The Essence Offerings we have for You:

Clear Space
Each Clear Space comes in a 4 oz cobalt Blue bottle with spray atomizer.
Today is the day to care for your body and for the space that surrounds it. Clear Space totally supports that intent. It utterly supports you doing that for yourself in exactly the unique way that will serve YOU. This Essence honors the full freedom and vitality that is inherent in your body and spirit, so that you can FEEL that, ATTRACT that, and INSIST upon it. Where there is stagnant energy in you and around you, this Essence points it out clearly so that you can make other choices now, immmediately, always.
Each Clear Space comes in a 4 oz cobalt Blue bottle with spray atomizer.
- 4 oz: $20.80 each
- Environmental Toxins Stonessence
- Sweet Shield Stonesssence
- Essential Oils of Sage, Thyme and Frankincense
Today is the day to care for your body and for the space that surrounds it. Clear Space totally supports that intent. It utterly supports you doing that for yourself in exactly the unique way that will serve YOU. This Essence honors the full freedom and vitality that is inherent in your body and spirit, so that you can FEEL that, ATTRACT that, and INSIST upon it. Where there is stagnant energy in you and around you, this Essence points it out clearly so that you can make other choices now, immmediately, always.

Stones Alive! Stonessences!
When you go to the Stone Combination Section in any of the 3 Volumes of "Stones Alive!" you will find Stone combinations that we have been working with for years and have made into Vibrational Jewelry and sent out around the world. Recently after that, those same Stones spoke again, "Now it's time to make these combinations into Stonessences."
Of course we said, "yes".
Stonessences are very powerful elixirs, infused by exact cycles of the Sun, the Moon, the Planets and specific sacred ritual/geometries. We never determine when or how to make them; at the perfect timing, the Stonespirits request that we make certain Essences at certain times and they also give us rituals to perform that give the Stonessences our energy, respect and love.
It requires our complete presence to co-create these Essences. Like the jewelry, the Stonessences are vibrational tools for our continuing growth and joy. As such the Essences impact us immediately (Ask us, we've got some great stories ). They work with our energetic bodies which efficiently affects our whole body-mind-spirit union. At first the effects can seem subtle because it's a different and very wholistic way to connect to your physical, emotional and mental well-being. What helps a lot is to consciously listen for any effects, that enhances the body-mind communication and actually amplifies them.
(We also have a full listing of ALL the Stonecombinations we offer conveniently published in a spiral bound- so it can lay open- book for quick, easy and complete reference. See the Stonecombination Book under the Products Page/Books.)
For these years that we have been making Stonessences hand-in-hand with the Stonebeings, their hearts have always told us what they were created for and with. This is not a new idea. People have been vibrationally imbuing waters with loving, healing energies for millennia, like Flower Essences or Homeopathy- or if you prefer the current Western medical model- like vaccinations.
These Stonessences are magic and they are magic that has worked inexplicable miracles for Ages. How did the Ancients make them? They had to intuit their methods by being in synchronization with all life, with all things, and of course, with all cycles. Like us, they brewed specific Essences during specific phases of the Sun and the Moon and the seasons so these potent, all-encompassing energies surrounding us would heal our imbalances naturally through using those Essences during the times when needed to absorb those innate cycles again.
What is new and different about our Stonessences is that we also potentize them as we said with precisely the rituals/ways/feelings/DANCES that the Stonebeings themselves request from us in their own precise moments with each exact Essence. And each time we make a new Essence, or a new batch of an old Essence friend, the rituals are unique again to that precise new moment. The timing is unique as it should be. So when we completely, open-heartedly perform those precisely timed rituals, it imbues that Essence with exactly the loving gifts that the humans of this time and evolving need, now, to keep evolving from a bigger picture from the magnanimous ways of life, itself.
NOW, another previously unimaginable vibration has been magnificently added to our Stonessences. We have always used the most clear, vital water for them, but now we are making these Essences with water that has been lovingly fed through our new Elemental Water Structuring Units (see more info under the Products/Water Structuring Devices page).
The mysterious, magical water foundation of these Stonessences is birthed then in a braided zero point energy field that exponentially magnifies the unconditional Stone gifts in each of them as well as adds profound co-creative joy and love. The Stonessences are brewed in and with exponential Lifeforce! They bring us back to the holistic states of life and of nature and of our bodies as they are meant to be: pulsating with constant vitality!
Feel that at your core.
Use the Essences yourself.
They will automatically talk with your body and they will grow more life together with you as you wish.
