out of our respect. Because of that it’s not just our home, it belongs to everybody. It’s dedicated to all the children of the Earth, since each one in their own unique and even inexplicable way, taught us the language of love. In their/your/our honor, we offer our story of building, as a story for all of us. Listen and find a page and make it your own. Share it with all other children of the Earth. This is how we know how to build a future not just for ourselves, but for all of us. ©2000 Twintreess AN INVITATION to YOU: How do you feel about all of this? Share your stories with us and tell us of your dreams to build!
House as Teacher Testimonials
“The principles demonstrated in building the wonderful ’sacred structure’ in HOUSE AS TEACHER, translated beautifully, and in perfect sense, to another sacred structure My Life! Thank you all for this — amazing book!” ~Annette McNamara
“Your book is absolutely wonderful! There is so much to it. Every little bit of the domelets and the pyramid are so very precious. What an incredible STORY!” ~Fran Abbott
“I am totally enthralled! I love Ursela’s easy delivery and having to switch ‘people’ when reading between her and Tohmas. I also love all the little vignettes written by her friends.” ~Kathie Gillaspey
“What a delight and privilege it is to be reading this journey through the lives of such conscious travelers. Your being just leaps from the pages and I FEEL with each word that I’m being invited to participate in a profound adventure of Spirit in a most generous and intimate way. Alternately, I’m reading an adventure, a mystery, a journal, a never-before-conceived-or-articulated how-to, a travelogue through the absurdity, silliness and pathos, the brilliance, potential and tenderness of human existence. It’s thrilling! It’s fun! It’s inspiring! And it’s SUCH an extraordinary gift from the heart and soul.” ~Jordan Hunter
“What a wonderful, awe-inspiring book of knowledge this is! This story has helped me to have an even deeper connection with the earth and the building of any project. By the time I finished the book, I felt as though Marilyn, Tohmas and Ursela were part of my extended family. This book is a must read for anyone building, thinking of building, or just wanting a better understanding or deeper connection to yourself and to Mother Earth. Thank you all so much!” ~Kim Choquette
For me, it was a wonderful affirmation to think outside the box, follow the creative instinct and make all relationship sacred. Thanks for sharing your hearts with me. ~Angela Davis
“When I open to your books, something begins to move, to expand and wrap around me, a wind that spirals through my body and takes me into FEELING.” ~Jennifer Butcher
Creating Sacred Space in the New Millennium
by Twintreess with Ursela Gurau
ISBN 1-890808-94-6 Pages: 238; SRP: $18.85
The Great American Dream is to have your own dream home. Ursela Gurau and Tohmas Twintreess came together to build a home beyond dreams, one that would be designed only from the core of their hearts, and one that would only be built if it could stand in harmony with the land. How would they be able to produce that kind of real dream? “House as Teacher: Building the Future, Now, Creating Sacred Space in the New Millennium” is the very personal story of Building with Spirit. This experience completely tested Ursela and Tohmas physically, emotionally and mentally. And while it was challenging enough simply to live through this, they clearly chose to also to write about it, so that they could share this utterly intense journey with every other being on the planet. Why? Whenever one of us bares our soul and gives that wisdom away, we all grow: anything is possible. When you share this dream with Ursela, Tohmas and Marilyn, you get to look at all your own dreams and ask, ‘Can I build these too?’
About This Book (from Tohmas Twintreess)
This book is not about having to build in any certain way that is “right” or not in any way that is deemed “wrong.” It is totally about building consciously, however anyone chooses to build. Our choices then become manifest in wood and stone, paint and cloth, in respect and love. My agreement with Ursela at the start of this project was “that the house is her body and her body is the house”. Everything that happens in her body/mind/soul will be instantly reflected in the house creating, and everything that happens in the building process will be reflected in her body/mind/soul.
This alignment, in my perception and practice, has created a living, breathing structure, manifest in Tucson, Arizona from respect and unconditional love, that continues to evolve and grow as its own live entity. This conscious awareness is the ongoing gift of wholeness and true community (being in relation to yourself first and then aware of your connection to everything and everyone else from your own self responsibility) that is felt by all who enter this sacred dwelling and this conscious awareness is also the potential that resides within each who experience this home to become more consciously aware of who they are and who they are in relation to everything else. This is a full story, with nothing left out.
Excerpts From “House as Teacher”
Long before we had this book finished, we knew how sacred and significant this story was/is: to stand up in the world and say, “We only build where the Spirits of the land welcome us. We will only build in the way that the Earth teaches and shows us.” This vision is not new, but in these impatient times where everything is torn down and taken apart to make way for whatever we crave in this moment, right now, it’s a vision that we don’t remember……or hear enough. It is possible to build our shelters in loving co-operation with the Earth and with all our neighbors (two-legged, four-legged, winged, etc.). Radical? Maybe it’s more radical to just keep tearing apart the Earth and actually think that there will still be enough Earth left to share with the children.
Our Spirits asked us to share the following introduction to “House as Teacher” every chance that we get. It speaks of why we build the way that we do and why we have to share the story of that, even if it seems too weird or too hard. With our hearts joined, we invite you to listen to the following message. Listen to it as often as you need. Please, share it with others (we ask you to simply also share our copyright, as well). Spread it around everywhere you can. We want to share this message, and this story, with every being in the world who wishes it, right now, when it is most needed:
The time has come. It arrives upon us right now, even though some of us will say that it came without warning. Not true. The warning came to all hearts and spoke the language of love.