What will you do with MORE LIFE!
Each Stonessence comes in a full one oz cobalt Blue bottle with spray atomizer
$11.98 each, for the Unscented version
$15.00 each, for the Scented version
We currently offer (and we are always adding more combinations) these 136 Stonecombinations in Stonessence form:
When you go to the Stone Combination Section in any of the 3 Volumes of "Stones Alive!" you will find Stone combinations that we have been working with for years and have made into Vibrational Jewelry and sent out around the world. Recently after that, those same Stones spoke again, "Now it's time to make these combinations into Stonessences."
Of course we said, "yes".
Stonessences are very powerful elixirs, infused by exact cycles of the Sun, the Moon, the Planets and specific sacred ritual/geometries. We never determine when or how to make them; at the perfect timing, the Stonespirits request that we make certain Essences at certain times and they also give us rituals to perform that give the Stonessences our energy, respect and love.
It requires our complete presence to co-create these Essences. Like the jewelry, the Stonessences are vibrational tools for our continuing growth and joy. As such the Essences impact us immediately (Ask us, we've got some great stories ). They work with our energetic bodies which efficiently affects our whole body-mind-spirit union. At first the effects can seem subtle because it's a different and very wholistic way to connect to your physical, emotional and mental well-being. What helps a lot is to consciously listen for any effects, that enhances the body-mind communication and actually amplifies them.
(We also have a full listing of ALL the Stonecombinations we offer conveniently published in a spiral bound- so it can lay open- book for quick, easy and complete reference. See the Stonecombination Book under the Products Page/Books.)
For these years that we have been making Stonessences hand-in-hand with the Stonebeings, their hearts have always told us what they were created for and with. This is not a new idea. People have been vibrationally imbuing waters with loving, healing energies for millennia, like Flower Essences or Homeopathy- or if you prefer the current Western medical model- like vaccinations.
These Stonessences are magic and they are magic that has worked inexplicable miracles for Ages. How did the Ancients make them? They had to intuit their methods by being in synchronization with all life, with all things, and of course, with all cycles. Like us, they brewed specific Essences during specific phases of the Sun and the Moon and the seasons so these potent, all-encompassing energies surrounding us would heal our imbalances naturally through using those Essences during the times when needed to absorb those innate cycles again.
What is new and different about our Stonessences is that we also potentize them as we said with precisely the rituals/ways/feelings/DANCES that the Stonebeings themselves request from us in their own precise moments with each exact Essence. And each time we make a new Essence, or a new batch of an old Essence friend, the rituals are unique again to that precise new moment. The timing is unique as it should be. So when we completely, open-heartedly perform those precisely timed rituals, it imbues that Essence with exactly the loving gifts that the humans of this time and evolving need, now, to keep evolving from a bigger picture from the magnanimous ways of life, itself.
NOW, another previously unimaginable vibration has been magnificently added to our Stonessences. We have always used the most clear, vital water for them, but now we are making these Essences with water that has been lovingly fed through our new Elemental Water Structuring Units (see more info under the Products/Water Structuring Devices page).
The mysterious, magical water foundation of these Stonessences is birthed then in a braided zero point energy field that exponentially magnifies the unconditional Stone gifts in each of them as well as adds profound co-creative joy and love. The Stonessences are brewed in and with exponential Lifeforce! They bring us back to the holistic states of life and of nature and of our bodies as they are meant to be: pulsating with constant vitality!
Feel that at your core.
Use the Essences yourself.
They will automatically talk with your body and they will grow more life together with you as you wish.
What will you do with MORE LIFE!
Each Stonessence comes in a full one oz cobalt Blue bottle with spray atomizer
$11.98 each, for the Unscented version
$15.00 each, for the Scented version
We currently offer (and we are always adding more combinations) these 136 Stonecombinations in Stonessence form:

Elemental Essences: an Invitation to Evolving Humans!
The Elemental Essences are:
In listening to the Earth and to the Earth Beings around us, we find them to be endlessly creative. They always invite us to manifest with them, new tools that will support the quantum evolution that is before us and the Earth, now. They thrill us with their constant inspirations, like these Elemental Essences.
Each Essence contains: pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils (the lifeblood of Plants) the innate, manifesting gifts of intentional Stonebeings in Stonessence form (Evolutionary Grace Stonessence is the heart of each Elemental Essence),the essence of the specific Element (Earth, Fire, Water, Air or Ethers) AND in Shungite live structured water.