The time is now. We must stop building upon the Earth as if it were a place of refuse that someone else will clean up when there is enough time.
We are the time. We must join our hearts this moment and declare that we will build nothing more, unless we form our homes and structures in the language of love.
That is the only future before us and it rests upon our actions, Now, Now without hesitation, Now Now even if we believe we don’t have the time, the money or the talents. For if we do not declare absolutely that we will only build with the sacredness that all life already practices around us, then we create no future and we erase Now.
Welcome, all children of Earth, for this message is meant for all. This letter is our contribution to the language of love. We looked around at how humans were building upon the planet and we said, “This is not our way, anymore.” So we set forth to build anew, even though we didn’t know how it would be done, or how the authorities in our life would receive our intent.
We did it because we can, because we choose to speak the language of love. What does that mean? It means that while we don’t know everything there is to know about construction, we have watched and listened to the other beings who share this planet with us: the animals, the plants and the seasons. All of them listen to each other and they work, play and live completely interwoven with each other. With their instincts they always consider the whole and they never step out of rhythm with the dance of perfection and unity. That is the language of love. It demonstrates itself in every pattern of growth and movement. If you look and listen closely enough, you will see it, too. All of nature grows in spirals and circles, never in the squares of human houses. All animals slow in the winter and become active in the spring, and so on….
We knew that if we translated the rhythm and language of love into building, then we would create something that would grow all the time and would harmonize with all the beings of this world. Then we would be making something that would speak on behalf of us, while simultaneously honoring all others. So that’s what we have done.
We have created a home, shaped out of our respect. Because of that it’s not just our home, it belongs to everybody. It’s dedicated to all the children of the Earth, since each one in their own unique and even inexplicable way, taught us the language of love. In their/your/our honor, we offer our story of building, as a story for all of us. Listen and find a page and make it your own. Share it with all other children of the Earth. This is how we know how to build a future not just for ourselves, but for all of us. ©2000 Twintreess AN INVITATION to YOU: How do you feel about all of this? Share your stories with us and tell us of your dreams to build!
House as Teacher Testimonials
“The principles demonstrated in building the wonderful ’sacred structure’ in HOUSE AS TEACHER, translated beautifully, and in perfect sense, to another sacred structure My Life! Thank you all for this — amazing book!” ~Annette McNamara
“Your book is absolutely wonderful! There is so much to it. Every little bit of the domelets and the pyramid are so very precious. What an incredible STORY!” ~Fran Abbott
“I am totally enthralled! I love Ursela’s easy delivery and having to switch ‘people’ when reading between her and Tohmas. I also love all the little vignettes written by her friends.” ~Kathie Gillaspey
“What a delight and privilege it is to be reading this journey through the lives of such conscious travelers. Your being just leaps from the pages and I FEEL with each word that I’m being invited to participate in a profound adventure of Spirit in a most generous and intimate way. Alternately, I’m reading an adventure, a mystery, a journal, a never-before-conceived-or-articulated how-to, a travelogue through the absurdity, silliness and pathos, the brilliance, potential and tenderness of human existence. It’s thrilling! It’s fun! It’s inspiring! And it’s SUCH an extraordinary gift from the heart and soul.” ~Jordan Hunter
“What a wonderful, awe-inspiring book of knowledge this is! This story has helped me to have an even deeper connection with the earth and the building of any project. By the time I finished the book, I felt as though Marilyn, Tohmas and Ursela were part of my extended family. This book is a must read for anyone building, thinking of building, or just wanting a better understanding or deeper connection to yourself and to Mother Earth. Thank you all so much!” ~Kim Choquette
For me, it was a wonderful affirmation to think outside the box, follow the creative instinct and make all relationship sacred. Thanks for sharing your hearts with me. ~Angela Davis
“When I open to your books, something begins to move, to expand and wrap around me, a wind that spirals through my body and takes me into FEELING.” ~Jennifer Butcher

Ogallalah de Oro: My Life with Humans
by Marilyn & Tohmas Twintreess
ISBN# 0-9645194-3-7 Pages: 146; SRP: $13.99
Ogallalah is a gorgeous malamute dog who has lived with us. She played with us and ate with us and protected us in her own special ways. Then one day, she came to us and said, “I am ready to tell you my real story.” It turned out that we only barely knew what it meant for her to be our guardian………
Excerpt From “Ogallalah de Oro”
"No matter what, I am a guardian. And I did what was my sacred duty to do. There was no malice or judgment for me. Just the honoring of all the truths between us spoken or otherwise…… I am the final support…. It takes so much from me to give you these words. I have to reach deep into the earth. I need to feel that coolness on my face. I need to smell her heart, so that I can feel the rhythm of how to tell my story. Everything I say is part of the earth’s spinning, the sun’s travels…."
What “Ogallalah de Oro” Means to Us
by Twintreess
“Animals, Plants and Stones have been our great teachers.”–Twintreess. We spend each day listening to all of the unique, incredible forms of life around us. Literally, they have given us wisdom that we never knew existed. Because of it, our life is unimaginable – truly unimaginable. Every day miracles appear and most amazing of all, this is now the pattern of our life. We live on a path of miracles that we don’t expect but they just keep coming anyway. While we were learning to be Spirit Storytellers, Ogallalah (a gorgeous malamute dog) lived right alongside us. Ogallalah witnessed it all. The incredible part was that she never said a word…. even while everything else around us did. One day she did speak, “I’m ready to give you my story.” What she told us changed us at the core, forever. When she told us what she really was doing, our minds and hearts expanded far beyond belief. Animals, because they live so close to their instincts and their Spirits, live in and act in dimensions that affect us beyond our logic and the everyday practice of our lives. Ogallalah protected and guided and loved us in worlds that we didn’t even see with our physical eyes. But in telling us her story, she shows us these worlds and how to live on this Earth and in our dreams, simultaneously. Her gifts transformed us completely.