Each day we align with these Elementals (the Spirit of the Elements that make up all life here on Earth) to align with Spirit and to appreciate all its countless forms. Because of this, we co-created Elemental Essences so we can find balance in any moment, in any happening. When we are out of harmony, we use the Elemental Essences to join us with the innate cycles and peace of the world. The Essence does not impose anything on us, it simply offers us clarity to once again see the perfection in life and to act from that. Peacefully. Freely.
This is the evolution before all of us humans. Unlike the Plants, Animals and Stones, we have learned and taken on ways of separation and fear. Now we are being asked to join with the Earth Mother and Her beings to learn union, so that we can live together in the perfect cycles and ways of this planet. And how can we join this evolution? We must choose it with all of our freedom and all of our hearts, and then it requires that we must change at the very core of our being and choose to practice oneness and acceptance of all things.
With our overly-dominant minds, it can be difficult for humans to simply act harmoniously, for we have tremendous habits of separation. Yet, whenever there is a need upon the Earth, there is an answer, if we open ourselves up to it. For ages, the Elementals have balanced the ways of humans with everything else upon the Earth. When we war, they release our violence (as much as we will allow) through natural occurrences, like weather, earthquakes and the gifts of the Stones, Plants and Animals.
As our consciousness grows and changes, we are being invited to enter the balance of life- for ourselves- to choose it, and then to practice it as continually as we used to struggle. Elemental Essences arrive just when we need them! They help us to find our own elemental balance and join with the true peace and natural change of life. Each of our evoutionary lessons is represented by the Elements (just like everything else in life). For instance, if you are overly angry, then you may be experiencing an imbalance of Fire energy. Here is a guide to the issues that can correspond with the Elementals/Elements:
Earth: Structure; loyalty; limits; exerience; senses; sensuality; manifesting; prosperity; learning; needs; values; the body, etc.
Fire: Vitality; sexuality; passion; dramatic change; initiative; creativity; truth; motivation; acting upon instincts, etc.
Water: Emotions; history; empathy; intuition; subjectivity; telepathy; family; deep bonding with others; fluids in the body, etc.
Air: Thinking; communications; speech; writing; information; stimuli; curiosity; logic; basic relationship skills; travel; movement; memory; imagination; objectivity, etc.
Ethers: This Element/Elemental represents the mystery and the sacredness of Spirit in all things. The Ethers Essence supports us gracefully balancing and integrating all of the other Elements.
When you identify your imbalance by its corresponding Element, then you can use whichever of the Elemental Essences to restore your harmony. For instance, when we are not grounded, we need more Earth Element and can spray that Essence on our bodies. Or, if we have too much Earth (being overly focused on limits), we can use Fire Essence or one of the other Essences to create movement and balance.
Elemental Essences, like the Elementals themselves, change and grow continually. They move with life, because they are never separate from it. When you use Elemental Essences, you must willingly be a part of life, too, and listen to it. Let it and the Elementals guide you to whatever balance and tools you need in this moment. You are being invited to a journey of unconditional love and acceptance.
The Elemental Essences are:
In listening to the Earth and to the Earth Beings around us, we find them to be endlessly creative. They always invite us to manifest with them, new tools that will support the quantum evolution that is before us and the Earth, now. They thrill us with their constant inspirations, like these Elemental Essences.
Each Essence contains: pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils (the lifeblood of Plants) the innate, manifesting gifts of intentional Stonebeings in Stonessence form (Evolutionary Grace Stonessence is the heart of each Elemental Essence),the essence of the specific Element (Earth, Fire, Water, Air or Ethers) AND in Shungite live structured water.
Each day we align with these Elementals (the Spirit of the Elements that make up all life here on Earth) to align with Spirit and to appreciate all its countless forms. Because of this, we co-created Elemental Essences so we can find balance in any moment, in any happening. When we are out of harmony, we use the Elemental Essences to join us with the innate cycles and peace of the world. The Essence does not impose anything on us, it simply offers us clarity to once again see the perfection in life and to act from that. Peacefully. Freely.
This is the evolution before all of us humans. Unlike the Plants, Animals and Stones, we have learned and taken on ways of separation and fear. Now we are being asked to join with the Earth Mother and Her beings to learn union, so that we can live together in the perfect cycles and ways of this planet. And how can we join this evolution? We must choose it with all of our freedom and all of our hearts, and then it requires that we must change at the very core of our being and choose to practice oneness and acceptance of all things.