“Ogallalah de Oro” Reviews and Testimonials
This book affected me deeply! It’s not really the story of a dog’s life, but rather a direct feeling/sensing experience of another consciousness, an encounter with a being living its true essence at every moment. Ogallalah gently draws us into a world where we can know what it is like to live in a state of grace without fear, limitation, or self-consciousness, resting in a pure awareness of being, of knowing, of service, of connection to all life. This is a true gift for anyone seeking to shift their consciousness beyond the ordinary, to recognize our kinship with other life forms, to feel the respect, love and awe of that very humbling experience. ~Jennifer Butcher
This is the first book of Twintreess I read, and it just magically came into my life. Meeting them at a booksigning for it confirmed what I knew in my soul about animals…that they are divine beings who communicate with us on a regular basis. We just have to be open to it. It is a deeply moving and profound story and I am so grateful to Ogallalah for all she is and all she shares. ~Jennifer Salnes
by Marilyn & Tohmas Twintreess
ISBN# 0-9645194-3-7 Pages: 146; SRP: $13.99
Ogallalah is a gorgeous malamute dog who has lived with us. She played with us and ate with us and protected us in her own special ways. Then one day, she came to us and said, “I am ready to tell you my real story.” It turned out that we only barely knew what it meant for her to be our guardian………
Excerpt From “Ogallalah de Oro”
"No matter what, I am a guardian. And I did what was my sacred duty to do. There was no malice or judgment for me. Just the honoring of all the truths between us spoken or otherwise…… I am the final support…. It takes so much from me to give you these words. I have to reach deep into the earth. I need to feel that coolness on my face. I need to smell her heart, so that I can feel the rhythm of how to tell my story. Everything I say is part of the earth’s spinning, the sun’s travels…."
What “Ogallalah de Oro” Means to Us
by Twintreess
“Animals, Plants and Stones have been our great teachers.”–Twintreess. We spend each day listening to all of the unique, incredible forms of life around us. Literally, they have given us wisdom that we never knew existed. Because of it, our life is unimaginable – truly unimaginable. Every day miracles appear and most amazing of all, this is now the pattern of our life. We live on a path of miracles that we don’t expect but they just keep coming anyway. While we were learning to be Spirit Storytellers, Ogallalah (a gorgeous malamute dog) lived right alongside us. Ogallalah witnessed it all. The incredible part was that she never said a word…. even while everything else around us did. One day she did speak, “I’m ready to give you my story.” What she told us changed us at the core, forever. When she told us what she really was doing, our minds and hearts expanded far beyond belief. Animals, because they live so close to their instincts and their Spirits, live in and act in dimensions that affect us beyond our logic and the everyday practice of our lives. Ogallalah protected and guided and loved us in worlds that we didn’t even see with our physical eyes. But in telling us her story, she shows us these worlds and how to live on this Earth and in our dreams, simultaneously. Her gifts transformed us completely.
“Ogallalah de Oro” Reviews and Testimonials
This book affected me deeply! It’s not really the story of a dog’s life, but rather a direct feeling/sensing experience of another consciousness, an encounter with a being living its true essence at every moment. Ogallalah gently draws us into a world where we can know what it is like to live in a state of grace without fear, limitation, or self-consciousness, resting in a pure awareness of being, of knowing, of service, of connection to all life. This is a true gift for anyone seeking to shift their consciousness beyond the ordinary, to recognize our kinship with other life forms, to feel the respect, love and awe of that very humbling experience. ~Jennifer Butcher
This is the first book of Twintreess I read, and it just magically came into my life. Meeting them at a booksigning for it confirmed what I knew in my soul about animals…that they are divine beings who communicate with us on a regular basis. We just have to be open to it. It is a deeply moving and profound story and I am so grateful to Ogallalah for all she is and all she shares. ~Jennifer Salnes

Windows on Other Worlds...
the House of Many Dimensions- a true story...
by Marilyn & Tohmas Twintreess
ISBN# 1-890808-12-1 57 Pages; SRP: $16.00
This book has already led many other lives before landing here. Because of this it has gathered momentum and precious lifeforce. Now it can readily enter your heart while disarming your worried adult mind.
This collection of ever-growing stories touches and then sweetly awakens your inner child. It is not a faerie tale, it is not a fable. It is a real live adventure that gently happened to us while we were already working and playing and just living with our dreams intact.
This is a true story...
We were helping rejuvenate a very old and very large home that had many incarnations as hospice, bed and breakfast, private home, childrens hospital, etc. and was now a high-end B & B. Over our time there, it became increasingly apparent that each room in the house held onto a specific energy relating to experiences pertinent to that room- and very much wanted to share those stories. Well, that's our job. Easy for us. Some very intense personal stories came out that were specific to the current owners and their parallel lives. In this book, we have used the more general ones relating to the multi-dimensional nature of the energies held in this geometrical location. They can be somehow related to as children's stories to make them possibly more approachable. For us, they are simply true. Believe as you choose...
the House of Many Dimensions- a true story...
by Marilyn & Tohmas Twintreess
ISBN# 1-890808-12-1 57 Pages; SRP: $16.00
This book has already led many other lives before landing here. Because of this it has gathered momentum and precious lifeforce. Now it can readily enter your heart while disarming your worried adult mind.