With our overly-dominant minds, it can be difficult for humans to simply act harmoniously, for we have tremendous habits of separation. Yet, whenever there is a need upon the Earth, there is an answer, if we open ourselves up to it. For ages, the Elementals have balanced the ways of humans with everything else upon the Earth. When we war, they release our violence (as much as we will allow) through natural occurrences, like weather, earthquakes and the gifts of the Stones, Plants and Animals.
As our consciousness grows and changes, we are being invited to enter the balance of life- for ourselves- to choose it, and then to practice it as continually as we used to struggle. Elemental Essences arrive just when we need them! They help us to find our own elemental balance and join with the true peace and natural change of life. Each of our evoutionary lessons is represented by the Elements (just like everything else in life). For instance, if you are overly angry, then you may be experiencing an imbalance of Fire energy. Here is a guide to the issues that can correspond with the Elementals/Elements:
Earth: Structure; loyalty; limits; exerience; senses; sensuality; manifesting; prosperity; learning; needs; values; the body, etc.
Fire: Vitality; sexuality; passion; dramatic change; initiative; creativity; truth; motivation; acting upon instincts, etc.
Water: Emotions; history; empathy; intuition; subjectivity; telepathy; family; deep bonding with others; fluids in the body, etc.
Air: Thinking; communications; speech; writing; information; stimuli; curiosity; logic; basic relationship skills; travel; movement; memory; imagination; objectivity, etc.
Ethers: This Element/Elemental represents the mystery and the sacredness of Spirit in all things. The Ethers Essence supports us gracefully balancing and integrating all of the other Elements.
When you identify your imbalance by its corresponding Element, then you can use whichever of the Elemental Essences to restore your harmony. For instance, when we are not grounded, we need more Earth Element and can spray that Essence on our bodies. Or, if we have too much Earth (being overly focused on limits), we can use Fire Essence or one of the other Essences to create movement and balance.
Elemental Essences, like the Elementals themselves, change and grow continually. They move with life, because they are never separate from it. When you use Elemental Essences, you must willingly be a part of life, too, and listen to it. Let it and the Elementals guide you to whatever balance and tools you need in this moment. You are being invited to a journey of unconditional love and acceptance.

Visionary Stonessences!
The Visioning Essences are:
$11.98 each, for the Unscented version
$15.00 each, for the Scented version
The Earth Mother is dancing in a never-before-seen, quantum leap evolution. Because of this, we humans are officially
invited to join Her in this, now. All of the Kingdoms upon Her (Animal, Mineral, Plant) automatically evolve as the Earth Mother does— because they live here completely as Beings of union, completely within Her cycles and seasons and perfection.
However, we, 2-leggeds, need to be invited to this new Age, because we come here as beings of separation. We are being clearly, magnanimously welcomed to release our seeming separation from all life here, and from our Spirits, to embrace union. Now.
Some of the finest support we can ever receive, in this, comes from the Plant and Mineral Kingdoms, as they focus ALL of their beingness on union, every moment: They unconditionally model the evolution-that-we-are-awesomely-becoming in these rapidly changing times.
In our listening with the Stonebeings and the Plantbeings, they generously offered to co-create with us Vibrational Essences, called, “Visionary Stonessences.” Each of these specific,5 Stonessences (Five is the shamanic number of humans in union with all.) intentionally, powerfully combines the Spirits of magical Visioning Plant Totems with the Spirits of Stone Totems that specifically root each of these Plantbeings. When we use these Visionary Stonessences, they inspire us with real-life, multi-dimensional visions to bring us to our true selves now: We are evolving into the magnificent human beings of union that we have always been designed to be in love and unconditional acceptance. Yes!
*Note: NONE of the Visionary Stonessences contain any kind of plant material in them.
Dreams Alive!
*Hopi Vision Root Vibrational Essence: I smile at ALL that you are. Everything that you do and be are gifts from Spirit to you and to all the children of the Earth Mother. Welcome~
Aquamarine: I so calm your defenses that you can spiral all of your magnificent dreams into pure lifeforce energy (without distractions) to make them so in your perfect, new, unique way.
Physical, Emotional, Mental Integration: We accept you as a two-legged and as a divine co-creator from Spirit, simultaneously. Perhaps you don’t always see yourself that way. Look into the clear mirrors of our energies and witness the multi-dimensional truth of you.
Once you see yourself, what miracle couldn’t you be?
Electrical Body Alignment: We link you to the union that your soul always is, even during your physical experience of the illusion of separation.
Affirmation of Support:
“I am a divine co-creator of miracles!”
*Note: NONE of the Visionary Stonessences contain any kind of plant material in them.