This collection of ever-growing stories touches and then sweetly awakens your inner child. It is not a faerie tale, it is not a fable. It is a real live adventure that gently happened to us while we were already working and playing and just living with our dreams intact.
This is a true story...
We were helping rejuvenate a very old and very large home that had many incarnations as hospice, bed and breakfast, private home, childrens hospital, etc. and was now a high-end B & B. Over our time there, it became increasingly apparent that each room in the house held onto a specific energy relating to experiences pertinent to that room- and very much wanted to share those stories. Well, that's our job. Easy for us. Some very intense personal stories came out that were specific to the current owners and their parallel lives. In this book, we have used the more general ones relating to the multi-dimensional nature of the energies held in this geometrical location. They can be somehow related to as children's stories to make them possibly more approachable. For us, they are simply true. Believe as you choose...

Etheric Songs from the Children of Earth
by Twintreess
ISBN 0-9645194-4-5 Pages: 235; SRP: $14.98
Like all words of full heart and true Spirit, “Etheric Songs from the Children of Earth,” enters your soul. It changes you cellularly forever. Its vibration reaches out and directly catalyzes your deepest desires to fulfill your dreams. It smiles and says, “Yes. Now. You can do it now.” “Etheric Songs from the Children of Earth” is three books bound in one. Part I shows the parallel lives/selves of people who are walking on the Earth now, so that you witness the miracle of simultaneous multidimensionality as a reality. This is not a dream. These words show us the fullness and endless possibilities that we actually are but don’t seem to experience in a linear, 3-D reality. Part II lets us speak with Spiritguides who affirm these incredible and completely true realities. And when we hear those affirmations, we recognize the truth. Part III integrates it all —body, mind and Spirit-through simultaneous poems that speak to both the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Then, whether you understand it with your mind or not, the glorious new realities that are the birthright of all the children of the Earth live within you. Welcome~
Excerpts From “Etheric Songs”
Etheric Song:
I am old, old, old, like the stars. They smile for a moment but the spark is carried across the void forever. There is no time in this, there is only the art of being.
Do you notice that you never measure a laugh or a tear? It does not have time attached to its existence, so it echoes in now. It is a child of forever. It is not stored in memory because it is never gone. These things live alongside of us but never hold us back, nor do they hold us forward. They are content to only hold our hands and our hearts without end or beginning. They are us in another slice of life, a fragment of the prism or a meeting in the void. What are you old like? I will hold your spark high above us while you touch the ancient glories of you that never leave. I am old as a ring around the moon. I am old as a child’s secret. I am old as the perfection of every vein and bone and smell of my body. I am old as Spirit that travels the invisible lines of the universe and touches only me. I am old like my stories that grow down the length of my arm, through my moving fingers, and spill into the earth so the winds cannot shake them until I speak. They are the stories of power, so they are never the same, but they are always the one story. Find it any way that you can.
I am the old wizard of the cave and when I sizzle with my stories, they shoot out my fingertips like holy lightning bolts that electrify the oldest stones. My tales are divided into the texture of each of the stones to fit their special-only voices. Each rock smiles and cries a shade different from the other and when they sing the songs together, it is a full chorus that lights up the night. How can you be lonely?
Every being has a special story that will be special only for them because it will travel their ears a shade different from all the rest. Play with my magic and make it ours. Hurdle a stone into the sky until it becomes a star. I hear you a shade different from all the rest and That is as old as perfection.
And an excerpt from Grandma Birdie in Part II:
“We have been smoked by our earth mother and in this new prayer form, we danced around the two-leggeds who parked next to our camp, for they, out of all of the empty places came to rest next to us. (We were camped alone in a huge campground of a hundred or more sites and someone came and camped in the exact site next to us.) They smelled the oncoming flame and wished to feel it in their nostrils.” “In this form of sacred smoke, there is no place left for judgment, or anything, but Spirit. So we danced the spiral in their dreams where it is safe for them to be alive with those footprints. They touched the footprints of when they have been gentle upon the earth and we have smoked each other, finding that there is no room for fear between us.” “I looked upon my footprints and they rested here among these golden rocks where we sit now, saying, “We will hold these tracks until you choose to come to visit them again.” “Now we smoke our own footprints and we find that every mark that we choose in our life is sacred. Every indentation of our form ripples across every rock, every cactus, every worm beneath the rock, every cloud, every wind, until it is all one beat of life, to be shared by any who chooses that path.” “Now you know that every step on this journey away from our home, to the desert and back, has been made of your own sacred smoke. It has been the link to your own dreams and the wearing of your dreams, in every footprint. Tell me, grandson, have you found your pipe?”
“Etheric Songs” Reviews
“If I were the King, I would place this book in the open arms of every child of Earth. I would say, “Here is a gift you do not need, for you are full of wonder, your eyes see all that is beautiful, and your Spirit knows it is blessed and connected. But should the colors of the day or the stars in the sky ever appear to fade, even just a little, then coax this book off the shelf and wrap yourself around it. It will hold your hand, and it will walk you quietly back to the divinity and wide-eyed magic of the child. You will surely be free again to know — as you always have-the infinite possibility of each breath.’ What a marvelous adventure the company of this book has brought me — my heart has been embraced and raised high upon the wisdom of its wings. This enchantingly poetic expression of life has filled me anew with passion, and trust, and love. I invite you to step inside this offering and allow the exhilaration you find within these pages to fuel the flame that already burns brightly within you.” ~Don Karl, Zephyr Press
“Etheric Songs captures, for me, the astonishing complexity of ‘beingness’ in its myriad forms and dimensions. With each page, I realized more and more why we have such an attraction to ‘magic.’ It triggers a remembering and I found myself delighted again and again at this realization (even though the experiences are just a touch away from my own consciousness.). I find myself wanting to thank Twintreess for sharing Grandmother Birdie with us. I love seeing her smile at Tohmas (Grandson) and feeling their mutual love. I love her telling us to ‘live with your footprints in both worlds…there are many ways of seeing.’ I felt a delicious shiver when she said, ‘Ten o’clock does not have to mean bedtime!’ I think we need to accept that these adventures are not just for Twintreess — these wonderful playful, loving and wise beings await us, too! We need to suspend judgment and dare to freefall. I yearn for the day when (quoting a Full Moon reading to Laurie A.), ‘We are awakened into our lives and we will not lay down at the feet of any other power but our own endless abundance.’” ~Fran Abbott, St. Paul, MN
“I am sitting in Wednesday group with Twintreess; this is still new to me. As I listen and watch, I slowly become aware of them, not just the surprising and extraordinary skills they possess. I see them carefully support each other with an unconditional love they nurture not just on the Spirit plane but also in this earthly plane. It deeply informs my Spirit. It brings healing as I unravel this earthly ball of knotted string that is my life…Read on- Spirit speaks through the ages to you, encouraging, empowering. Can you resist Grandma Birdie’s challenge, ‘If you come in bearing a bowl of strength, why practice weakness?’” ~Susan L. Newman, writer and photojournalist
What Are Etheric Songs?
Each of the books that comes out of our heart and guts and Spirits are like our children (even though they are never “ours.”). Each one has its own very distinct personality and unimaginable destiny. “Etheric Songs from the Children of the Earth” was our second book.
The first one was almost completely written before we even knew it was a book. It slipped out of us and into the world before we could think about it or plan for it.
With the second book, we thought we knew more. We realized, very consciously, that we were responsible to these words from Spirit; we had to care for them and give them exactly what they needed to grow strong in the world. Perhaps more than any of our other books, “Etheric Songs” came directly from our cells. It is the most mysterious. It directly shows us that each human lives many different lives in one. It shows us that we are infinite parallels of ourselves and while time and space as we understand it do not explain this, it doesn’t matter. This is reality.
We all are so much more than our words can describe. So, of course, these words reach out beyond definition. They immediately give us all the vibrational experience of multidimensionality — our most unheard of and incredible potentials.
We thank “Etheric Songs from the Children of the Earth” because it teaches us to be as Spirit sees us — unlimited without explanation.
by Twintreess
ISBN 0-9645194-4-5 Pages: 235; SRP: $14.98
Like all words of full heart and true Spirit, “Etheric Songs from the Children of Earth,” enters your soul. It changes you cellularly forever. Its vibration reaches out and directly catalyzes your deepest desires to fulfill your dreams. It smiles and says, “Yes. Now. You can do it now.” “Etheric Songs from the Children of Earth” is three books bound in one. Part I shows the parallel lives/selves of people who are walking on the Earth now, so that you witness the miracle of simultaneous multidimensionality as a reality. This is not a dream. These words show us the fullness and endless possibilities that we actually are but don’t seem to experience in a linear, 3-D reality. Part II lets us speak with Spiritguides who affirm these incredible and completely true realities. And when we hear those affirmations, we recognize the truth. Part III integrates it all —body, mind and Spirit-through simultaneous poems that speak to both the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Then, whether you understand it with your mind or not, the glorious new realities that are the birthright of all the children of the Earth live within you. Welcome~
Excerpts From “Etheric Songs”
Etheric Song:
I am old, old, old, like the stars. They smile for a moment but the spark is carried across the void forever. There is no time in this, there is only the art of being.
Do you notice that you never measure a laugh or a tear? It does not have time attached to its existence, so it echoes in now. It is a child of forever. It is not stored in memory because it is never gone. These things live alongside of us but never hold us back, nor do they hold us forward. They are content to only hold our hands and our hearts without end or beginning. They are us in another slice of life, a fragment of the prism or a meeting in the void. What are you old like? I will hold your spark high above us while you touch the ancient glories of you that never leave. I am old as a ring around the moon. I am old as a child’s secret. I am old as the perfection of every vein and bone and smell of my body. I am old as Spirit that travels the invisible lines of the universe and touches only me. I am old like my stories that grow down the length of my arm, through my moving fingers, and spill into the earth so the winds cannot shake them until I speak. They are the stories of power, so they are never the same, but they are always the one story. Find it any way that you can.
I am the old wizard of the cave and when I sizzle with my stories, they shoot out my fingertips like holy lightning bolts that electrify the oldest stones. My tales are divided into the texture of each of the stones to fit their special-only voices. Each rock smiles and cries a shade different from the other and when they sing the songs together, it is a full chorus that lights up the night. How can you be lonely?