Grounding Glory
*Vibrational Essence of Arizona Morning Glory: I bloom in the unlimited hope of your open heart.
Hematite: I welcome you into this physical reality so profoundly that you blissfully, inescapably intertwine with the Etheric, Spiritual realities at once!…which is the true Lifejourney on the Earth Mother.
Physical, Emotional, Mental Integration: Welcome to the realm of the Plant and Mineral Kingdoms combined with pure intent and exponential joy! We revitalize your mind, heart and body so that you can enter the Center Stillness unencumbered. There, find your true mirror: You are a divine human being co-creator.
Electrical Body Alignment: We link you to visioning in unlimited, inner dimensions.
Affirmation of Support: “The Earth Mother is my utopia!”
*Note: NONE of the Visionary Stonessences contain any kind of plant material in them.
Inspiring Intuition
*Psycillibin: I awaken the telepathy, the empathy and the intuition INNATE in you— eagerly waiting to be lived, now.
Sugilite: I free your mind and your heart to soar on the wings of your Spirit.
Physical, Emotional, Mental Integration: You speak the language of intuition in every cell of your body and while you have mostly turned off your conscious awareness of it, you can never undo your own sixth sense. We give you the sureness of multi-dimensions happening all at once within us and around us. That certainty sets your soul free to walk in this world, too.
Electrical Body Alignment: We link you to the common (ethereal) languages on this Earth Mother.
Affirmation of Support:
“I am a beacon of intuition and pure knowingness in grace and ease, now.”
*Note: NONE of the Visionary Stonessences contain any kind of plant material in them.
Roots & Stars
*Peyote: Welcome! I offer myself as a guide to your Totem Spirits, who walk with you every day giving you unconditional love, joy and peace— even when you do not remember them.
Zincite: When you grasp me, you receive the instincts that your defenses buried because they were too wildly fun and focused in your precious uniqueness.
Physical, Emotional, Mental Integration: Welcome! You are evolving exponentially. Do you know it? Do you feel it? We do, and we share that unstintingly with you. Here, we present it in your practices….your visions….your determination….your epiphanies…..anywhere that you welcome us, we bring you the fullness of all possibilities here and now. Here and now.
Electrical Body Alignment: Yes! We join you with your soul’s purpose on every level.
Affirmation of Support: “Hooray! I AM here and now. All my needs and wants are blissfully satisfied, here and now.”
*Note: NONE of the Visionary Stonessences contain any kind of plant material in them.
Vision Quest
*Datura: Even amongst the greatest difficulties, I blossom pure beauty and wonder. Here, I place that vision, safely, in your heart, right now.
Silver: I remember faith. I remember trust. When those are only words to you, I live them until they overflow into your aura, regenerating ease.
Physical, Emotional, Mental Integration: Feel this right this moment: We still the unneeded striving in your body. Let go of your attachment to struggle as we clear your mind. You are standing in the Center Stillness where every healing stands with you. In that peace, you can be all of them.
Electrical Body Alignment: We link your strengths with your initiations.
Affirmation of Support: “I accept my initiations as open doorways to my glorious evolution, now.”
*Note: NONE of the Visionary Stonessences contain any kind of plant material in them.
*Reminder: All info on this Page (and all pages (c)2016 twintreess
The Visioning Essences are:
- Dreams Alive!
- Grounding Glory
- Inspiring Intuition
- Roots & Stars
- Vision Quest
$11.98 each, for the Unscented version
$15.00 each, for the Scented version
The Earth Mother is dancing in a never-before-seen, quantum leap evolution. Because of this, we humans are officially
invited to join Her in this, now. All of the Kingdoms upon Her (Animal, Mineral, Plant) automatically evolve as the Earth Mother does— because they live here completely as Beings of union, completely within Her cycles and seasons and perfection.
However, we, 2-leggeds, need to be invited to this new Age, because we come here as beings of separation. We are being clearly, magnanimously welcomed to release our seeming separation from all life here, and from our Spirits, to embrace union. Now.
Some of the finest support we can ever receive, in this, comes from the Plant and Mineral Kingdoms, as they focus ALL of their beingness on union, every moment: They unconditionally model the evolution-that-we-are-awesomely-becoming in these rapidly changing times.
In our listening with the Stonebeings and the Plantbeings, they generously offered to co-create with us Vibrational Essences, called, “Visionary Stonessences.” Each of these specific,5 Stonessences (Five is the shamanic number of humans in union with all.) intentionally, powerfully combines the Spirits of magical Visioning Plant Totems with the Spirits of Stone Totems that specifically root each of these Plantbeings. When we use these Visionary Stonessences, they inspire us with real-life, multi-dimensional visions to bring us to our true selves now: We are evolving into the magnificent human beings of union that we have always been designed to be in love and unconditional acceptance. Yes!