Every being has a special story that will be special only for them because it will travel their ears a shade different from all the rest. Play with my magic and make it ours. Hurdle a stone into the sky until it becomes a star. I hear you a shade different from all the rest and That is as old as perfection.
And an excerpt from Grandma Birdie in Part II:
“We have been smoked by our earth mother and in this new prayer form, we danced around the two-leggeds who parked next to our camp, for they, out of all of the empty places came to rest next to us. (We were camped alone in a huge campground of a hundred or more sites and someone came and camped in the exact site next to us.) They smelled the oncoming flame and wished to feel it in their nostrils.” “In this form of sacred smoke, there is no place left for judgment, or anything, but Spirit. So we danced the spiral in their dreams where it is safe for them to be alive with those footprints. They touched the footprints of when they have been gentle upon the earth and we have smoked each other, finding that there is no room for fear between us.” “I looked upon my footprints and they rested here among these golden rocks where we sit now, saying, “We will hold these tracks until you choose to come to visit them again.” “Now we smoke our own footprints and we find that every mark that we choose in our life is sacred. Every indentation of our form ripples across every rock, every cactus, every worm beneath the rock, every cloud, every wind, until it is all one beat of life, to be shared by any who chooses that path.” “Now you know that every step on this journey away from our home, to the desert and back, has been made of your own sacred smoke. It has been the link to your own dreams and the wearing of your dreams, in every footprint. Tell me, grandson, have you found your pipe?”
“Etheric Songs” Reviews
“If I were the King, I would place this book in the open arms of every child of Earth. I would say, “Here is a gift you do not need, for you are full of wonder, your eyes see all that is beautiful, and your Spirit knows it is blessed and connected. But should the colors of the day or the stars in the sky ever appear to fade, even just a little, then coax this book off the shelf and wrap yourself around it. It will hold your hand, and it will walk you quietly back to the divinity and wide-eyed magic of the child. You will surely be free again to know — as you always have-the infinite possibility of each breath.’ What a marvelous adventure the company of this book has brought me — my heart has been embraced and raised high upon the wisdom of its wings. This enchantingly poetic expression of life has filled me anew with passion, and trust, and love. I invite you to step inside this offering and allow the exhilaration you find within these pages to fuel the flame that already burns brightly within you.” ~Don Karl, Zephyr Press
“Etheric Songs captures, for me, the astonishing complexity of ‘beingness’ in its myriad forms and dimensions. With each page, I realized more and more why we have such an attraction to ‘magic.’ It triggers a remembering and I found myself delighted again and again at this realization (even though the experiences are just a touch away from my own consciousness.). I find myself wanting to thank Twintreess for sharing Grandmother Birdie with us. I love seeing her smile at Tohmas (Grandson) and feeling their mutual love. I love her telling us to ‘live with your footprints in both worlds…there are many ways of seeing.’ I felt a delicious shiver when she said, ‘Ten o’clock does not have to mean bedtime!’ I think we need to accept that these adventures are not just for Twintreess — these wonderful playful, loving and wise beings await us, too! We need to suspend judgment and dare to freefall. I yearn for the day when (quoting a Full Moon reading to Laurie A.), ‘We are awakened into our lives and we will not lay down at the feet of any other power but our own endless abundance.’” ~Fran Abbott, St. Paul, MN
“I am sitting in Wednesday group with Twintreess; this is still new to me. As I listen and watch, I slowly become aware of them, not just the surprising and extraordinary skills they possess. I see them carefully support each other with an unconditional love they nurture not just on the Spirit plane but also in this earthly plane. It deeply informs my Spirit. It brings healing as I unravel this earthly ball of knotted string that is my life…Read on- Spirit speaks through the ages to you, encouraging, empowering. Can you resist Grandma Birdie’s challenge, ‘If you come in bearing a bowl of strength, why practice weakness?’” ~Susan L. Newman, writer and photojournalist
What Are Etheric Songs?
Each of the books that comes out of our heart and guts and Spirits are like our children (even though they are never “ours.”). Each one has its own very distinct personality and unimaginable destiny. “Etheric Songs from the Children of the Earth” was our second book.
The first one was almost completely written before we even knew it was a book. It slipped out of us and into the world before we could think about it or plan for it.
With the second book, we thought we knew more. We realized, very consciously, that we were responsible to these words from Spirit; we had to care for them and give them exactly what they needed to grow strong in the world. Perhaps more than any of our other books, “Etheric Songs” came directly from our cells. It is the most mysterious. It directly shows us that each human lives many different lives in one. It shows us that we are infinite parallels of ourselves and while time and space as we understand it do not explain this, it doesn’t matter. This is reality.
We all are so much more than our words can describe. So, of course, these words reach out beyond definition. They immediately give us all the vibrational experience of multidimensionality — our most unheard of and incredible potentials.
We thank “Etheric Songs from the Children of the Earth” because it teaches us to be as Spirit sees us — unlimited without explanation.