*Note: NONE of the Visionary Stonessences contain any kind of plant material in them.
Dreams Alive!
*Hopi Vision Root Vibrational Essence: I smile at ALL that you are. Everything that you do and be are gifts from Spirit to you and to all the children of the Earth Mother. Welcome~
Aquamarine: I so calm your defenses that you can spiral all of your magnificent dreams into pure lifeforce energy (without distractions) to make them so in your perfect, new, unique way.
Physical, Emotional, Mental Integration: We accept you as a two-legged and as a divine co-creator from Spirit, simultaneously. Perhaps you don’t always see yourself that way. Look into the clear mirrors of our energies and witness the multi-dimensional truth of you.
Once you see yourself, what miracle couldn’t you be?
Electrical Body Alignment: We link you to the union that your soul always is, even during your physical experience of the illusion of separation.
Affirmation of Support:
“I am a divine co-creator of miracles!”
*Note: NONE of the Visionary Stonessences contain any kind of plant material in them.
Grounding Glory
*Vibrational Essence of Arizona Morning Glory: I bloom in the unlimited hope of your open heart.
Hematite: I welcome you into this physical reality so profoundly that you blissfully, inescapably intertwine with the Etheric, Spiritual realities at once!…which is the true Lifejourney on the Earth Mother.
Physical, Emotional, Mental Integration: Welcome to the realm of the Plant and Mineral Kingdoms combined with pure intent and exponential joy! We revitalize your mind, heart and body so that you can enter the Center Stillness unencumbered. There, find your true mirror: You are a divine human being co-creator.
Electrical Body Alignment: We link you to visioning in unlimited, inner dimensions.
Affirmation of Support: “The Earth Mother is my utopia!”
*Note: NONE of the Visionary Stonessences contain any kind of plant material in them.
Inspiring Intuition
*Psycillibin: I awaken the telepathy, the empathy and the intuition INNATE in you— eagerly waiting to be lived, now.
Sugilite: I free your mind and your heart to soar on the wings of your Spirit.
Physical, Emotional, Mental Integration: You speak the language of intuition in every cell of your body and while you have mostly turned off your conscious awareness of it, you can never undo your own sixth sense. We give you the sureness of multi-dimensions happening all at once within us and around us. That certainty sets your soul free to walk in this world, too.
Electrical Body Alignment: We link you to the common (ethereal) languages on this Earth Mother.
Affirmation of Support:
“I am a beacon of intuition and pure knowingness in grace and ease, now.”
*Note: NONE of the Visionary Stonessences contain any kind of plant material in them.
Roots & Stars
*Peyote: Welcome! I offer myself as a guide to your Totem Spirits, who walk with you every day giving you unconditional love, joy and peace— even when you do not remember them.
Zincite: When you grasp me, you receive the instincts that your defenses buried because they were too wildly fun and focused in your precious uniqueness.
Physical, Emotional, Mental Integration: Welcome! You are evolving exponentially. Do you know it? Do you feel it? We do, and we share that unstintingly with you. Here, we present it in your practices….your visions….your determination….your epiphanies…..anywhere that you welcome us, we bring you the fullness of all possibilities here and now. Here and now.
Electrical Body Alignment: Yes! We join you with your soul’s purpose on every level.
Affirmation of Support: “Hooray! I AM here and now. All my needs and wants are blissfully satisfied, here and now.”
*Note: NONE of the Visionary Stonessences contain any kind of plant material in them.
Vision Quest
*Datura: Even amongst the greatest difficulties, I blossom pure beauty and wonder. Here, I place that vision, safely, in your heart, right now.
Silver: I remember faith. I remember trust. When those are only words to you, I live them until they overflow into your aura, regenerating ease.
Physical, Emotional, Mental Integration: Feel this right this moment: We still the unneeded striving in your body. Let go of your attachment to struggle as we clear your mind. You are standing in the Center Stillness where every healing stands with you. In that peace, you can be all of them.
Electrical Body Alignment: We link your strengths with your initiations.
Affirmation of Support: “I accept my initiations as open doorways to my glorious evolution, now.”
*Note: NONE of the Visionary Stonessences contain any kind of plant material in them.
*Reminder: All info on this Page (and all pages (c)2016 twintreess