The Heart of Matter
by Marilyn & Tohmas Twintreess
ISBN 0-9645194-9-6 Pages: 193; SRP: $15.50
This book connects us with the powers and the joys of Stones. Absorb their full consciousness in these cellular meditation-stories. As you read this, you join with the Earth and all of life in ways that inspire you to be the multi-dimensional being you are, and always have been, designed to be. Do you see what this means? This is how we evolve into the cosmic humans we can be at any moment in this new millennium. Excerpt from “The Heart of Matter” Red Hawkseye Once upon a forever, I died and I was born. Then I woke up in this story. My home is a deep slab of scarlet hawkseye. You might imagine, those of you who live in the tip of the land in the bottom of the sky, that my worlds would be very dark. Perhaps, this is so. But because it is the only dark I have lived in, it is as bright as the fires in the Earth’s belly. I lay in complete concert with all beings burrowed into the safeness of a million stones and sand. It is my treasure. It is my inheritance. It is our legacy because I own nothing that is not given to you……………..Well beneath the surface of your world, I dance with the Earth and bathe in the sun and listen to the rain. I have chosen this way in the shadows where I will be free to claim every warmth and every heart-message of every being. I do not walk in the sunlight. I must bow before it; therefore I know with all my being that it is all sacredness. I receive its gift and I have never known ignoring it...
“The Heart of Matter” Reviews
When was the last time you held a butterfly in your hand…or stood stony still while a hummingbird swooped around you? If you have never had these experiences then quietly pick up this book. Give up the notion that it’s a fast read…. it’s not why you’re here. A deep nurturing – a massage of the soul-surfaces out of the mists of these pages. Where you are at any point in your journey is where you need to be be – your point of departure for today. Ah, yes, the expansiveness of non-judgment. There are many subtle things going on here all at once. Each stone seems to be attached to a thread and the woven cloth is not only the book in your hands but your life, should you choose to accept this assignment. Embedded in the weave is the life work of Tohmas and Marilyn Twintreess. This is a privileged glimpse into their unusual disciplined and fascinating life and their commitment to healing — theirs, yours and this earth’s. For me, they model an unlimited way of living, they live their truth. By doing so, they give others the chance to test their lives against that model-not in a competitive sense but as a means of showing others something about trusting the universe, it does indeed provide….it is safe to expand into unknown territory if your heart space is clean and your intent is clear. –Susan L. Newman
A curious magic occurs each time I stroll into the wondrous realm of Twintreess – my vision clears, the mind gratefully rests, and my circle of compassion widens ever further. Whatever narrow certainty I might bring into the moment gets lovingly swept away, and an enormous opening appears to support a life lived fully and a heart remaining open and generous. Treat yourself to the journey of “The Heart of Matter,” and feast your Spirit upon the flavor and richness of these gracious offerings. The delightful beings you will encounter in these pages share the reminders of our collective truth and they will tempt you to fully embrace your connectedness to all of creation. I trust that you are entering this book as a kind and gentle human being. I promise that you will emerge from your time with it a far greater force for love in this world. And each breath that follows…will simply smile. –Don Karl, Zephyr Press
How We Feel about the “The Heart of Matter”
by Twintreess
We give thanks for this book, continually. They are not words, they are the deepest stories from the Stonespirits imaginable. They came to us because we were listening. Where they took us beyond that we are still discovering each day. This is different from “Stones Alive!” That’s a reference book; it gives you a place to begin, with familiar ideas and traditions to hang your hat on. “The Heart of Matter” presents direct cellular language from Stones. It lands upon our cells and our DNA. It lives holographically and whether or not our minds can wrap logic around that, our bodies get it. At the core cellular level, we are connected to every life form on this planet. We are more like the Stones than not. When they give their full essence as they have in this book, our bodies feel that, they move with it, they grow with that and they model that to our minds, our hearts and our Spirits. Just experience it. Feel your own transformation and evolution with it. It is the season of change and wonder on the planet and the Stones know it. Deep down, our bodies know it too and they welcome it.
by Marilyn & Tohmas Twintreess
ISBN 0-9645194-9-6 Pages: 193; SRP: $15.50
This book connects us with the powers and the joys of Stones. Absorb their full consciousness in these cellular meditation-stories. As you read this, you join with the Earth and all of life in ways that inspire you to be the multi-dimensional being you are, and always have been, designed to be. Do you see what this means? This is how we evolve into the cosmic humans we can be at any moment in this new millennium. Excerpt from “The Heart of Matter” Red Hawkseye Once upon a forever, I died and I was born. Then I woke up in this story. My home is a deep slab of scarlet hawkseye. You might imagine, those of you who live in the tip of the land in the bottom of the sky, that my worlds would be very dark. Perhaps, this is so. But because it is the only dark I have lived in, it is as bright as the fires in the Earth’s belly. I lay in complete concert with all beings burrowed into the safeness of a million stones and sand. It is my treasure. It is my inheritance. It is our legacy because I own nothing that is not given to you……………..Well beneath the surface of your world, I dance with the Earth and bathe in the sun and listen to the rain. I have chosen this way in the shadows where I will be free to claim every warmth and every heart-message of every being. I do not walk in the sunlight. I must bow before it; therefore I know with all my being that it is all sacredness. I receive its gift and I have never known ignoring it...
“The Heart of Matter” Reviews
When was the last time you held a butterfly in your hand…or stood stony still while a hummingbird swooped around you? If you have never had these experiences then quietly pick up this book. Give up the notion that it’s a fast read…. it’s not why you’re here. A deep nurturing – a massage of the soul-surfaces out of the mists of these pages. Where you are at any point in your journey is where you need to be be – your point of departure for today. Ah, yes, the expansiveness of non-judgment. There are many subtle things going on here all at once. Each stone seems to be attached to a thread and the woven cloth is not only the book in your hands but your life, should you choose to accept this assignment. Embedded in the weave is the life work of Tohmas and Marilyn Twintreess. This is a privileged glimpse into their unusual disciplined and fascinating life and their commitment to healing — theirs, yours and this earth’s. For me, they model an unlimited way of living, they live their truth. By doing so, they give others the chance to test their lives against that model-not in a competitive sense but as a means of showing others something about trusting the universe, it does indeed provide….it is safe to expand into unknown territory if your heart space is clean and your intent is clear. –Susan L. Newman
A curious magic occurs each time I stroll into the wondrous realm of Twintreess – my vision clears, the mind gratefully rests, and my circle of compassion widens ever further. Whatever narrow certainty I might bring into the moment gets lovingly swept away, and an enormous opening appears to support a life lived fully and a heart remaining open and generous. Treat yourself to the journey of “The Heart of Matter,” and feast your Spirit upon the flavor and richness of these gracious offerings. The delightful beings you will encounter in these pages share the reminders of our collective truth and they will tempt you to fully embrace your connectedness to all of creation. I trust that you are entering this book as a kind and gentle human being. I promise that you will emerge from your time with it a far greater force for love in this world. And each breath that follows…will simply smile. –Don Karl, Zephyr Press
How We Feel about the “The Heart of Matter”
by Twintreess
We give thanks for this book, continually. They are not words, they are the deepest stories from the Stonespirits imaginable. They came to us because we were listening. Where they took us beyond that we are still discovering each day. This is different from “Stones Alive!” That’s a reference book; it gives you a place to begin, with familiar ideas and traditions to hang your hat on. “The Heart of Matter” presents direct cellular language from Stones. It lands upon our cells and our DNA. It lives holographically and whether or not our minds can wrap logic around that, our bodies get it. At the core cellular level, we are connected to every life form on this planet. We are more like the Stones than not. When they give their full essence as they have in this book, our bodies feel that, they move with it, they grow with that and they model that to our minds, our hearts and our Spirits. Just experience it. Feel your own transformation and evolution with it. It is the season of change and wonder on the planet and the Stones know it. Deep down, our bodies know it too and they welcome it.

Excerpt from Grandmother Sweet Shield’s book:
by Marilyn & Tohmas Twintreess
“This is my story. Even before you read a full page I know that you might not believe this. Or, you may think that I have created this so that you can enjoy it. But I have to tell you the truth. For me there is no other way: This is my life story. It is who I am and I have very clearly chosen to give it to you. It is everything and now it is yours.”
Grandmother Sweet Shield’s Story:
This is the “true” story of our spiritual Grandmother, Sweet Shield, the firstborn of a native Inuit chief in northern Canada. In her tribe’s tradition, the chie’s responsibility was to produce a boy-child, first, to carry on the lineage. When Grandmother was born a girl, she was a “bad” omen and immediately left in the woods (in the middle of the winter) to die— her birth somehow explained away. Non-existent.
However, she did not die. Instead she was adopted by Grandmother Bear and Grandmother Raven and spontaneously raised as a 4-legged and taught nature’s and life’s ways and cycles and harmonies. Grandmother Bear particularly guided and taught her, deeply, within the Dreamtime.
Eventually she returned to her tribe, excitedly, to offer wisdom she had gained through being raised in harmony with all things. Being thoroughly shocked to see her, they immediately attempted to kill her, again—as a bad omen. The tribe’s Medicine Man however, (who also had profoundly learned and traveled with Grandmother Bear in the Dreamtime) recognized the miracle of Sweet Shield and prevented her murder.
This is Grandmother’s raw, intimate story about living and learning with, and as, a 4-legged, who also returns to her two-legged origins to heal, to accept, and to bridge the natural world to other humans.
(To be published in print when we (and her) finish writing it. It has its own cycle and timing and will appear at its own perfect pace...)
by Marilyn & Tohmas Twintreess
“This is my story. Even before you read a full page I know that you might not believe this. Or, you may think that I have created this so that you can enjoy it. But I have to tell you the truth. For me there is no other way: This is my life story. It is who I am and I have very clearly chosen to give it to you. It is everything and now it is yours.”
Grandmother Sweet Shield’s Story:
This is the “true” story of our spiritual Grandmother, Sweet Shield, the firstborn of a native Inuit chief in northern Canada. In her tribe’s tradition, the chie’s responsibility was to produce a boy-child, first, to carry on the lineage. When Grandmother was born a girl, she was a “bad” omen and immediately left in the woods (in the middle of the winter) to die— her birth somehow explained away. Non-existent.
However, she did not die. Instead she was adopted by Grandmother Bear and Grandmother Raven and spontaneously raised as a 4-legged and taught nature’s and life’s ways and cycles and harmonies. Grandmother Bear particularly guided and taught her, deeply, within the Dreamtime.
Eventually she returned to her tribe, excitedly, to offer wisdom she had gained through being raised in harmony with all things. Being thoroughly shocked to see her, they immediately attempted to kill her, again—as a bad omen. The tribe’s Medicine Man however, (who also had profoundly learned and traveled with Grandmother Bear in the Dreamtime) recognized the miracle of Sweet Shield and prevented her murder.
This is Grandmother’s raw, intimate story about living and learning with, and as, a 4-legged, who also returns to her two-legged origins to heal, to accept, and to bridge the natural world to other humans.
(To be published in print when we (and her) finish writing it. It has its own cycle and timing and will appear at its own perfect pace...)